Lottery winners are doomed, doomed I tell ya!


I'm not a scientist, but I think the cyanide would still be traceable in the ashes if analyzed.

I was a scientist (though not forensic). I can't confirm, but my guess is cremation would probably destroy this particular evidence. There are several forms of cyanide (sodium, potassium, hydrogen, etc.). All of these elements would naturally be found in the body so would probably not be otherwise distinguishable following cremation. The "-CN" part of the cyanide will burn once it becomes hydrogen cyanide upon contact with body acids. Unless there remains some of the actual -CN, I doubt there would be a way to tell. But, YMMV.

This is another sad ending to a long list of tragic lotto-winner stories. Any time we turn the "rackets" over to the gummint, they multiply the problems. Consider, if you will, the idea of the lotto is to buy a ticket or two per week (maybe blow a dollar or four). Enjoy the fantasy of winning a few grand for a week. Then do it all over again the next week. In reality, the "pots" get huge because the games have so many numbers in them. Then, many people buy 50, 100, 200, even 500 tickets as the pots start to get large. IOW, used as "sold" to us, the lotto would not be a big deal for either the winner OR the gummint. I have no moral objection to the lotto, but I do believe gummints KNEW it would cause problems. Gummints went for it anyway because it DOES work for them at least in the short run (which is what most gummints are concerned with.) Again, YMMV.
The only people who stand to benefit from the death of the winner is the hiers ... this case will crack open like a soft peanut. IMO that's why "a relative" requested the autopsy.
He said 'I still eat out most nights, like I did before, but now when they hand me the wine list, instead of starting at the top and working my way down, I start at the bottom and work my way up'

That's awesome!

I have an idea how my lifestyle would change if I had a windfall like that. I would pay off my debt, quit my job, and buy a couple of toys, then invest the rest. I don't think there's any chance of me getting a windfall like that though, so I just have to get there on my own. :)
For me there's no chance at all, because I don't buy lottery tickets!

Funny thing, after he won, I told other friends to quit buying tickets - because what are the odds I'd know *two* jackpot winners?
For me there's no chance at all, because I don't buy lottery tickets!
Me neither, unless the pot is at a record level, then I'll throw in a dollar or two but I categorize it as an entertainment expense. I'm notoriously unlucky though, but I have been lucky for others. I purchased tickets for my office pool (which I'm not part of) and one of the tickets matched all the numbers except for the powerball.
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