Would someone here sacrafice their self to save us?


Full time employment: Posting here.
Jun 18, 2008
I would like to hear one person here say they have reached the point of capitulation and selling something. I believe that would be akin to throwing a virgin an a volcano. If someone would do what we think is wrong and admit it openly I think you could turn this market around singlehandedly. Alright who volunteers?
Sorry, but DW and I can't help. Another check to Vanguard is going out in today's mail.;)
I've reached the point of capitulation. I will be selling two Viking Sapphire 830 sewing machines on Craigs List.
Just added money to our Vanguard TSM yesterday two minutes before closing. We like the fire-sale prices. Sorry, you'll have to look for another volunteer.
I sold for tax loss harvesting purposes, but turned around and bought another stock fund within a few minutes.
I'm ready to do a Roth conversion will that help?
I wonder if this decline will lead to a surge in Roth conversions? Never a better time to do a conversion than while the portfolio's way down...
Portfolio is down over $100k. Not selling, so its on paper only. I think that I'm holding off funneling any money into any of my funds except Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) for now.
I have been selling my portfolio since late last year and got rid of the last of it this week. We are talking about individual holdings in our WF brokerage account. We have still got our 401k's, Vanguard mutual funds and some DRIP stocks.

However, what works for me probably has nothing to do with everyone else's personal situation. Along with the falling market, we had a rapidly declining Australian dollar. Since July it has fallen from 98 cents AUD to $1US to below 70c this week. We took this opportunity to sell what we had left, change to Australian dollars and send the proceeds home where we have it invested in cash and receiving 6-7% interest. This works for us because we are Australian and will be returning home to live eventually.

I feel it was a good move on our behalf and we had been thinking about doing this for sometime, and in lots of ways we were grateful for this weeks actions to force us to do something that has been playing at the back of our minds for some time.

Personally I couldn't care less if the other 2,000+ members of this board think this is a foolish move on our behalf. We are the only ones that have to live with out decision and we believe it is the right one for us. Before this week we were 45/55 cash/stock which by many standards on this board is conservative, but once again when you able to get 8% on your cash holdings why risk it in the market or bonds?
I did my ROTH conversion before that last 2000 drop. I put all the stocks in a ST bond fund. This may turn out to be a good thing or a bad one. I did a lot of tax loss harvesting so I'll have a substantial tax deduction. Maybe it was ok.
I have reached the point of capitulation on the pay-off-the-mortgage issue. I have cash set aside to pay off the weekend house mortgage when DW pulls the plug next year (primary residence is paid off). I like the idea of lower monthly expenses to fund. But now I figure I will maintain the mortgage so I can stretch my cash bucket farther to let the market rebound. If the market never rebounds I will sell the sucker.
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