What was your COVID news for the day?

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No one I know is unhappy about our state opening up which suggests that your (everyone's) peer group has a lot to do with your perspective. Most of my friends have kids at home. We're struggling with home schooling, tired of working at home and desperate to do anything that looks like normal.

Important point, I agree. If I were 10 years younger, still working or needing to work, and had kids in the house, I'd probably think very differently. Most of our friends are in that position, as is my sister and her family. BIL has seen half his office get laid off, and had to take a pay cut.

18 yo Niece has lost all those fun events everyone has in their final months of high school: Spring Break, Prom, Graduation - poof. She's just hoping she can still go to college in the fall. She's worked so hard, aced everything, scholarships lined up...Nephew struggling, not a great student anyway and not doing as well with virtual school.

DH and I are 50 and ER'd, so we're kind of spectators. Not really impacted, mostly just cramped and limited by not being able to go out to dinner, travel, stuff like that. Our parents are healthy/active mid-70's, looking at probably having to stay home for years barring a vaccine.

So in my family alone that's 4 different groups, all with different perspectives.
We find that the opinions of our friends on the whole situation is directly tied to their political leanings.
Not one exception on both sides.
My local municipal golf course reopened May 1. No cash, credit card only. I went to check it out. At 6 PM, No one golfing! But lots of folks at the practice range. I might give it a shot today, nine holes. I hope I am not awful. I will pull a hand cart. $15 for nine holes. Good price these days. If they say I need a mask, forget it. I didn't ask, but I think they have the cups 'inverted' meaning the ball bounces off, like croquet. That'll be different!
Re: Insurance refunds......my sister says they have 2 houses (one is a rental) and 3 cars (sister, husband, & daughter) insured by the same company. They just got a refund of $16. She said they just laughed at the amount.
In Seattle area news this week, both Zillow and Amazon announced that their "work from home" policies would continue. Zillow until the end of the year, Amazon until at least early October.

The Zillow CEO said his opinion of the effectiveness of working from home has "been turned upside down" in the last 2 months.
It has finally happened. A covid death to someone I know. A lady who was the mother of my youngest brother's best friend. The other side of this coin is the fact that her son was in the same hospital with it as well. He is unable to help with her funeral plans and is really depressed and heartbroken. I feel so bad for him as well as his only brother who is having to shoulder the grief as well. I'm praying for them as they face this that God gives them comfort.
Yesterday, I chatted out in the yard (from > 6ft) with my neighbor down the street who is now recovered from COVID and is back to her work as an anesthesiologist. Her husband and the nephew who lives with them have both tested negative, for the virus and the antibodies. So that was good news.
DH just went in for his 2nd test. His symptoms are classic, high fever for 7 days, chills, sweating, cough, sleepless nights, lethargy. After Dr appt. she called and requested a 2nd test. Dr said tests are 70% accurate and that's approximate. We are able to keep our distance at home, sanitizing everything...constantly. I make all the food, kitchen is off limits to him. He sleeps in our guest room on the opposite side of the house with his own bathroom/shower. We watch TV in separate rooms and don't get less than 6 ft from each other.

I'm fine, so far. No fever and I feel good.
DH just went in for his 2nd test. His symptoms are classic, high fever for 7 days, chills, sweating, cough, sleepless nights, lethargy. After Dr appt. she called and requested a 2nd test. Dr said tests are 70% accurate and that's approximate. We are able to keep our distance at home, sanitizing everything...constantly. I make all the food, kitchen is off limits to him. He sleeps in our guest room on the opposite side of the house with his own bathroom/shower. We watch TV in separate rooms and don't get less than 6 ft from each other.

I'm fine, so far. No fever and I feel good.

Oh dear. I hope he feels better soon and you stay well.
Oh dear. I hope he feels better soon and you stay well.
Thanks. I feel like Howard Hughes. The thoughts that go through my mind are interesting. If this gets beyond serious, we only have a short window to make sure our affairs are in order. I'm suddenly more charitable than ever. I want this earth/life to be better and am thinking of the best charities to do that. It's like a Dr giving you 3 weeks to live.

Now, all maybe fine and he pulls through and I don't catch Covid. He's strong and hasn't been sick in 20 years. I've never seen him like this, so I have to consider the worst and hope for the best.
It has finally happened. A covid death to someone I know. A lady who was the mother of my youngest brother's best friend. The other side of this coin is the fact that her son was in the same hospital with it as well. He is unable to help with her funeral plans and is really depressed and heartbroken. I feel so bad for him as well as his only brother who is having to shoulder the grief as well. I'm praying for them as they face this that God gives them comfort.

