What We're Making

Wow Nemo!
My supervisor, the baker, thanks you all.......(all I do for the pizza is wash/chop the veggies, grate the cheese and do the dishes).......she participates in a couple online sourdough blogs where they share tips/recipes/formulae and pics......weighing, measuring, timing.....Robert Oppenheimer was a piker by comparison!
So Nemo, how many lbs have you put on during the lockdown?:LOL:
So Nemo, how many lbs have you put on during the lockdown?:LOL:

Same, same.....still "ellipticalling" and walking.....pizza will give us three dinners and perhaps a lunch.

We bought a turkey at our first Wally World food run....with the stock from it... I have a stew on the go right now which will hold us for a while.

Must admit the sourdough doesn't last long though....good thing we have people to give it to. :LOL:
Weather has taken a beating on my workshop roof cupola. The copper roof and weathervane were ok, but the wood base was rotted. So I made a new base similar to the old one. Poplar, painted with rattle can rust oleum. (2nd photo is the old cupola.) Youtube video of the build. https://youtu.be/OJpjcjBaDXo


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I'm building a sauna in my "crawl" space. My house has a partial basement, and I dug out a 4x4 area (well 55 x 51.5, actually). About one cubic yard of clay removed. Shoe-horned the space between footings and chimney support. 660# of concrete mix (Home Depot curbside order...I only had to schlep them from the van to to job site). Still need to Insulate then install the kit (which hasn't shipped yet).

I've always wanted a sauna. Had access to them growing up. I already have a steam bath, but it's not the same. Now that I have a stimulus check to "blow" and I can get (and might need) an innate immune system boost, and have even more time on my hands, and there's curbside and great delivery of building materials, it's happening!


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Got the insulation up. Now just need to wait for the kit to arrive.


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I'm not quite sure what that means, even after a two stage bit of research (translate from Finnish and dictionary look-up), but I think it means "nice"? I loved the comment, though, because the more rabbit holes I find myself exploring, the more interesting life becomes.
I'm not quite sure what that means, even after a two stage bit of research (translate from Finnish and dictionary look-up), but I think it means "nice"? I loved the comment, though, because the more rabbit holes I find myself exploring, the more interesting life becomes.

Generally 'good looking'...(perhaps generally applied to people.....but hey, good looking is good looking)

Generally 'good looking'...(perhaps generally applied to people.....but hey, good looking is good looking)
I see now why I had the problem...I translated Finnish to Latin :LOL: and got "bellus".
I built saunas in the last couple of houses we owned. Well worth it, as we enjoyed them a lot. Many larger Air Force bases had a sauna in the base gym, and I got used to them during my career.

When we moved into our current condo, I found that there was plenty of space in the lower level storeroom, and decided to try out an infrared sauna instead of the traditional type. Bought a prefab sauna room and put it together down there. It's just fine and works nearly as well, except for taking longer to get warm and topping out at only 150°F. That's actually too warm for DW, so she sets it lower, and although I'd like it hotter I'm pretty content with it. Cheap to run at our electric rates, at less than 20 cents an hour, so far more economical than the old standard.
I see now why I had the problem...I translated Finnish to Latin :LOL: and got "bellus".

My Finnish starts, (and 'Finnishes') pretty much with "Good Morning/Evening", "Shame", and "Shitty Pants" (which my first wife, a Finn from Northern Ontario, said was a childhood gibe), so I have to look up anything beyond that. :LOL:
My Finnish starts, (and 'Finnishes') pretty much with "Good Morning/Evening", "Shame", and "Shitty Pants" (which my first wife, a Finn from Northern Ontario, said was a childhood gibe), so I have to look up anything beyond that. :LOL:

My Finnish is limited to the essential words that I needed to get around the country when working there: olut (beer), bryggeri (brewery), mustikka (blueberry) and hei (hello).
My Finnish is limited to the essential words that I needed to get around the country when working there: olut (beer), bryggeri (brewery), mustikka (blueberry) and hei (hello).

A Finnish term for brewery is panimo. Bryggeri is Swedish, also spoken by a small minority (5%) of Finns as their first language.

Kalja is actually a traditional Finnish home brew that is a distant relative to beer, while the word is also used as a slang(ish) name for beer. The official word for beer is olut.
Mac Overboard Preventer

nowhere in the class of some of the great craftwork elsewhere in this thread but thought this might perhaps be useful to someone else.

I have a bad habit of using the Mac laptop on the couch and then nodding off.
Because I also put the Mac on the right armrest,the Mac often tumbles down.
The first time or two , it was down to the hardwood floor. Fortunately they seem to be well-made and survived the 2 ft fall. After the first few times, I placed a 3" tall cardboard box to cushion the fall which seemed to help.

Recently I discovered a name tag and neckstrap from a conference. I removed the name tag and inserted a 1.5" wide velvet ribbon thru the clip on the neckstrap and adjusted the length of the loop so the the thin ribbon would easily insert into the hinged space between Mac body and cover. Takes just a few seconds. Also adjust the lengths so the the neckstrap is taut but not tight. This hopefully acts as a safety strap to prevent any more falls. So far so good................a little bit of a pain to use w/ keyboard but, for me, the benefit is large.
^ Tried it with our two monitor desktop...ouch.
^ Tried it with our two monitor desktop...ouch.

objective is to limit horizontal roaming range before it gets to cliff, not to halt vertical movement while in motion else ouch for sure:). v.1. did add a larger area pad to the name tag holder to cushion the blow just in case.
Well, staying home this Spring got me out in the yard planting stuff. I'm fresh out of car-related projects having finished required work on my recently acquired 2005 Mustang convertible.

So I decided to add some color to our pretty basic front yard. Note that I am not skilled at "dirt work" and DW is not physically able to lend a hand at the moment. Houston Garden Center provided the color and I planted the purchases.


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