Withdrawal calculator for ACA


Dryer sheet aficionado
Aug 16, 2020
Southeastern, PA
I have a mix of non-retirement accounts, Tira's and Roth IRA's in Vanguard and a blend of taxable and non-taxable accounts in my 401k. I plan on retiring at the end of the year at age 58 and I think I have a pretty solid withdrawal plan to meet my MAGI number for ACA. But I was wondering if anyone knows of a good calculator that I could plug the mix of accounts into which would show the accounts that should be accessed first and/or in what order to safely stay within my desired MAGI number.

I guess I just need a sanity check that my numbers crunched on excel are what I think they are.
On a similar vein there's some calcs that will let you compare impact of ACA cost vs. Roth conversions, I think i-orp is one.
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