First Spring in Retirement

ER Eddie

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 16, 2013
Just a brief note -- nothing big -- to say I'm enjoying my first Spring in retirement. I retired last year at the end of June, the middle of summer. I'm in the deep south, so when I say summer, I mean summer. My least favorite season. So this is my first Spring in retirement.

It's beautiful! I have enjoyed it so much! The weather has been perfect, and it just continues, day after day, month after month. So many times, I have just stopped and stared at the landscape or sky, feeling appreciation.

Back when I worked, Spring felt like a very short season. It always bothered me, how short it was. It felt like it was 6 weeks long. Now it feels almost endless. It just goes on and on.

I'm pretty sure that the Earth didn't shift on its axis when I retired (although you never know, I'm a pretty important guy). It's probably just the fact that I'm not cooped up in a damn office all day.

Hats off to Spring. It's a beautiful season when you are around to enjoy it.
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Back when I worked, Spring felt like a very short season. It always bothered me, how short it was. It felt like it was 6 weeks long. Now it feels almost endless. It just goes on and on.

Indeed! It's sort of like how the summers seemed so long when we were kids. We've been out enjoying some unusually warm weather here in the Pacific Northwest, and it feels like we're well into summer, but it's only early May!
We retired about the same time, last day was July 3, 2019. I would say I'm enjoying spring too but as I type this it's blowing snow pellets outside and 32 degrees. Not sure where spring is this year.
I retired in June in the deeper south (fl), so yeah, it was almost depressing at first because....outside is horrible for 3 months.

But yeah the rest is beautiful. And by the time summer rolls around again it was not so depressing.

One thing about this spring feeling like it was long is probably covid related. March felt like 178 days, but April was a week. I read something about how change makes the brain process time slower, so March with all the news and impacts of lockdowns starting was so much to process, vs. April which was almost like groundhog day every day in most places. (doesn't the first 10 days of March feel like so very long ago?)

May also seems fast for me, we're already in week 2 - too fast! I want it to stay slow till the end of June.
Not sure if it's as impactful for you folks in the south but I really enjoy the daylight getting longer in the spring, particularly after Daylight Saving Time. Less rush going for a walk after dinner before it gets too dark.
One thing about this spring feeling like it was long is probably covid related.

Yeah, I think that's right -- the Covid situation amplified it. It was like everything went into slow motion for a while. And the deserted streets made time stretch out like a tired old man in a hammock. (Man, I really need to work on my metaphors.)
We in Michigan had a few days that felt like spring, but yesterday we had snow flurries and this morning its 30 F.
Hitting 90 here in the central valley, but cools off into the 60's at night.

Windows open attic fan on!
Thanks for an upbeat post, it is refreshing in these times to see someone who is so appreciative of the simple pleasures in life.

Best to you,

Spring is a wonderful time--warmer weather, ability to get out and work in the yard, new growth, Renewal!

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