Secular Markets

I've heard it argued that for the last decade we've been in a secular (prolonged) bear market (adjusted for inflation, and with intermittent rallies) that may continue for another 3-8 years (or more).*

*Not saying that I agree with that argument; I'm reading articles on both sides.

Just because we've been in a secular bear doesn't mean we stay down >20% the whole time. We've had two major recoveries. My net worth (retired)has kept up with inflation. This is quite different than selling off 50% like in 2008/9 and STAYING THERE. Quite a difference between a secular bear cycle (no overall equity market advances) and a bear market (down >20% from recent peak).
Did the book say anything about the presidential cycle, which, IIRC, states the last two years of a president's term are, on average, more profitable than the first two years (exceptions like the '80s noted)?

Yes, the book did have a chapter on the presidential cycles. Here is a recap of the Dow for all four years of this cycle:

1st year - up 86%
2nd year - up 187%
3rd year - up 470%
4th year - up 255%

It went on to state that you could combine the presidental cycles with the best six month strategy which would create only 2 buying periods in the four year cycle and 2 sellling periods. The rest are holds.
Yes, the book did have a chapter on the presidential cycles. Here is a recap of the Dow for all four years of this cycle:

1st year - up 86%
2nd year - up 187%
3rd year - up 470%
4th year - up 255%

It went on to state that you could combine the presidental cycles with the best six month strategy which would create only 2 buying periods in the four year cycle and 2 sellling periods. The rest are holds.

That last sentence makes no sense to me.... if the market is up on average using the six month cycle, you could care less about the presidents cycle as you would be making money anyhow... maybe less money than the last two years of a presidents term...

So why throw away an earning opportunity just because there are a few years when it is even better.... it is not like an either this or that.... you can do both....
The author of the book isn't saying the six month cycle works in every annual situation. So I think he says (historically/statistically speaking) that you can improve the results by combining the presidential year cycle and the six month cycle.

Or maybe he's just trying to sell books!
The author of the book isn't saying the six month cycle works in every annual situation. So I think he says (historically/statistically speaking) that you can improve the results by combining the presidential year cycle and the six month cycle.

Or maybe he's just trying to sell books!

But that theory can be tested and determined which one is better!!!

IOW, if keeping your money in cash for a few years in order to try and grab 6 months of gains for two of every 4 years beats out doing the 6 month cycle.... is it not a better strategy:confused:

And why they are at it, why not see if just picking up that third year by itself is even better.... heck, that would make it way more easy to time the market.... just buy every 4th year for 6 months and sit around the rest of the time... easy peasy....
I remember back in the 90's the contest where monkeys throwing the darts were wearing out the pros picks. Glad I chose a career field where I wasn't endanger of getting outperformed by a monkey!

“We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.” ~ Robert Wilensky
That last sentence makes no sense to me.... if the market is up on average using the six month cycle, you could care less about the presidents cycle as you would be making money anyhow... maybe less money than the last two years of a presidents term...

So why throw away an earning opportunity just because there are a few years when it is even better.... it is not like an either this or that.... you can do both....

I wish I could find the web page I read that contained the presidential cycle data. Part of it was that, the first two years of a presidential cycle also included more down cycles, which, in theory, would mostly be avoided by sitting out those first two years.

There were, and will always be, exceptions. The actual data showed that too. Like the six month cycles, it supposedly works over long periods of time, and unlike buy & hold, avoids many of the down cycles.

Things like this are interesting (for me) to read about, so I may give the book a read, but I've never subscribed to them, nor do I plan to.
“We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.” ~ Robert Wilensky
Not millions but billions!

But look at all the porn in both literal and figurative senses that is posted. That must count for something. That should keep people looking, er, reading. Who reads Shakespeare anymore? :cool:
Not millions but billions!

But look at all the porn in both literal and figurative senses that is posted. That must count for something. That should keep people looking, er, reading. Who reads Shakespeare anymore? :cool:

"The [-]lady[/-] poster doth protest too much, methinks."

Bill Shakespeare
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