What time of year did you retire at?

My official retirement date was March 1st. I had about 2 months of vacation time on the books so I actually stopped working mid-December. I calculated that the extra 2 months + vacation days was more valuable to me as time added to my pension service credit than was a lump sum of cash for the vacation time. On the other hand it meant I wasn't eligible for the annual cost of living adjustment for another year. Oh well . . . I just wanted to get out of there! Being at home in the winter didn't bother me. CA is just a little rainy that time of year.
End of March. I too wanted to enjoy the summer but had some yard projects to do first in the cooler weather.
Friday, March 29, 2013. I had given my notice right after the new year so they could find a replacement for me to train. I also took three weeks vacation during those three months. Two others left the company soon after I did. I’m still in touch with those two today.
First time, September 12, 2014. Went back part time after that. I gave notice again July 2016. Did not work for a year. Got panicky about health insurance and went back July 2017. Last time: May 2, 2019. Spring seems to be the best time. It was the real deal.
May 2nd, 2019 also....

What a first year, eh? But we really aren't doing things much differently, except for not seeing nearby family. Our plan was to stay close to home until DW's pension starts this August.
My last day of work was October 13th. I had about 10 weeks vacation to take plus I was able to take the paid holidays and a 1 week shutdown for Christmas.

That took my last day on the payroll into January which made me eligible for my full bonus payment which was based on calendar year. Then in January I was able to take an extra week of sick pay which we received at the start of the year. This stretched my last day into February and my pension was calculated with the extra 4 months of service (Nov through Feb.). I also received extra vacation time (6.5 days worth) during those 4 months I was on the payroll.

The only drawback would have been that I could have called by or into the office during that time but my team was very supportive and I was never even called.
March 6th 2020. Weather wise, it was pretty good and getting better all the time. It was right after the annual bonus was paid. I gave 9 months notice.
I retired on my 56th birthday, Monday, May 13th 2013. I woke up in a tent in the Redwoods with the flu.. We drove back to Portland that day and I lost my wallet on the way home. Things have gotten a lot better since then :^)

I can't believe it will be 7 years!
I retired at the end of the month (September) of my 62nd birthday since the pension multiplier (and hence my pension) went up 10% at age 62. It was the end of my government agency's fiscal year. Would have been better financially to retire at end of calendar year for tax purposes but I did not want to go through our annual performance assessment process even though it would mean a small bonus or go through an upcoming agency wide job task analysis. As it turned out, they gave me a special service award which was equivalent to my bonus. We were not allowed to take our vacation leave all at once to accumulate more leave and service time - had to retire and then cash it out.

Since October is my favorite time of the year, I was able to take a trip to enjoy the fall foliage and finally had time to really prepare for Christmas.
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End of June, in the middle of a hot summer. It was fine; I had plenty to keep me busy, and it was Fall before I knew it. I personally wouldn't time my exit based on the weather, but on more significant things like how you feel about the job, when you feel is the right time to call it quits, economic issues, etc. (if those play a role in your situation, I don't know). Seasons come, seasons go.
Halloween was last day...so I’m with you enjoying first spring of retirement! Once renovations are complete, we’ll really be able to enjoy!
We both gave notice the day after our prior year bonuses were deposited, so March for notice, April for retirement. Any longer, and we would have felt to invested in the current year bonus accrual to leave for another year. It's hard to walk away once those stock options, stock grants, ESPP, and company bonuses come online, but at some point you just have to do it.
I retired July 5th 4 days after I turned 55. I wasn’t going to skip the July 4 holiday pay and my bd is July 1st. Retiring mid summer is also better in my mind because the days are longer and you can get out and enjoy life outside without being stuck inside. Easier transition imo.
Oct 10 2018, the day Hurricane Michael blew away our business! I was mostly retired anyway, couldn't convince my wife to stop. The Hurricane did, and she found it's OK and that it's nice to not have all the stress from running the business.
May 2nd. During planting season for my veggie garden. Days getting longer, beautiful springtime. 3 weeks later I played a flute event in NYC then flew to Italy for a music festival. One of the best parts of retirement us not having the work pile up on vacation, which ruins the relaxation of the vacation.
July 5th.
My personal independence day after our country's independence day.

Working past June gave me one last employer paid contribution to my cash balance plan, about $14,000.
January 22nd 2009. I waited until my profit sharing was posted to my 401K. Two day later, DW and I were on a plane to Santiago Chile for a 14 day land trip of South America.
My last day of work was just prior to the Christmas holidays in 2011... I had just turned 56 the month prior.

I was on holiday and vacation from then until February 1, 2012.... which extended my workplace health insurance through the end of February.

I deferred all my comp in 2012 so I had no earnings in 2012 which gave me more headroom for long-term capital gains trading at 0% tax.
It’s interesting that some folks has vacation extending their working months and getting other benefits. I was just paid for the 6 weeks I had accrued.
As a teacher on one hear contracts I did not have much of a choice:

Stopped working - Mid June when I quickly followed the last kids out of my classroom, locked the door and never went back.

Official Retirement date - September 1, the first day of not being on a contract for over 20 years.

Note: I could have retired July 1 as many not so financially smart teachers did, but that would have cost me two months pay, two months of my medical insurance coverage, and reduced my pension by a smidgen. Since I had already earned that money, I saw no point in giving it back to the 'gubmint'.
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