Who Is Your Role Model for Retirement?

Our goal, now realized, is an enjoyable semi-retirement. For example, we are currently spending about 6 weeks down South in a rented home in beautiful spot, while also doing our remote, part time consulting gigs. It’s the life we wanted and have built for ourselves in our late 50s.

The only role models I can think of are a guy I once knew who made his living from his pension and by being an occasional expert witness in an arcane section of insurance law, and several FIREd bloggers and other independently-wealthy people who still do things that result in income.
RobbieB, although he should have retired earlier ;)
Intercst and Dory and the rest of the Motley Fool Retire Early crowd back in the mid 90s were my primary inspiration for retiring early. Been saving and investing since then. :p
My parents … veterans of WWII, frugal, no frills, raised 3 kids on one income, Mom took care of the house, stay at home Mom. Not rich. Left us all something at the end.

When I left home on my own as a youngblood I thought “I wont be like them”. Now, after raising my family and experiencing life for decades, I think “I wish I was more like them”.
My dad retired at 62 and when people asked how it was going, he said "Every day is Saturday." That stuck with me.

My father also retired at 62. He and my mother raised three of us on one pay check. He passed last year with a little more than a million in his estate. As one of his grandson's told me after his passing: "He taught me how to be cheap.
My parents … veterans of WWII, frugal, no frills, raised 3 kids on one income, Mom took care of the house, stay at home Mom. Not rich. Left us all something at the end.

When I left home on my own as a youngblood I thought “I wont be like them”. Now, after raising my family and experiencing life for decades, I think “I wish I was more like them”.

I too loved and appreciated my parents. They taught me my values and always provided for our family. Having said that, BOTH of them never wanted to retire. Mom was "forced" to retire from the family business at 80 and dad was looking for w*rk at age 79. I guess I think of them as a role model of why TO FIRE. They never had much of a retirement. YMMV
Charlie Harper


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