I also have an acquaintance die of Covid-19. I saw the notice in the paper. It looks like our paper has about double the number of obituaries as normal. The really sad thing is there cannot be a funeral. Prayers for you and the family of your deceased friend. I think things will never be the same again.
DH just went in for his 2nd test. His symptoms are classic, high fever for 7 days, chills, sweating, cough, sleepless nights, lethargy. After Dr appt. she called and requested a 2nd test. Dr said tests are 70% accurate and that's approximate. We are able to keep our distance at home, sanitizing everything...constantly. I make all the food, kitchen is off limits to him. He sleeps in our guest room on the opposite side of the house with his own bathroom/shower. We watch TV in separate rooms and don't get less than 6 ft from each other.

I'm fine, so far. No fever and I feel good.

The thing to watch out for is that you could be asymptomatic and not only be spreading the virus but also be suffering from low blood oxygen.

They're calling it happy hypoxia.

Under more aggressive policies, a person in contact with someone who tests positive would be isolated, probably tested as well.
Here’s an article that looks interesting, published in Medium. Apparently one of a series, it began trying to see if there was a cultural factor that explained differing rates of contagion. IOW, touchy feels Italians vs distant Germans. In this update, the author seems to be identifying a different factor, the degree to which the infected location receives international business travelers. An interesting read https://medium.com/@javiero/the-effect-of-culture-on-coronavirus-spread-7a95171fe6dd
One factor could be high rates of tobacco use.

However I've even heard somewhere that nicotine had bound with ACE2 receptors so the virus can't bind as easily.
We get a rebate off our car insurance bill slowly over 6 months but it’s 150. R, sorry to hear that your husband is sick. I definitely am not staying home for years and I don’t know anyone else either that’s willing even though we are all older.
Here’s an article that looks interesting, published in Medium. Apparently one of a series, it began trying to see if there was a cultural factor that explained differing rates of contagion. IOW, touchy feels Italians vs distant Germans. In this update, the author seems to be identifying a different factor, the degree to which the infected location receives international business travelers. An interesting read https://medium.com/@javiero/the-effect-of-culture-on-coronavirus-spread-7a95171fe6dd

The author is a bit late with his theory on business travelers. It has been common knowledge since March for Italy.


"Many Italians in Northern Italy have sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese workers from Wuhan and Wenzhou to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct flights between Wuhan and Northern Italy. This continued post outbreak, so is it mere coincidence that Northern Italy is now Europe’s hotspot for Corona Virus?"
We find that the opinions of our friends on the whole situation is directly tied to their political leanings.
Not one exception on both sides.

Yeah, seems like to wear a mask or not mask too is falling on political leanings.

The facts person is me looks at masks in public like smoking cigarettes in public. By smoking you not only endanger yourself but others around you. Similarly, but not wearing a mask you risk harming both yourself and others.

But hey, what do I know ... :popcorn:.
We find that the opinions of our friends on the whole situation is directly tied to their political leanings.
Not one exception on both sides.

Yeah, seems like to wear a mask or not mask too is falling on political leanings.

But hey, what do I know ... :popcorn:.

I vote with the bold above.

My observations are not the same as yours. In some cases, just the opposite.

But I am glad we are keeping politics out of this.
Yeah, seems like to wear a mask or not mask too is falling on political leanings.

The facts person is me looks at masks in public like smoking cigarettes in public. By smoking you not only endanger yourself but others around you. Similarly, but not wearing a mask you risk harming both yourself and others.

But hey, what do I know ... :popcorn:.

No, this is all about peeing wearing your pants or not...
I have found the Covid information from Iceland very informative as they have now practically eliminated the virus. Iceland has done a lot of testing (about 15% of the population was tested) and then a lot of tracing using university students as the tracers. They also used a mobile phone app for tracing. They found that about 1% of their population were silent carriers and most of those had infected others. All of those who tested positive were subject to a mandatory quarantine. Also everyone arriving from another country is subject to a mandatory 14 day quarantine. Iceland had shut down a lot of businesses but now are allowing them to reopen with restrictions. For example, restaurants can reopen but only 20 people are allowed inside at a time and all tables must be 6 feet apart.
Judge finds strip clubs eligible for emergency small-business loans

The SBA's decision to reject their application due to the prurient nature of their business is a violation of the First Amendment, federal Judge Lynn Adelman says.

Reminds me of raised eyebrows when churches were shuttered but liquor stores were considered essential. As I recall, the 1st amendment covers churches, strip clubs and maybe even liquor stores (not sure about that one.) I guess one man's kind of 'spirit' may be more important than another's, but YMMV.
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