560 million passwords leaked

FWIW - this is a compilation of previous breaches - not new breaches. I checked my email address(es) and found that I was listed because of a linkedin breach from several years... I've changed passwords several times since that breach.
I'm the neighborhood computer guy. There are lots of very weak passwords out there, usually held by the people who never enable two-factor authentication because it's too complicated, and don't update their system software for fear it will break something. These are the anti-vaxxers of the digital world.
I'm the neighborhood computer guy. There are lots of very weak passwords out there, usually held by the people who never enable two-factor authentication because it's too complicated, and don't update their system software for fear it will break something. These are the anti-vaxxers of the digital world.

You mean c7tw00d isn't clever enough? Darn.
My personal emails were not hacked but my w*rk email was. This isn't a total shock since Megacorp set up all employees with free personal identity theft protection
A few of my emails at various websites were hacked. Since every site gets its own password and many get their own email address, it's not a worry unless address is released as well.

One of my hacked emails is currently being sent lots of scammer emails about weight loss

Thanks......Zappos :(
I've got 560 million problems, and a password ain't one of 'em.
I use lastpass and it generates my passwords for most of the sites I really want to keep private, I also have two person on all the financial sites, or any site that has my credit card. i.e. Amazon. I figure if a password like this: pOWiy@8oUuflW4R0 is hacked, well it's just not my day.
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