Anyone take advantage of the Thanksgiving sales?


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 7, 2005
San Diego
We bought a newspaper on Thursday and went through the ads.

$15 DVD players, $20 Espresso machines, $60 20 piece kitchen sets (pots, pans, knives etc.).

Wow. But we started talking about it, and we a) realized we didn't need any of it and b) couldn't think of anyone to give this stuff to. Instead, we'll be getting creative with pictures for presents, this one will figure prominently, as my daughter and her cousin are the first grandchildren/great grandchildren for a dozen people:


I love showing off the family. :)
The so-called sales are almost exclusively a myth. You can get the same prices this week probably and almost certainly after christmas. Price drops are normal practices for items that have been on sale for some time. They usually time the next price drop with "black monday".

A lot of the discounted stuff is stuff no one wants and they're trying to get rid of.
It was interesting that we were able to get the shopping bug out of our system just pouring over the ads. Except for a few loss leaders, nothing was a great deal, and even million dollar lighting/photography couldn't hide the poor quality.
Exactly.   They interviewed a few folks from certain businesses, and they said the prices aren't really any different than they always are.   

I live by the saying (amended):  If it sounds too good to be true, it is.   

There are no free lunches;  black friday included.
It's a gimmick in order to create a feeding frenzy. I absolutely steer clear of stores after Thanksgiving and almost exclusively do my shopping on-line. I start hitting the stores in early to mid January. There are some real bargains to had around that time.

BTW - cute kids! :D
I have a secret. Instead of shopping Friday after Thanksgiving (I'd rather have a root canal!) I go the Saturday after Thanskgiving. Except for the silly "doorbusters", all of the sale prices are pretty much the same. And this year as in years past, there was nobody - I repeat, NOBODY - in the stores!

Mostly I went shopping for the charities they are supporting here at work. I bought 1/2 price blankets for the Little Sisters of the Poor. Got twices as many as I could have that way.

I'm with most of the rest of you: we don't *need* anything. But I did buy DH an $8 shirt.

I only bought my son some pants that were on sale.  I hadn't planned on hitting the stores at all, but figured I'd save the 7.00 to buy something I was going to buy anyway.  If the same had only been on between 5 and 7 AM, no way would I have bothered.   

But since the sale price was on from 7 - 12, I went at 10, hit the grocery store afterwards (no one there - all must have been at the stores with the Ads in the paper) and was home by 11.  I do not like the frenzy at all.

Luckily I have very few people to buy for at Christmas.

Laurence.....your daughter is precious.
I didn't see any real bargains in the ads or the few stores into which I ventured on Friday. I'll wait until late-December (for open box buys/returns) and January to pick up some stuff.
Laurence, that is one amazingly cute picture!

We wouldn't even think of hitting the stores Friday. We went to Sears on Sunday - the place was deserted. We bought a tool set for SO's son for Christmas. He starts "real work" as an electrician in January.

I considered a cordless drill for my dad but couldn't decide, so I put that decision off.

Oh, I also bought a new bit for my own drill - one of those little slidey things that covers the screw to hold it in place, ya know?? I can get a whole lot of amusement for $5.99. Too bad I didn't have it before struggling to hang blinds in my home office all day Friday ::)
Laurence, your little girl is so cute. Enjoy...
We just had the grandchildren for 8 days. Went to Legoland. Fun times and worth every penny to spoil the grandchildren.
I saw an ad for something I bought from the same store a few days before. The ad said, "Save $200!", but the new sale price was still $150 more than I paid.
I did not look at a single ad in the papers, nor did I step foot into any retail establishment for the entire 4 days. Was a wonderful Thanksgiving (as compared to shopping) weekend.
I did the same as AltaRed and it was wonderful! Laurence, those girls are so sweet! Thanks for the big smile!

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