A New Social Life after RE?

After I retired, over 7 years ago at 50, my social circle changed from folks mostly around my age, to folks who are mostly 20, 30, or even 40 years older than me. However, my friends and I don't even think about the age differences. To us, what's more important are our mutual interests. And although our ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles may be quite varied and different, our mutual care and concern for each other is the same. We thoroughly enjoy our time together, and if someone isn't there, we not only miss them but call or go check on them. And I don't know how much, if anything, they learn from me, but I know I'm always learning new things from them! We love being together, drinking our coffee together, having dinner, talking, laughing, arguing, and just hanging out.

I've found over the past several years, that in my new social circle of older friends, we have way more in common than some may imagine. We all agree that it's true that age is merely a number!
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