The End of Retirement ??


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Feb 20, 2010
Flyover country
Posting this purely for your amusement.
Someone recently made a post here containing the line "Some demographers say the baby who will live to 200 years old is already born" and I think this article was probably the source of that (extremely dubious) proposition:


It might be behind a paywall, so some pertinent excerpts:
The conventional wisdom—save enough to retire at age 65—won’t work for the generation starting their careers today.
A 2018 Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies survey found half of 6,372 workers polled don’t expect to retire at 65, and 13% plan never to retire. The number of people who plan to retire after 65 has increased threefold since 1995, according to Gallup. America’s average retirement age has increased in the past 25 years to 66 or older.
With U.S. birthrates falling and membership in religious institutions at all-time lows, work is addressing a void once filled by children, churches or community organizations.
People who can and want to stay in the workforce also live longer lives and face a lower risk of dementia, depression and obesity
my financial planner and I revisited the question of retirement. I’ve agreed to fund my 401(k) at a pace where I can quit in about 25 years—not so I can stop working but so that I have options.
This fits the future, according to law student Mr. Frazier [age 26], even in the early days of what he expects to be a long career. “I feel zero pressure to retire on time—whatever that even means.”
^ I like it. Lessens the burden on the SS fund and makes shopping/driving on weekdays (outside rush hour) much less congested.

New measurement of success: "If I'm not still working in my 90's I'll consider myself a failure." :LOL:
I sure am glad I retired before the end of retirement
Surely all the advances in health science, the dire financial straits of most American's retirement savings, and the sage advice of Suzy Orman all point to delaying retirement to at least 70.

Only problem is that, according to the data, about 30% of us will have to by age 60 for health reasons, or bc no one will hire us.
People can live until whenever. Most employers won't hire them past 60 years old anyway. So maybe the future is old folks work at home schemes?
Yeah right. Exactly. I was blindsided at age 58 with a sub par review which followed decades of accolades. I coasted until a day before my 60th birthday. If you work for a large corporation and think they want you after 55 you're a fool.
You're still making sense. Do another shooter.

"Some demographers say the baby who will live to 200 years old is already born"

Sounds like "some demographers" may have gotten an early start on the half-price margaritas on taco Tuesday.

Speaking of which, it's 5:00 in The Shire. Cheers!
"People who can and want to stay in the workforce also live longer lives and face a lower risk of dementia, depression and obesity" Hmmm...I wonder how this relates to personal finance. Those with higher educations tend to take better care of themselves (not always), eat better (not always), maintain an appropriate body mass index (not always), exercise regularly, etc. My personal guess is that if you were to look at retirees of differing ages from different socio-economic groups, you'd find that the ones with lower education and savings end up spending most/all of their time on the sofa watching TV. Of course, mental and physical decline, and increased obesity will kick in.

I just went scuba diving with two folks in their late 70s. Both are fit, both exercise, both manage their own finances and households, investments, and real estate. No mental decline there, or at least limited. And the guy works out 6 days a week!

I, for one, want to travel before my physical and mental decline really sets in! And I certainly don't want to live to be anywhere near 100 (much less, 200), unless genetic engineering figures out how to make me feel like I'm in my 20s again!
I am experiencing that progression. Making it to 200 is not in my wildest dreams. I'll be all metal parts by then! :D

Hello, Terminator Man.

The stats are against us. Most who retire early, have to due to health reasons, thus they die early and of dementia. I believe that we are the outliers that do it because we have choices. I won't be one of those that dies on the job.
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