Woke up from the rat race...


Confused about dryer sheets
Apr 12, 2010
at age 32, worked in the biotech industry from 1999-2002, got a masters in molecular biology, worked some more in biotech from 2005-2009. Recently laid off in Feb. 2009 but with 60K in cash, 45K in IRAs, 10K in T-bonds. I'm disillusioned with the traditional definition of work, and seek a way to be FI or earning $ in a way that does something good for the world (eg promoting sustainable living practices) AND gives me free time (eg a 30hr work week and ability to not work 1-3 months per year). I live WELL below my means (I shopped at thrift stores even when I was earning $60Kyr). Any advice on how I can make my savings work for me while I explore "alternative work/lifestyles" like the moderator of this forum living in Argentina would be very much appreciated! I've traditionally been risk-averse, but now that I'm taking a break from the traditional work lifestyle, I'm ready for some risk to not be tied to the 40hr/week ball and chain! : )
Not sure on the investment part but getting "your money or your life" by Robin and Dominguez changed how I viewed life, money, work etc.

Best of luck on your pursuit of FI!

I think you'd need to find a cheaper place to live than Argentina if you wanted to survive on your income from being a moderator on this forum...:cool:

Any advice on how I can make my savings work for me while I explore "alternative work/lifestyles" like the moderator of this forum living in Argentina would be very much appreciated!

There are no magic tricks to "make your savings work" for you in the short term. All you can do is withdraw and spend! Even with an annual $20K withdrawal, you only have enough for 3 1/2 years.

I don't mean to dissuade you from pursuing your dreams, but please stay away from any make money fast schemes. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't put money I need in the next 3 to 5 years in anything more risky than a short term investment grade bond fund (VFSTX for example)
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