I needed tires soon, bought on SALE

I've bought several sets of tires from TireRack over the years. Always pleased with the tires and service.

However, I couldn't pass up the current Discount Tires rebates -
1. $75 for buying "better" tires
2. $60 if paying with a Discount Tire credit card

So, both TireRack and Discount Tire were selling these tires for $67 each (Kuhmo Solus TA11's, which got good reviews on TireRack). However, TireRack also wanted $11 shipping per tire; Discount Tires also had free shipping.

So, my net cost for Discount Tires will be $133. :dance:
TireRack would've been $312.

Yea, I did have to open a Discount Tire credit card to get the extra $60, so that'll be a minor ding to my credit score.
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