Winterphiles not phobes?


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Jul 27, 2003
Kansas City
No - it's not cause my sister thinks the Pat's are a good football team! - relatives this year(San Diego, Palm Springs, Pensacola) are going to sis's for a ski vacation (greater Seattle) type Christmas holiday. I begged off - still going south(not picked yet) - somewhere warm. I wonder if I'm just a subconcious snowbird or it's an old age/retirement thing. Note that bulk of relatives are going the opposite way - from warm to cold. Plus they are younger - world traveled ex/active military except for two of them.

Are there actually any ER's out there who really really like cold - true winterphiles?

heh heh heh - old Bob down at the doughnut shop(retired railroad) loves to run his winter fur traps - which I count as a little strange but he seems alright!
I begged off - still going south(not picked yet) - somewhere warm. I wonder if I'm just a subconcious snowbird or it's an old age/retirement thing. Note that bulk of relatives are going the opposite way - from warm to cold. Plus they are younger - world traveled ex/active military except for two of them.

Are there actually any ER's out there who really really like cold - true winterphiles?
you've been spoiled. You lived in New Orleans. They think it's freezing at 65 degrees. Speaking of winter, we've had 80+ springlike degrees here the past week. That ceases tomorrow, when a blue norther comes in; should stay about 5 days or so. I know Martha doesn't think much of it, but it will be a forty degree change. Brrrrr.
Cold is such a relative term. Are we talking below 50 or we talking below zero. Here in minnesnowta we embrace the weather. We like to think that the cold weather helps to keep the rifraf away. We cross country ski, we play platform tennis outside all winter. If it wasn't cold in the winter, we wouldn't enjoy and appreciate the rest of the year.
Yep, we like the cold. I don't think I'd like North Dakota, but southern Ohio is great. We've lived in FL, and it's just too hot for too long. Four seasons great by us.
Or not.

Ask me on a nice winter day, with snow gently falling, fire in the fireplace, and chili on the stove.

Ditto. Tomorrow the low is supposed to be 11 degrees. I plan on turning on the fireplace tomorrow morning for the first time. Nice.
I don't love cold, snowy winters, but I sort of like's gives me a break from garden work. Besides, when the weather outside is frightful, I take a trip south to boost Florida's economy for 3 or 4 weeks.

I know I'll like the cold and snow better this winter than in the past years.....since I don't have to go out at 5:30am to clear a path, and brush snow and ice of the cars to go to w*rk!!! Instead, I'll go out about mid-morning.....MAYBE! Heck, I might just let it all melt away, so I don't have to shovel/snow-blow! ;)
I don't love cold, snowy winters, but I sort of like's gives me a break from garden work. Besides, when the weather outside is frightful, I take a trip south to boost Florida's economy for 3 or 4 weeks.

I know I'll like the cold and snow better this winter than in the past years.....since I don't have to go out at 5:30am to clear a path, and brush snow and ice of the cars to go to w*rk!!! Instead, I'll go out about mid-morning.....MAYBE! Heck, I might just let it all melt away, so I don't have to shovel/snow-blow! ;)

That was my reaction.

Once you don't have to leave the house for that commute, winter is much less an annoyance.

I only have to go as far as the birdfeeders and the mailbox.

Just be sure to have a few days' extra supplies.
I don't know about "really really cold" or constant snow to shovel and drive in, but summers in Texas are long enough that by this time of year, I'm craving colder weather. A cold front is coming through later today which should finally get fall started here -- it should hit about 78 by noonish before a cold front drops us down to around 40 tonight, and we won't get much over 55 all weekend. Glorious!
-- it should hit about 78 by noonish before a cold front drops us down to around 40 tonight, and we won't get much over 55 all weekend. Glorious!

It was 63 at 8pm last evening, and has been dropping slowly ever since.....currently 43. The snowman is supposed to start pooping later this afternoon.....1-3 inches.....and temps only down to about 31 over night. Not too bad......just glad I don't HAVE to get out in any of it! The snow should pretty much be melted away before I head out for coffee Friday morning. :cool:
Looking forward to my first winter of no w@#k. Won't be driving the 4400' pass to work or the 55 miles to Spokane unless I want to. I can run the snow plow during daylight and see where I'm going. Temp last night 18 with a high of 30 for today. The river in front of the house is starting to freeze.

