Why in the world would you post to (eeeuw) a discussion board?!?

Nords - well written as usual. I started on a 300 baud modem, too, when living in San Diego and trying to learn about PC's - long BORING story.....

In any case - I do frequent specific blogs for specific interests, but I usually don't comment - I do write here - I'm one of those who doesn't read everything and who posts and then jets off for awhile - cuz I'm still a working stiff.

Why do I come back - well, it's because of people like you (who I've had the honor to meet). You all are erudite, interesting and characters in your own fashion. It's almost like a family reunion--but in this case there are some oldtimers and then new additions who add some new spice to the mix.

What I think is the best about the theme of this BBS (I'll use that term) is that it really deals ultimately with THE question (as philosophers would say) - who am I and why am I here? If one can get to the point where they aren't thinking from a short term perspective, then they can ponder and find the answer to THE question. The answer is different for all of us - and it is easier to find the answer if one isn't buried in the day-to-day and overwhelming external pressures as they perceive it. So, working on being FIRE or understanding that link between time and money gives one a leg up.

On a more practical note - this BBS has some great financial advice - sometimes too detailed for me, but great anyhow - and the people who are FIRE have mastered the LBYM - the axiom of FIRE. Their tips and tricks can help to make the journey easier for those of us who don't have to blaze the trail.

In addition - the quality of the posts haven't suffered over the years. Yes, there are some repeat cycles (as I've noticed in many magazines), but the quality still remains - so it is a worthwhile endeavor to read and post here for me.

'Nuf said - keep up the good work as moderators - you guys are great!

Bridget aka Deserat
I'll post today to remind you so many of us read and read but barely post... for many reasons.
If I come up with an intellegent question and search I find it's already been a thread .
I'll post today because I feel like I know so many of you, you are the family and friends that I can discuuss ER even though I just tend to listen.

I'll post today because everone I know gives me strange looks when we even start to discuss retiremnet (and we are farely old in this forum 46+48)

I'll post today cause whenever I read I always find I laugh out loud at least once.
I'll post today cause I'm always learning something new on these boards

I'll post today because I'm beginning to realise this foruom is important to me and I need to give back ~

I'll post today to say thank you !!

But I might not post tomorrow cause I type badly and spell even worse and still aren't sure about opening up myself to a bunch of friends/ strangers.... I am after all still a new englander at heart and I've only been lurking on a year and a half ;)
Invariably, every forum will have a post titled "Why Do You Losers Post Here Instead of Living Your Lives?" Well, posting on a forum is easier than meeting up with people in a bar. It's cheaper, and people don't start looking "very good" after 3 beers, so you can keep the convesation somewhat on topic instead of getting all horny and thus losing much of your higher brain functions.
Great topic! With 'only' 80 some posts to my name (DW would think that is a lot), and occasionally lurking for the past three years (pretty steadily lately), I am compelled to jump in to the fray on this one.

They think it's something done by losers loners who can't handle actual human contact

I discussed this recently with a friend. I made the analogy that a good forum is like going to a cocktail party. However, instead of getting 'stuck' with a group discussing the same-old-same-old, it is like you can listen in on a hundred different conversations, and jump immediately into those that interest you. And you don't need to do that awkward ' I think I'll go mingle over there for a while', thing. And, at any time, you can shout out 'Hey, I got a question', and everyone can listen and chime in if they are interested.

I think it is a fantastic dynamic that you can't really get from most face-to-face meetings. And I really appreciate the diversity of input and knowledge on this forum in particular. I regularly log in and post to only one other forum, and check out a few others when I need something related to their specific focus.

I only post occasionally, as someone else said, there are so many good people here providing the answers, why muddy the waters? But, I do try to add something, if I think I have some specific knowledge to share. And to post questions - Martha was a great help just yesterday getting me back on track on capital gains.

I had a feeling she could not resist a post with "PUB 523" in the heading. ;)

Thanks to all, keep up the great work - ERD50
BunsOfVeal said:
so you can keep the convesation somewhat on topic instead of getting all horny and thus losing much of your higher brain functions.
Are you sure you're talking about this board?!?
It's great not being limited to converse with the people in your immediate physical vicinity! Ahh - the power of the internet!


P.S. I have seen FAR more threads hijacked (i.e. deliberately strayed pulled off topic) on this forum than any other by far. LOL!!
I can't just drop in, comment in a thread or two, and then wander off again for weeks

As you might guess from the tardiness of my response, this describes me fairly accurately.  I sometimes stay away for periods of time because I still have a jo... jo...  er... I have to wo... uh... wor... uh... 


There, I've said it.  Hope I didn't offend anyone with the "W" word. 

Sometimes the rest of my life gets more demanding, if not more important, than visiting with y'all, and I have to stay away for a time.

When I do visit I like this forum a lot -- its the only one I read with any regularity.  There are many wise people here who are willing to share their experience, knowledge, and personal history with me, and I thank them all.  Their breadth of experience means I can get help with a property question, a 401(k) question, or a question on good, safe hotels in Bangkok. (Thank you, A.) If I want to debate immigration reform or the war in Iraq, or the comparative intelligence of our president relative to a sack of hammers, I can find that here too!

I especially like hearing from other areas of the country / world.  I love California, but I think its healthy to be reminded that there are people who view the world from different vantage points.

Where else can you get all that in one place?  And free, to boot.

Also, I like to visit during the workday itself (if it's not too crazy), when I'm bored out of my skull or frustrated beyond belief, to remind myself that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.   In a nutshell, I find HOPE here.

Finally, I like to chat with people who, unlike certain members of my family, don't call me a "drudge" or a "money-grubber" just because I choose to LBYM in the hopes of FIRE.  It's SAFE for me here.

(Which reminds me of one last reason -- nobody here has ever asked me for a loan! ;-D


I posted a few times a couple of months ago and haven't done it since.

Here are some of the reasons (in no particular order)
1. It seems that many of you know each other for a long time and there are many inside jokes/ comments / questions go on
2. We (me and my DH) are nowhere near ER, so asking questions about something concrete would be wasting people's time. Asking general questions might be as useful as I think our situation is not very "general".
3. I am still trying to determine the range of topics covered here

The reason I come back and still read a lot of the posts, is because people on here seem like they have good knowledge and experience that they are willing to share, and many have really great sense of humor

The range of topics is nearly limitless. People even talk about work.

I wouldn't worry in the least about wasting peoples time with your specific questions even though you are not close to ER. There are many young dreamers here far away from ER.

New blood is good.
This is the best forum I have found so far on the Internet. People are intelligent and it covers all kinds of lifestyle topics that really get at the meaning of life. The advice on what's important, investments, living situations etc. is invaluable. Although I don't post as much as I would like to right now, I intend to participate more in the future particularly on topics such as travelling, expat situations, escaping the rat race, redefining the meaning of retirement etc. Thanks for the thoughtful thread Nords, as usual.

1. I think of this forum as "low-impact fellowship." I can come and go. If I missed yesterday's (last week's, last year's) thread I can catch up at my leisure. Or not. Sometimes I feel like talking, sometimes I feel like reading. People are friendly, and when they're not, I don't have to read them.

2. This is the only forum that I read and then talk about with my friends, because the topics and discussion are interesting (and the jokes are funny).

3. I've said before I find the artless prattle about personal finance with complete strangers compelling. People here are refreshingly uninhibited on the subject of money. It's fun and fills some sinister need for me (I was brought up Methodist--we don't talk about sex or money. 'Cept here.)
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