Yengling induced over celebration (NFL - Eagles win)


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 3, 2014
Yeah the Eagles won last night in a blowout. Yes I enjoyed the game Although dare I say it -I did some channel surfing by the fourth quarter. My upscale suburban neighborhood is about 30 miles from downtown Philly.

The explosions (m80s, Cherry bombs) started right after the game was over and continued for quite a while. Then the drive bys with horns blaring. I was thinking Yengling (the Budweiser of Philly) induced over celebration. (Me -I’m on a mission -lay of the sauce, drink lots of water beware of sugar... the blood test in 4 weeks are like infallible lie detectors. Mine was a subtle celebration - we had a nice roast with vegetables).

I was a giant fan when the likes of Phil Simms and Lawrence Taylor roamed Giant Stadium. I know the feeling when you root for team for years and then magic finally happens. I don’t remember using fireworks or leaning on my car horn though. But then as my wife always reminds me -I was born old.
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I'm surprised you didn't hear 'dilly dilly' cheers. I thought that was the trending way to chant in approval.
Around here, you don't order Yuengling, you just order Lager. Tasty and cheap. America's oldest brewery. Also the largest independant/craft brewery!
I stopped drinking beer around age 40 because it started disagreeing with me (massive headaches, bloating)

But I used to love me some Yuengling. Probably the best of the large American beer makers in my opinion.

A friend had a cabin near the village of Central City, PA, just south of Johnstown. We used to buy Yuengling by the case from a beer store run out of the back of a gas station. They just had the cases sitting on a dirt floor in the back room.

Only other place I've ever run into it was down South. I figured they probably stocked it for the snowbirds.
Lived in Lowhill Township, and wet my whistle on Black & Tan.
Only other place I've ever run into it was down South. I figured they probably stocked it for the snowbirds.

Yuengling started brewing in an old Stroh's brewery in Tampa in 1999. They now have three breweries - the old one in Pottsville (with tours), a new industrial-sized one in Mill Creek, PA (closed to the public), and Tampa.
Was having a Yuengling while watch the game myself. Maybe that's what jinxed the Vikings.

One of the Last real lager beer in America without venturing into the micro brew prices.
I stopped drinking beer around age 40 because it started disagreeing with me (massive headaches, bloating)

But I used to love me some Yuengling. Probably the best of the large American beer makers in my opinion.

A friend had a cabin near the village of Central City, PA, just south of Johnstown. We used to buy Yuengling by the case from a beer store run out of the back of a gas station. They just had the cases sitting on a dirt floor in the back room.

Only other place I've ever run into it was down South. I figured they probably stocked it for the snowbirds.

In my opinion, it is the variety of beer yeast that creates the different compounds that are causing your headache. Just about every major brewer uses their own "personal" yeast that works with their local water and grains, to keep a consistent product. Budwei$er, who prides itself on it's yeast strain, gives me a splitting headache. But other brands, and my own brews, do not cause the same issues. Although originally I blamed their beechwood chips, but I met a former Budwei$er brewmaster who set me straight.
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In my opinion, it is the variety of beer yeast that creates the different compounds that are causing your headache. Just about every major brewer uses their own "personal" yeast that works with their local water and grains, to keep a consistent product. Budwei$er, who prides itself on it's yeast strain, gives me a splitting headache. But other brands, and my own brews, cause the same issues. Although originally I blamed their beechwood chips, but I met a former Budwei$er brewmaster who set me straight.

Interesting, thanks. Makes me wonder about the different brewers...

The only beer I have seriously quaffed in a while was a couple years ago when a friend and I toured the Heineken brewery in Amsterdam. We got lumped in with a large Chinese tour group and you had to answer trivia questions in English. The prizes ? 250ml glasses of fresh Heineken. Doesn't sound like a lot but when you get all the answers right on an hour long tour... we had litres each.. :LOL:

It didn't give me headaches but did produce a reaction in the opposite direction... :facepalm: I figured it was just because I was out of practice.

Nowadays at home, I stick with the brown spirits (obviously). Never a hangover, never even a bad stomach. And I am quite an enthusiast....:LOL:
^I had to edit above. Other brands than Bud and my own, do NOT give me a headache.

However, as an aside, unless beer or wine is sterile filtered, it still has yeast cells that may be dormant, that may "come around" in warm places like your gut. Mix it with some great complex sugars that were broken down to simple sugars, and now you have a great "food" for those little critters. After all, it is a probiotic and you would be "hip" in the diet scene. You need to practice more.....

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