Started putting out food for the deer and have half a dozen does and fawns showing up. Yesterday had three bucks pass through also.

We'd probably be going south after Christmas but due to MIL's health will have to pass this year. After she's gone we may become snowbirds but we'll see.
Or not.

Ask me on a nice winter day, with snow gently falling, fire in the fireplace, and chili on the stove.

That's the way it is here in Fort Collins today. After spending the last 25 years in Texas, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Of course, this is just the first taste of winter here so we'll see.
I used to despise the cold until I realized that it wasn't the cold I hated, it was spending 90%+ of my time indoors that I disliked.

My solution: Learn to snowboard. Now I can't wait until it snows.
my last year in the north it wasn't even cold enough for the lake to freeze (early sign of global warming?) and it wasn't but the previous year that i finally got the ice skates i'd longed for. got to use them just a few times before we moved to the tropics. my brother takes his kids skiiing for two or three weeks every year. this year they are headed to far north new york state but i haven't played in northern winter weather in 35 years. i'd rather bike to the beach all day.
34 degrees with sleet/snow north of Kansas City - no deep fryed turkey in peanut oil out on the patio this year.

Nice and simple oven bag - Cajun Butter injection(Louisiana Seafood) and straightforward stuffing.

Supposed to stop for Turkey Day.

heh heh heh - no ice on the streets yet.
Having lived in Alaska for almost 4 years - I got used to cool summers and pretty cold winters. Cold winters were as low as 80 below but most of the winters were pretty mild around Anchorage. Only when I had to go up to Fairbanks in the winter was it cold; like 50 to 55 below and constant, really constant wind. Ice fog was something I had never seen -- when the air is so dry the little bit of fog actually turns into ice. I count that time as the best 4 years of my life and I really enjoyed the weather up there. Of course the taxpayers were paying for the home and the utilities -- so I had a bit of an easy time of it financially. Retired and in central Ohio is a "piece of cake".
I'm not sure if I would call myself a winterphile but I am looking forward to living in SW Ohio after I retire (leaving San Diego) and getting four seasons again.
Temps are dropping and it looks like I should consider wearing long pants instead of shorts.
I'm not sure if I would call myself a winterphile but I am looking forward to living in SW Ohio after I retire (leaving San Diego) and getting four seasons again.
I've lived in both places and IMO that qualifies as hard-core winterphile.
After moving here from Boston, I'm starting to find the 50 degree winter days in CA to be a little chilly. I think i'm a -phile...
I've lived in both climates.

Mountains of Virginia (15 years), Northern Indiana (2 years), Germany (3 years), Nebraska (1 year), Western Washington (2 years), Oregon (1 year), North Carolina (2 years), South Florida (9 years) and now Estonia.

Out of all that I have to say I prefer the colder climates. Basically because I like the change of seasons. Florida was ok, but I wouldn't go outside anymore often in the summer when it was 90F and 100% humidity than I would here in winter when it's 10F and a blizzard. But I enjoy the outdoors and spend far more time outside in a cooler climate than I do in a hot one. In the colder climates I get warmth in summer, but in Florida all I got was hot or not as hot. And pesky heat rashes that required expensive zinc soaps. I also ski, snowboard and ice skate, but don't know how to surf or build elaborate sandcastles. ;)

I think a lot though depends on specific locations too. I'd take South Florida over anywhere in Nebraska or Indiana no matter what.

I like warm climates, but for vacation, not so much for daily living.
Four seasons for me.

Live in upstate NY and where do I buy a second home? Mountains of southwest Vermont. I may finally get snow tires.

I don't know how it will change from my mid 40's to say 80's. I hike year round, and my hiking buddies ski in the winter. Four of them are now over 75. And they have friends still skiing in their 80's...... But I also have met many seniors in tears on the sidewalk here in the city, unable to navigate the slippery sidewalks and miserably homebound.

I detest hot, humid weather. I couldn't tolerate more than a day of it.
My experience somewhat parallels Trek's.

I don't mind the cold. Working in northern Alberta at -40 from time to time is a challenge. Every day is a challenge. Kinda fun, as long as nothing goes wrong.

The moderate climate of the Pacific Northwest is one of the great attractions of the area to me, BUT I REALLY DON'T LIKE RAIN ANYMORE! It is cold rain in the PNW. I would just as soon have my precipitation solid.

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