Who else has enrolled in Direct Primary Care?

My last physical at my ACA enabled practice was a complete waste of time.
Sat in a room full of coughing sick people for an hour and got 3 minutes of the DR's time.... Ive had enough of this ACA managed tail wagging the dog healthcare!

DPC Dr. is out of pocket monthly expense of $50. But, he values my time as much as his own. When I show up for an appt, he almost always sees me right away.

I might pay for blood work out of pocket, but its $100/yr. Big deal... He can draw it in the his office. We discuss results on the phone or Skype the next day. Plus, he can do numerous other tests like EKG, bone density, etc. My DPC spends time with me during a physical and I like that. We actually discuss health issues and actions. Have not needed a referral yet. So, haven't fully tested the discount networks DPC's use. I'll know the first time I need an MRI (if the bill is $400 or $4,000).

I will keep an ACA bronze catastrophic plan with a $15k max OOP for the serious stuff.... its roughly $50/mo...I'm just shy of the 400% cliff... on purpose... Thank you Senator William Roth!;)
I’ve decided to try out the model similar to what braumeister described. Just a couple of visits so far and a referral for needed tests.

I don’t have enough experience so far to really assess but the PCP visits are a whole different world from standard, in a good way.

I think it’s worth a try for a year.

I have employer-provided health benefits (an Advantage-like plan) for additional services.
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We have DPC for our family

My employer covers the cost 100%, we also have a high deductible plan through work. We enjoy it immensly. The ability to contact via text or an iPhone app after work hours and on the weekends is great.
I called my PCP's office today to see if I could reschedule my upcoming annual appointment but she is booked until September. When my previous PCP left the state last year, I felt fortunate that the medical group had reassigned me to an MD with good credentials as there is definitely a shortage of doctors in my area. Now I'm concerned that she might be overwhelmed with the number of patients.

I checked out DPC and concierge medicine in my area and there were few options. There is one DPC practice operated by a nurse practitioner who specializes in hormone replacement therapy and "intimacy wellness" and employs estheticians. It sounded more like a spa than a medical practice. Cost is $85 a month. Another concierge doctor charged based on family income and was sort of oddball (e.g., patient is encouraged to explore their creativity). There was a second concierge doctor who was more mainstream and charged $150 a month. From the website description, one got the impression that this practice was not geared to patients with significant health issues but more towards colds, sprains, UTIs, etc.

Fortunately I haven't needed to see a doctor but about 2 times a year and am okay with going to urgent care when needed. But I am concerned about developing health issues as I age. And I have a little ailments where I would like to see a doctor but tend to wait until my annual visit and then have too many things to discuss.
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I checked out DPC and concierge medicine in my area and there were few options.

Look at MDVIP.com (that's the organization for the doc I'm using now). I see two of them in Albuquerque so you could interview them (no cost) to see if one might be a good fit for you.
Look at MDVIP.com (that's the organization for the doc I'm using now). I see two of them in Albuquerque so you could interview them (no cost) to see if one might be a good fit for you.

Thanks. One of those doctors' names came up during my computer search but with no indication that he was in a concierge practice. The MDVIP.com website is helpful.
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