Do you have to be busy in FIRE?

I look at it this way. The great thing about being retired is having the luxury of time. Its like having a great piece of meat. Even the best piece of meet needs to be cooked right and will often benefit from a a bit of seasoning to bring out the best flavor. So, I do this much planning ahead ** to get this much additional benefit in life **********.

What I don't do is spend this much time planning and keeping busy ************ to get this much more enjoyment ***.
There is no life rule that says you HAVE to be busy. But you are expressing that you would like to be engaged in something. For that, there are a gajillion volunteer opportunities. I do not mean exclusively offering your time to non-profits, but also joining organizations that support/encourage your interests.

You could volunteer at the library, helping non-native speakers polish their English skills, or teach someone to read, or teach someone to use a computer. You could be involved with education by taking classes, and if they have a student organization, helping to guide the policies of the organization, or coordinate the annual picnic.

I think you get the idea. Work on things that interest you. When you get bored, moved on to other things.

- Rita
One of the most amazing and uplifting things I've seen in my neighborhood is this.

A 90+ gentleman who lives in a nearby CCRC walks up and down the road (a good mile!) every morning between 7 and 8AM. But here's the thing, he is impeccably dressed. Being summer, it may mean a Seersucker suit and straw hat. In winter, it may mean a suit with vest.

It seems to keep him going.

I would be in a world of hurt. My retirement "uniform" consists of shorts and a large selection of t-shirts that have an average age of what I would guess is 10 years. :D One of the few things that I didn't mind about w*rking was that I got to wear a flight suit everyday. It was wash and wear and well, there is nothing like getting to wear pajamas everyday to w*rk!
I would be in a world of hurt. My retirement "uniform" consists of shorts and a large selection of t-shirts that have an average age of what I would guess is 10 years. :D One of the few things that I didn't mind about w*rking was that I got to wear a flight suit everyday. It was wash and wear and well, there is nothing like getting to wear pajamas everyday to w*rk!
Oh, I'm with you! If I'm still kicking at 90+, it is going to shorts and t-shirt.

But what I see here is really amazing. This gentleman is clearly still going strong, and keeping alert and healthy, on his terms.

I do like his hat. I think I need to buy a straw hat.
I would be in a world of hurt. My retirement "uniform" consists of shorts and a large selection of t-shirts that have an average age of what I would guess is 10 years. :D One of the few things that I didn't mind about w*rking was that I got to wear a flight suit everyday. It was wash and wear and well, there is nothing like getting to wear pajamas everyday to w*rk!

I'm wearing shorts and t-shirts and sandles in summer days, feeling relaxing.
I hate to waste gasoline, so I often don't drive every day, usually every other day. I get outside every day, but I am starting to think it's a good idea to get out of the house and go somewhere every day. So I have to get over "wasting" gasoline.

Since we go out often it makes assorted annual passes and memberships for us pretty cheap per visit, and then our only other out of pocket cost is gas. My favorite park costs ~$10 on the weekends to go to between the car fee and dog fee, but I found I could buy an annual pass for that park and 64 other regional parks for whole year for $40 with DH's veteran's discount. I also combined my gas budget into the entertainment budget since most of our distance driving is for entertainment. So as long as I stay under budget for the category, I'm happy even if the gas portion is high for the month. Depreciation is a separate, annual category.
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Retirement is a matter of personal choice.

Personally, I would go stark raving mad if I did not have things I wanted to do. FIREing was not about leaving an exceptionally well paid career but creating space to do other things I want to do and enjoy. I prefer to be moderately busy than not but understand that we each have our own ideas of what constitutes the ideal retirement. Academic studies, committee work, writing, a little part time consultancy are all things I look forward to getting out of bed for each morning.
I guess do whatever you want to do, or not to do, in retirement will be just fine, for a period of time. I am just scared by a very long retirement without anything meaningful to do.
I guess do whatever you want to do, or not to do, in retirement will be just fine, for a period of time. I am just scared by a very long retirement without anything meaningful to do.
Sounds like you are looking for structure. I said the same thing after I retired to a retired teacher at a class I was taking. His response was, look for things you like to do and the structure will come.

May I suggest you get a copy of Ernie Zielinkski's 'How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free.' ' The Joy of Not Working' is also good. You need to find the structure (beyond the required havetodo's around the home).

Go with what intrigues you.

Not generally a Beatles fan....but:

"We're so sorry Uncle Albert
But we haven't done a bloody thing all day"
Busy as in checking posts here several times a day.

Never underestimate the joy of putzing around during retirement :dance:.
Never underestimate the joy of putzing around during retirement :dance:.


Today was one of "those" days. Was supposed to have gutters replaced, but instead it was raining, so they cancelled. Since those plans were dashed, I watched some local news show how terrible traffic was and then went back to bed and didn't get up until 11. It was glorious!
The running joke in our house is that we have to do one thing per day. As in take out the trash, make coffee or fix lunch. Oh wait, that's three things. Two more and I am done for the week. :LOL:

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