Would anyone like to share their financial goals for 2021?

I'm 62 and retired; wife (57) is retiring early at end of the year. ...... The key will be to STAY WITHIN OUR SPENDING BUDGET. Confidence is high, and the challenge of enjoying a modest lifestyle within our means is exciting (at least to me):dance:... the wife on the other hand is a tad nervous :ermm:

I suspect you will be fine and your wife's nervousness will abate. By the way, you are in a great location. My young wife grew up in Titusville and her mother lived there until last year. So we have spent many a day in Lambertville over the years.
To finish preparations for the big leap! To gather all the available information in order to become a savvy full-time world explorer.
Stay on budget, have enough for our needs and some for our wants.
Enjoy every day without the worry of having to go back to work.
5 percent or better net of inflation.

Our bigger goal is to resume travel in late 2021.
Have you seen the movie "Babettes Feast? The woman of title barely escapes the French Revolution with nothing left but her jewels, then makes a profound decision. We're in the middle of a revolution now so my only goals are to preserve as much as I can before the rest is confiscated.
So You plan to go from the current NW of USD $10 million to USD $20 million in one year? What's your strategy? I want in on your secret :)

Luck Dude

My strategy is: Do nothing.

Let the investment grows. If all the stars line up, it may happen as early as 2021. If not, most likely by 2024 (or earlier). I am at $11.2 as we speak.
Few financial goals for 2021 as we've won the game. Stop w*rking. Start collecting our pensions. Start ROTH conversions. And begin to BTD.
My strategy is: Do nothing.

Let the investment grows. If all the stars line up, it may happen as early as 2021. If not, most likely by 2024 (or earlier). I am at $11.2 as we speak.

If it ain't broken, don't fix it :) Best of luck and keep us posted of your progress.

Lucky Dude
one of our top ten favorite movies!

"...that's why they call it gambling"

I’ve never seen this movie (Lost in America), but the clip has me curious. Maybe I’ll rent it on Prime.
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Keep savings plan on track + surprise DW with paying off remaining mortgage 8 months early for our anniversary in July. She is the type that will sleep better at night being debt free.
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Financial Goals for 2012

Clean up last of "both finally retired" loose ends
Fund Roth 401k to max
Convert last of non fixed income stuff like Mutual funds to Roth even if it messes up Medicare costs for a year like 2020 will.
Negotiate for part year of work in 2021 and succession at work that will exceed Medicare
age by a few months to help out with busy season. Thinking of asking for Medicare cost in leu of health insurance that is 80% company paid or just cash for that amount.
Help 2 grandkids in college.
Do something for new grandkid to be born in 2021. Maybe a low fee mutual index fund to pay towards college in 15 year or so.
Give a child 25% of interest paid on first house the first year owning it to apply as a prepayment to cut interest on interest for rest of loan.
Buy, build a hydroponic indoor grow center for better humidity and air quality especially for next winter.
Put all our insurance out to bid to at least 3 companies as been with same company all my life. Home, car, umbrella.
Financial Goals for 2012

Clean up last of "both finally retired" loose ends
Fund Roth 401k to max
Convert last of non fixed income stuff like Mutual funds to Roth even if it messes up Medicare costs for a year like 2020 will.
Negotiate for part year of work in 2021 and succession at work that will exceed Medicare
age by a few months to help out with busy season. Thinking of asking for Medicare cost in leu of health insurance that is 80% company paid or just cash for that amount.
Help 2 grandkids in college.
Do something for new grandkid to be born in 2021. Maybe a low fee mutual index fund to pay towards college in 15 year or so.
Give a child 25% of interest paid on first house the first year owning it to apply as a prepayment to cut interest on interest for rest of loan.
Buy, build a hydroponic indoor grow center for better humidity and air quality especially for next winter.
Put all our insurance out to bid to at least 3 companies as been with same company all my life. Home, car, umbrella.

Better late than never
Before The end of December, I plan to open and fund an HSA in my wife's name, withdraw about $42k of LTCGs, do $62K of Roth conversions, and pay $30k for a tuition payment.
This will give me enough money for my spending next year through next December.

I will need to generate $60k more next year for tuition and it will be all done.:dance:
Then we will live like kings, or more likely, nothing will change.
Have you seen the movie "Babettes Feast? The woman of title barely escapes the French Revolution with nothing left but her jewels, then makes a profound decision. We're in the middle of a revolution now so my only goals are to preserve as much as I can before the rest is confiscated.

Mon Dieu, was fortunate to see this movie when I was young and impressionable.
Open my individual 401k & max out with catch up (just turned 50)
W#rk less & make more... Better paying clients
Plant more seeds of ER with DW
Put investments on automatic.
I would like a p/t job and work from home. Not having to leave the house Jan, Feb, March and adding more to savings seems like a win/win.
2021 Goals:

1. Hit $4M in total investable assets via pre-tax 401k max, post tax 401k Roth conversion, additional monthly taxable MF contributions, and a decent stock market return. I can then begin serious RE planning.

2. Somehow get my wife to partner with me in planning/strategizing for FIRE.

3. Don't have a nervous breakdown from the office drama (I am serious)
My strategy is: Do nothing.

Let the investment grows. If all the stars line up, it may happen as early as 2021. If not, most likely by 2024 (or earlier). I am at $11.2 as we speak.

Time to start a newsletter! I'm at least semi-serious but YMMV:flowers:

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