My introduction

REWahoo! said:
Cool Dude. Be cool and refer to us as "a**holes", please. :-\

Consider it done, a**hole :eek: ;)

(and in case it's not perfectly clear, I'm just kidding, of course!)
Alabamans' tax dollars at work:

Alabama legislators have some fences to mend with neighboring Georgia after state representatives passed a resolution Tuesday naming peaches Alabama's official tree fruit.
"If you've ever tasted Alabama peaches, you'd throw rocks at Georgia,"
"I didn't realize Alabama had any peaches at all," said Thomas T. Irvin, Georgia's agricultural commissioner since 1969.
Alabama already has an official state fruit, the blackberry, adopted in 2004. Adding a tree fruit to the list, much less horning in on one indisputably linked to Georgia, just seemed greedy to some.

(with apologies to cool dood)
Ahhh Texas Hill Country...

The land of:

Rattlesnakes--ever see the Rattlesnake Round Up....'nuf said.

Fire Ants- you can't kill them....just piss them off enough that they move to your neighbor's yard for a while.

Tarantulas---they can jump more than 4 feet straight up. Ever see a "herd" of them moving at sunset? Not to be believed!

Blue Northerns--temperature drops 40 degress in an hour.

Cedar trees--how are your allergies?

Mesquite trees--the most brillant marketing feat of the last 100 years....mesquite chips in charcoal for BBQing. The tree is a creation of the can't cut it, kill it, or even get near it (thorns) and it grows like a weed and will squeeze out any other living thing near it.

Pecan trees---pronounced PEE CAN, a major cash crop (other than cattle).

Limestone--want a pool? Forgetaboudit unless you have the $$$ to burn blasting out layer upon layer of limestone. This goes for planting trees, bushes and even flowers around you house. Some places are OK but others are a nightmare.

Texans----rednecks on steroids...since most of them came from Tennessee originally, they have taken "Southern Redneck" to a higher level. :D

Texas State Vehicle-- it used to be the it is the Beemer in Austin but a pickup truck is still very acceptable in most places. The Escolade is the new higher class Suburban now.

Armadillo--think ant eater in a tank. Usually seen dead on the side of the road but once you get "invaded" you will realize they are very much alive. They can rip a yard to shreds in a single night. Think surface of the Moon kind of thing.

Texas State Flower--blue bonnet. You can thank Lady Bird Johnson for this one...they are everywhere and look great for about two weeks in the Spring. The rest of the time they require frequent mowing of the Interstate median strips which create traffic issues. Your tax dollars at work.

There is more but I don't want it to look too attractive....they like their privacy and don't cotton to strangers much. :D

As a former resident of Round Rock, TX I herby certify the above is 100% accurate.
You're just trying to discourage us. I aint no fool. ;)

BTW, a lot of that is what I meant by them Texans having different bugs on the ground.... In New York, our ground creatures aren't any big deal.

But I'll still venture there some day to see for myself. Sounds like them Texans brought in the other stuff to keep us out. (They've done that before.)

P.S. We got a lot of clay (and sand and rocks) here in NY, which they sorely need in N'Orlins, I hear.

SteveR said:
Ahhh Texas Hill Country...

The land of:

Rattlesnakes--ever see the Rattlesnake Round Up....'nuf said.

Fire Ants- you can't kill them....just piss them off enough that they move to your neighbor's yard for a while.

Tarantulas---they can jump more than 4 feet straight up. Ever see a "herd" of them moving at sunset? Not to be believed!

Blue Northerns--temperature drops 40 degress in an hour.

Cedar trees--how are your allergies?

Mesquite trees--the most brillant marketing feat of the last 100 years....mesquite chips in charcoal for BBQing. The tree is a creation of the can't cut it, kill it, or even get near it (thorns) and it grows like a weed and will squeeze out any other living thing near it.

Pecan trees---pronounced PEE CAN, a major cash crop (other than cattle).

Limestone--want a pool? Forgetaboudit unless you have the $$$ to burn blasting out layer upon layer of limestone. This goes for planting trees, bushes and even flowers around you house. Some places are OK but others are a nightmare.

Texans----rednecks on steroids...since most of them came from Tennessee originally, they have taken "Southern Redneck" to a higher level. :D

Texas State Vehicle-- it used to be the it is the Beemer in Austin but a pickup truck is still very acceptable in most places. The Escolade is the new higher class Suburban now.

Armadillo--think ant eater in a tank. Usually seen dead on the side of the road but once you get "invaded" you will realize they are very much alive. They can rip a yard to shreds in a single night. Think surface of the Moon kind of thing.

Texas State Flower--blue bonnet. You can thank Lady Bird Johnson for this one...they are everywhere and look great for about two weeks in the Spring. The rest of the time they require frequent mowing of the Interstate median strips which create traffic issues. Your tax dollars at work.

There is more but I don't want it to look too attractive....they like their privacy and don't cotton to strangers much. :D

As a former resident of Round Rock, TX I herby certify the above is 100% accurate.
Cool Dood said:
Hey a$$holes, thanks for hijacking my introduction into a discussion of the merits of New York wines and Georgia peaches!

Nah, just kidding.... ;) I readily admit I'm enjoying it.....

P.S. Moroccan clementines rule! (As do both kinds of Georgia peach......)

Edited to excise potentially offensive vulgarity

I was aware of that, Cool Dood, the hijacking, and it's not right. :-\ But then I got to wondering where the hijacking took us: Pittsburg, Hawaii, Adirondacks, Poconos, peaches, Tennessee?? Georgia!!!! Pennsylvania!! Alabama!! NY grapes, mangos in Mexico, the passion fruit in Kenya I almost wrote about, and that Texas Hill Country that is way too much like The City.

Pretty good doing, Cool Dude. Nice introduction and nice set up! And welcome!

kate said:
I was aware of that, Cool Dood, the hijacking, and it's not right. :-\ But then I got to wondering where the hijacking took us: Pittsburg, Hawaii, Adirondacks, Poconos, peaches, Tennessee?? Georgia!!!! Pennsylvania!! Alabama!! NY grapes, mangos in Mexico, the passion fruit in Kenya I almost wrote about, and that Texas Hill Country that is way too much like The City.

Pretty good doing, Cool Dude. Nice introduction and nice set up! And welcome!


Thank you very kindly! And really, you don't have to apologize -- I wasn't just being polite, it really is no problem and I really am enjoying it as much as everyone else.

Oh, and you're right... they really are very jealous of their Texas Hill Country, aren't they? ;) I guess that means it's worth being jealous of, and we should all move in.
Cool Dood said:
I guess that means it's worth being jealous of, and we should all move in.

After they remove the fire ants, tarantulas and rattlesnakes, if you don't mind. ;)
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