174k What would you do?


Dryer sheet aficionado
Jun 7, 2007
my wife has 174k in a retirement account that is not needed for at least 10 years, maybe longer. what would you invest the money? we are retired with a pension and enough savings to last 10+ years and will get ss in 8 years. both of us are 54yo. Thanks
Invest aggressively? 100% equity, emerging market, international, energy?
I would follow my written asset allocation plan. So just look at your written plan and follow it. No written asset allocation plan? Get one!
Yeah you really should consider this chunk of money along with your overall investment picture and your asset allocation.

But, with nothing else to go on ... I'd put all 174K of it in one of Vanguard's Target Retirement funds. In this case you said you might need the money in 10 years, maybe more, so I'd opt for the Target Retirement 2020 and leave it at that.
Ditto, AA plan work it right in.
If income from pension and SS can support your living expenses, you can invest more aggressively, i.e., emerging markets.
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