Name this tree

That’s cool. Not just plants but animals too. However, I took a picture of a large turtle sunning itself by the side of a pond. That app identified it as a dung beetle..
On my 3.5 acre lot in Maryland, I fought many invasive plants, including Canada thistle (the most intractable), poison ivy, and ailanthus ("tree of heaven"). What most of these pests have in common is an underground root system that spreads far and wide. That's why you can cut one down, even poison the stump with Round-Up, and see a dozen others popping up nearby.

About all I could do was just patrol the property and keep uprooting the darn things before they attained any size. A well-tended lawn, being invasive itself, is helpful in controlling other invasives.
A lawn is not an option here. It is arid. The ground is sandy and rocky. Lots of granite, decomposed and otherwise. We do get annual grass and weeds and need to finish abating that mostly dried up stuff, Fire Dept orders.

The connecting root system is a problem.
Late summer to early fall I hear. Then when it is dead in winter, cut it down.
So that is the plan.
I am getting a hatchet for the hack part. I will call it Molly. :D
Ha ha, I googled it and the name means it reaches for the heavens, not that it is heavenly to have on your property ;-)

I grew up with a full grown Tree Of Heaven in the front yard. IIRC it dropped (in the spring?) all these wicked looking "switches" that my dad threatened to use on me like his mom did to him. Thankfully, beating on kids (drawing blood with a switch) was something in my dad's upbringing that he rejected. He could put his belt to efficient use if the offense called for it and mom swung a vicious fly swatter if the occasion called for it. But, no Tree Of Heaven switches were ever used - though one of my jobs was to police up all the stuff in the yard in "switch" season. YMMV
Yeah, it definitely has a strong smell to it. I couldn't describe it, but it's one of those things that, you know it when you smell it! Even the little sprouts I pulled up yesterday, which probably weren't more than 6-8" tall, has a strong scent.

The male trees have the odor.
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