Wireless internet through cell phone provider


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jun 15, 2005
Looks like a couple of local providers are offering this and dont need cell phone service through them. 25-30 bucks a month...My 1 year of DSL service for 20 bucks per month is expiring in a few months and looking at options...Experience?
Not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean internet access through an aircard or something else? Verizon's charges for internet using an aircard or phone currently is $59 a month if you already have a cell plan. Which is a lot more than 25-30 a month.
SLOW! I can get the internet through my PDA through my work and thorugh my cell provider....very slow - although some MDs where I work showed me their iPhone - that was fairly quick on some internet stuff. The problem is having those large pages download onto the phone and then trying to read them - kind of like looking at the page through a microscope, one little area at a time.
You are right, alltel, looks to be 59 bucks a month...it must have been another local provider that got bought up by cingular...
Yeah, with your DSL option I wouldn't pay $60 a month for a data plan. In broadband areas, the Verizon access can be really fast, but in non-broadband areas it can be painfully slow. When I am in your part of the state our Verizon internet access stinks, FWIW.
Good to hear. Now I wish they would improve the service. :)

Although it is highly location dependent, the Sprint aircard I got in November has been excellent. After 9 years of struggling to find broadband speeds out here in the boonies (and [-]too cheap[/-] not willing to pony up for satellite), I think I've finally found the solution.

Now if I can only find a wireless router that will work with the aircard so DW and I can be online simultaneously. I've tried two advertised to work with my card but neither would. A couple of new models are due out in Feb and March so I'm hoping one of those will do the trick.
Ok - you meant through a card in your computer using the cellular netowrk and not with the PDA - no experience there, just the microscope stuff :) Sorry about the misunderstanding.
Ok - you meant through a card in your computer using the cellular netowrk and not with the PDA - no experience there, just the microscope stuff :) Sorry about the misunderstanding.

No problem...a lot of dohickies out there;) Thanks Martha..I will keep your speed experience in mind...

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