Zoom Has Reminded Me How Much I Hate Conference Calls


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 11, 2008
I've been attending several Zoom calls lately. Not for fun but needed to discuss with family about help needed for another family member.

In the Zoom calls, one thing I've noticed that a lot of the "Gosh I hate this call" feelings of w*rk days resurfaced. There are the folks to show up unprepared. Those who just seem to like to argue. Those who try to delegate dump the w*rk on others. Those who seemingly have hidden agendas, jockeying for position. Oh yes, the ones who say well, "keep me posted, I'm too busy, have something going on".

Thanks for letting me vent :).
Yeah some of that does remind me of the (audio only)work calls but I know some folks were not paying attention in a way that is not possible with zoom. We used to have 2-3 hr calls with no agenda and no minutes! I’m hearing lots of positives with zoom calls also. I think it’s the group collaboration part that makes it unpleasant.
Zoom has allowed us to attend weddings, funerals and catch up with my widely dispersed family.
Zoom has allowed us to attend weddings, funerals and catch up with my widely dispersed family.
+1, it’s been an essential lifeline for all these months we haven’t been able to get together in person, preserving social connections. Great technology for what it’s intended. How participants behave is another matter, some good some maybe not.
As in "real" life, A lot depends on your relationship with those you choose to Zoom with. We have not had a "bad" Zoom call during lockdown.
Yeah some of that does remind me of the (audio only)work calls but I know some folks were not paying attention in a way that is not possible with zoom. We used to have 2-3 hr calls with no agenda and no minutes! I’m hearing lots of positives with zoom calls also. I think it’s the group collaboration part that makes it unpleasant.

I totally agree about the group collaboration part making Zoom unpleasant. Zoom is great for goofing off among family.

But when being used to reach a common goal, peoples group interaction styles take over.
When nothing needs to get done, they're fine. If there's any kind of agenda, it does feel like w*rk. Back before I quit, we briefly went to video calls, which I really didn't like because it was too easy to be seen napping :LOL:
Does remind me also of working days. I have another meeting in a couple of wees from now on zoom. I actually like it thou. I can stay home and not have to travel and is way more efficient for me.
But when being used to reach a common goal, peoples group interaction styles take over.
Which works with some groups, and not others. I've had very good success 'reaching common goals' via Zoom in the past few months, with about a dozen somewhat varying participants, so it can work very well.
I like Zoom. One of our sons moved 500 miles away, and we keep in touch with them. Also, i attend religious services on Zoom.
I haven't been able to bring myself to use Zoom for social things because I have so many bad memories of videoconferencing from w*rk. Just the thought of using it makes me stressed out. I'll stick to texts.
Which works with some groups, and not others. I've had very good success 'reaching common goals' via Zoom in the past few months, with about a dozen somewhat varying participants, so it can work very well.

That's encouraging to hear.
Makes me feel ok with the fact that I have never used Zoom and have no clue how to even if I wanted to
I've been attending several Zoom calls lately. Not for fun but needed to discuss with family about help needed for another family member.

In the Zoom calls, one thing I've noticed that a lot of the "Gosh I hate this call" feelings of w*rk days resurfaced. There are the folks to show up unprepared. Those who just seem to like to argue. Those who try to delegate dump the w*rk on others. Those who seemingly have hidden agendas, jockeying for position. Oh yes, the ones who say well, "keep me posted, I'm too busy, have something going on".

Thanks for letting me vent :).

I feel similar. Unless it's someone I am actually super happy to talk to and haven't seen in a while...and even then the stigma of vid chat wears off...

Imagine...a world where you could hologram anyone of your contact lists into your life immediately.
We have used FaceTime to chat with family members for years. Pretty used to it. Pure socializing - no “council” meetings so far.
We have used FaceTime to chat with family members for years. Pretty used to it. Pure socializing - no “council” meetings so far.
I wouldn't use Zoom unless there were quite a few people on at once, 9-12 in my experience. FaceTime is easier for one on one. I guess you can FaceTime multiple people though I've never done it - wonder why people gravitated to Zoom vs FaceTime and whatever the Android equivalent is (Skype?).
I have been using zoom for meetings with manager for my volunteer gig. It’s accounting work. We do voice only calls, but the zoom platform allows us to share our desktops so we can review spreadsheets together. FaceTime does not have this feature.
I've had exactly two Zoom calls since retirement seven years ago. Both were about suing Megacorp for neglect of the profit sharing plan.

My last conference call on Megacorp's dime resulted in my retirement three weeks later. What's the question?
Our community college classes for retirees are all in Zoom since March. We have exercise classes and cultural classes using Zoom. Some classes have more than 100 attendees.

The logistics of getting all of them signed up and be able to attend classes is a daunting task for school volunteers. One big challenge for many of these retirees is to know how to mute yourself during class. Otherwise, it has been great.
I have a group of friends I zoom with - we have cocktails or coffee (depending on time of day) and chat. No feeling of work on those.

I'm involved in a couple community planning groups and they have moved to zoom from in-person meetings. I *strongly* prefer zoom. I can mute my video and audio and play solitaire or pokemon go during the boring parts (about 70% of each meeting). Plus, it seems like the meetings don't run on-and-on as much as the in person meetings.
"Hate" is such a strong word, but apropos.

DW and I have done several virtual wine tastings with friends across the US. It is somewhat fun but a little awkward with folks "walking" on each other.
Didn't have much conference calls in working days, thankfully. Never have been one to enjoy using the phone that much even, not sure why. Prefer direct conversation where you get the body language and nuances that are lost even on zoom calls. Don't really consider myself that much of a social person, but do miss face to face with what few contacts I have these days. But, always have DW to talk with. And the dog. Both put up with my rantings quite politely.
I like using Skype to stay in touch with my brother. It's easy to use as a video phone. But our kids and grand kids will not have it. They wish we would get iPhones, like everyone else, so we could FaceTime. Pressure was great...we started using zoom and it is all better for now.

Skype is being updated, I think, to do conference calls.
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