Please help a student with a research project

IWe would like to design the new technology focus on the users need by considering the cognition and usability issues.

Hunter Thompson couldn't have said it better.
I really appreciate the friendliness of people in this forum.

Actually the final goal of our project is to develop new type of technology that would potentially help senior people who have difficulty in medication management, such as taking the right medicine at the right time with correct dosage. We would like to design the new technology focus on the users need by considering the cognition and usability issues.

Folks, there really is money being made in this field, on-line already. A moved into expensive offices near me about a year ago, PositScience, they call themselves. They sell cognition tools to be used on-line. I believe they give out samples if you are interested--IIRC it has to do with improving the memory and is being heavily marketed to baby boomers--street rumors tell me they are getting a lot of customers from a big nearby senior apt. complex.

I attended a free open-house there about a year ago--hey, everyone was going and who am I to turn down free food? The food and wine was great but the cognition exercises didn't look like my cuppa tea. They hired a big staff of really cool dot-comers and highly experienced academics. I asked one of the high-level profs. how this compares to doing crossword puzzles. His response was so evasive, I don't remember it--obviously I need to improve my cognitive side.

All the best, Jolly (love that handle [think Marlene Dietritch in "Morocco"]). I'd be very interested to hear how your project(s) and career progresses. It's never too early to join the ER Forums.
Jolly - not important, but is English not your native tongue? Reading what you write makes my head hurt. Maybe you are writing in the lingua franca of research geek, but friendly conversational English it isn't. or so thinks me.
Jolly - not important, but is English not your native tongue? Reading what you write makes my head hurt. Maybe you are writing in the lingua franca of research geek, but friendly conversational English it isn't. or so thinks me.

I am sorry if my writing makes you not comfortable. But English is my second language. I am trying my best.;) Please let me know, in which way that my expresson is not friendly. Really appreciate!
calmloki, are you talking about the survey or what she has written here?
I haven't seen the survey but I have no issues with any of her communications here.

Sure there are some glitches that give away that she's not a native speaker but I found her perfectly friendly and comprehensible so far.
I am sorry if my writing makes you not comfortable. But English is my second language. I am trying my best.;) Please let me know, in which way that my expresson is not friendly. Really appreciate!

Just haven't had enough coffee this morning - much happier to learn that English isn't your native tongue. Your command of the language is admirable, it's just the phrasing that makes me work a bit harder to understand you - i'm a lazy reader and impatient with unnecessarily complex sentences or technocratic language. Please bear in mind i couldn't ask for a glass of iced tea in any language other than English and downgrade my prior comment accordingly.

Haven't taken the survey yet.
Dear friends, if you could ask your friends who are 50 above and who might have interests in my survey, please ask them to help me out. I am still in the half way to my data collection. Thank you so much!! :)
Dear friends, if you could ask your friends who are 50 above and who might have interests in my survey, please ask them to help me out. I am still in the half way to my data collection. Thank you so much!! :)

You can just take your current count/results and multiply by 2? :cool: ....

Anyway, did you post your request at this site? (I know there is a lot of "old geazers" that reside there):

Bogleheads Investing Advice and Info

- Ron
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You can just take your current count/results and multiply by 2? :cool: ....

Anyway, did you post your request at this site? (I know there is a lot of "old geazers" that reside there):

Bogleheads Investing Advice and Info

- Ron

I can not post the survey links on that site. It seems that they require longer membership with the site. Anyway, I left my email address and hope people would email me asking for the survey link. :)
Guys, this survey seems legit. The preamble provides the appropriate institutional information and contact numbers. The informed consent yada yada is the usual gobbledegook required by research ethics boards.

Survey Monkey is all the rage in sociologic research circles and I am using it in my own research. A licence with SSL encryption costs $300 per annum. A free subscription is OK for very short surveys. For an online audience, taking the survey is as easy as falling off a log. For people without online access, the survey can be printed. For the researcher, it greatly simplifies the job of collecting and analyzing data.

Jocelyn, good luck with your project. You might want to review question 5 for some spelling errors. Also, I do think it's very important to chase the people who are not accessible online. They are more likely to (a) be in an assisted living facility; (b) take multiple medications; (c) have medication errors.....because, in general, they tend to be older and in poorer health than the people on this forum. For the same reasons, they may also be less likely to accept and use newfangled technology.
I'm going to take the survey after someone gets my meds figured out...
Jocelyn good luck with your project. As an ER doc who sees predominantly geriatric patients "Medication Misadventure" is an increasingly common cause of ED visits in our aging population. Anything that could help prevent lapses in taking needed medication or preventing overuse would be of great benefit.

Guys, this survey seems legit. The preamble provides the appropriate institutional information and contact numbers. The informed consent yada yada is the usual gobbledegook required by research ethics boards.

Survey Monkey is all the rage in sociologic research circles and I am using it in my own research. A licence with SSL encryption costs $300 per annum. A free subscription is OK for very short surveys. For an online audience, taking the survey is as easy as falling off a log. For people without online access, the survey can be printed. For the researcher, it greatly simplifies the job of collecting and analyzing data.

Jocelyn, good luck with your project. You might want to review question 5 for some spelling errors. Also, I do think it's very important to chase the people who are not accessible online. They are more likely to (a) be in an assisted living facility; (b) take multiple medications; (c) have medication errors.....because, in general, they tend to be older and in poorer health than the people on this forum. For the same reasons, they may also be less likely to accept and use newfangled technology.
Thanks a lot. I've corrected the spelling errors. And we are actrually going to assisted living facility this month to collect other part of our data. ;)
So, how many Viagra tabs do you give per visit :rolleyes: ?

- Ron

LOL. Viagra is a not infrequent cause of visits. People don't follow the warnings for Viagra and nitrates...

Sorry to bother again. My advisor asks me to bring more data due to the statistic effectiveness. I have to ask more people to respond to my survey. Thank you very much for your support!
Just want to say thank you to all the people here that support me. I hope more peope would join the survey. But again, it is voluntary. :)
I still have 20 more to go. Please help out. I really appreciate. Sorry if you have seen this topic too much. :)
um...i just turned 50.

so PLEASE disqualify me as being "senior". i'd really hate to throw the Bell curve off center. :D

i will try your survey later on today...glad to help out.
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