Why it's hard to retire

You always could be "assertive and tell them that an 8% decrease is just plain unacceptable and that it needs to be 0%. If they refuse to fix it, tell them that you enjoyed working for them!
Permit me an additional ramble.

I just got **** over.

Basically as times are tough they reduced my remuneration for this year by about 8%. Is all on the basis of performance so they are perfectly entitled to do it. But actually I see no way that my performance was any different to last year (in fact it was probably better). I've asked for a clarification on what has happened and am awaiting feedback but I am not holding my breath as based on last experience the likely repsonse will be some osrt of cop out and "we are all in the same boat"....but I know for a fact having spoken to colleagues we absolutely are not

So now I am hacked off.

My question is should I take a few days to cool off and just suck it up or should I now take my stack and run i.e. do the real "FU money" send off? Its tempting...

Didn't you just negotiate with them that you would be dropping your hours by 20-30%? Are you saying that your total renumeration was dropped 8% for the full year you just worked, or for the 70-80% year you are about to work? Either way they are telling you that you are less valuable to them than you thought, and your recent move to "part-time" is likely an influence in their thinking.

As others have said, take some time to get your immediate emotions under control, and decide if this is an acceptable package, and if not, before you bail, at least give them a chance to make it acceptable. If you really don't mind walking, you could propose to them that instead of an 8% cut, you really require an 8% raise (or whatever would float your boat).

I went back again and said I don't think the 75% option would work (for all the reasons set out in this thread). I asked for 25% (essentially 1 day a week) and they said yes! I was always going to do some form of side-gig in retirement so this now gives me the soft option of the side gig without actually having to work for it.

$100k a year for one day a week.....it couldn't have worked out any better.
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