The most wonderful thing about retirement?

'K, how 'bout eating lunch @ 10 AM, just 'cuz you felt like it?

Deciding to eat lunch at 10 AM does seem a bit excessive to me... so on mornings when I feel like an early lunch, I'll hold out to 10:15, which seems a perfectly reasonable time to me :D

Then why not just have a late breakfast at 10am?
No work stress, no need to prove myself on whatever job and to any boss. I report to no one now and no one reports to me. I don't feel the need to sneak out of the office to see the doctor when I am sick or to call the boss early in the morning to tell her what kind of sickness I have - used to have a silly boss who insists to know what illness has brought me to my knees. I just love being retired!
So there's gotta be something more wonderful about retirement than not going in when sick and not commuting. I might as well keep working if that's all that you promise me. :)

Nope, that's it, that's all there is in retirement.

So, be good and keep working and paying into that SS and Medicare system for us :)
So there's gotta be something more wonderful about retirement than not going in when sick and not commuting. I might as well keep working if that's all that you promise me. :)
I'm sorry, you can't have the secret login to the "real" discussion board until you're actually ER'd...
We send people home if they are sick. No one wants to catch something brought in by a co-worker. We can't afford it. We also have free flu shots given at the office.

So there's gotta be something more wonderful about retirement than not going in when sick and not commuting. I might as well keep working if that's all that you promise me. :)

Even though it doesn´t seem much it was rather more than what my job offered: Surrounded by ar*****es galore:D:D
I'm sorry, you can't have the secret login to the "real" discussion board until you're actually ER'd...

Give him a break, Nords! Can´t you see he is fatally infatuated with work:LOL:? He just needs to be enlightened:D.
Then why not just have a late breakfast at 10am?

That's an idea... here's a reworked plan:

~7 AM - Breakfast
10 AM - Early lunch, now renamed "Late breakfast"
~12 Noon - Lunch, since haven't had a Lunch yet :)
2 PM - Snack
4 PM - Pick-me-up snack
6 PM - Dinner

Sounds a bit food-centric. But if I could insert a breaktime between each of those times I listed, I would be on the same schedule as the people who were supposed to be maintaining the facilities at a megacorp I worked at!
I just realized--since I'm not working now--that the most wonderful thing about retirement has to be for me, anyway, the fact that when I'm sick I can actually either stay in bed or just watch tv all day and sleep in the chair.

What sane working person wastes sick days on times when you're really sick? Save 'em up for "mental health" days. Unless you're seriously ill, drag yourself in the office with a box of kleenex and tons of meds. You score big points with the boss and aren't expected to do much since you're sick. Added bonus: annoying people steer clear of you because they don't want to catch whatever it is you have.
Unfortunately for me...I was the boss.:blush: You draaaaaaag in sick then.

I just realized the next best thing in the world is having a bedroom large enough to fit a lounge chair and cocktail table next to it filled with reading material and vida dulce!:D:D:D Sick or not, this is just great!
Old habits never die, some just fade away.

I get up at 5AM the gurgle of the coffee pot wakes me up.
Breakfast at 6AM
If Ms. G isn't around eat at 11AM
Snooze for 15 min
Have a cup of joe
Go to go till dinner at 5:30 or 6PM
In bed around 9PM get my 8 hours.
I get up at 5AM the gurgle of the coffee pot wakes me up.
It took me almost three years to break that damned 5AM habit, finally got adjusted to about 8:30AM.
I can definitely relate to this, as I'm sitting here at work, sick as a dog! I'd much rather be curled up in bed or on the couch watching tv! Fortunately, in about 45 mins I will be!
It took me almost three years to break that damned 5AM habit, finally got adjusted to about 8:30AM.
I haven't stood the 0600-1200 watch in nearly two decades but I'm still I'm usually up between 3-4 AM for a prewatch tour. Of course now my lunch naps are a big improvement on my watchstanding days.
I haven't stood the 0600-1200 watch in nearly two decades but I'm still I'm usually up between 3-4 AM for a prewatch tour. Of course now my lunch naps are a big improvement on my watchstanding days.

3-4 AM :eek:

Have you considered moving to a different time zone?
3-4 AM :eek:
Have you considered moving to a different time zone?
You'll have to spend a few weeks in my time zone before considering living in another one!

Part of the problem is that I find it very hard to sleep for longer than six hours at a stretch while spouse tends to be the "early-to-bed, late-to-rise" type. I'd rather stay in synch with her evening habits so I end up getting up early.

I'm not too far out of sync with you Mainland morning persons... and it's interesting to watch the blog start firing off posts, Tweets, Facebooks, and e-mails at 5 AM.
My girlfriend is married to an architect who goes to bed at 8 pm and gets up at 4 am everyday.:horse: Glad it's her not me.
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