I am starting to understand Introverts


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Oct 11, 2017
Chapel Hill, NC
I have always been an extroverted people person. My calendar was always filled with meetings, parties, dinners, events, etc. When I had to start staying home about 3 months ago I really missed all that. But now I am starting to wind down and I am enjoying the quiet time--not checking my calendar all the time, staying home, going for long bike rides, sitting on my porch reading books, playing cards with DH, cooking at home. I am realizing I don't need to stay busy all the time and that some of the people I was spending alot of time with were not that much fun anyway. I am starting to understand introverted stay at home folks more. Anybody else enjoying staying at home?
I have always been an extroverted people person. My calendar was always filled with meetings, parties, dinners, events, etc. When I had to start staying home about 3 months ago I really missed all that. But now I am starting to wind down and I am enjoying the quiet time--not checking my calendar all the time, staying home, going for long bike rides, sitting on my porch reading books, playing cards with DH, cooking at home. I am realizing I don't need to stay busy all the time and that some of the people I was spending alot of time with were not that much fun anyway. I am starting to understand introverted stay at home folks more. Anybody else enjoying staying at home?

When I was younger, I was like you. But now in my mid 70's, I can stay home more, but I still need to get out and do stuff. I don't know how to explain it better, but after a couple of days at home, I get antsy and need an escape for a while.
I am kind of in the middle.
I have started playing Pickleball outside again, so that makes it somewhat better.
Still miss traveling and some entertainment.
I have always been an introverted stay-at-homer, so this "lockdown" has not been an issue for me other than not seeing my family - granddaughter, son, daughter, brothers and sisters. But we were never much on going out to eat or to parties and whatnot, so that part is really no different.
Huh? What is all this fuss about some "lockdown" thing?
There was a "lock down", why didn't someone tell me?

OP I used to want to be involved with many people and things when I was w*rking.... I credit ER with allowing me to discover who I am to me and force me to be comfortable with me. Now I can say I'm comfortable in my own skin. Yeah after a while it's nice for others company at a distance with a clear escape plan.
I have always enjoyed my home life. I also enjoy going out and having fun. Which has been cancelled by covid.

And that just sucks.
I did not put this in the Covid Forum because I don't want it to be about "lock downs". I want the discussion to be about an extrovert turning into more of an introvert and slowing down life.
Big time introvert here. But I love to travel, so BS lock down sucks big time. Being an introvert and staying home are not synonymous.
Big time introvert here. But I love to travel, so BS lock down sucks big time. Being an introvert and staying home are not synonymous.

Red Badger--I guess I need to a better definition of introverts. Can you tell me how you define it?
Red Badger--I guess I need to a better definition of introverts. Can you tell me how you define it?

Not Red Badger but for me being an introvert means being around other people I get "drained" because I have to watch and match other people. So eventually I have to "rest and recharge" from being around people. I would suspect an extrovert gets "charged and energized" by being around other people but of course, not being one just a guess on my part.
An excellent book to understand introverts is Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. I bought it in ebook form and it describes how I feel extremely well.
So for those of you who are introverts are you like Red Badger and love to travel? If so do you go solo? I am an an extrovert (or I thought I was because I generally like being around people) but I have always hated group travel. In fact, I am not planning on traveling any time soon and that does not bother me at all.
So for those of you who are introverts are you like Red Badger and love to travel? If so do you go solo? I am an an extrovert (or I thought I was because I generally like being around people) but I have always hated group travel. In fact, I am not planning on traveling any time soon and that does not bother me at all.

My definition of "introvert" is "I can do things and do not need to be around other people to enjoy myself". While I prefer traveling with my DW, if she is unable to and does not care if I travel, I do. I enjoy going to live sports events, movies, golfing, fishing, biking, etc. - but not having someone to go with did not (and still does not) stop me from doing these things.

I have enough interests that even if some are taken away, I can still keep busy and enjoy myself. However, my DW is a flaming extrovert :), and the strict lockdown was hard on her. Even Zoom meetings for her teaching and with friends do not fully make it right for her. She will never be an introvert like me - fine with me, since opposites attract :).
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Yeah, mine too. She misses in person meetings and is full of fear. I would like to get on my bad motor scooter and ride...somewhere and eat something...not on the saddle or sitting in the parking lot...on the hot asphalt.

Some foods do not travel well and need to be eaten "hot off the stove"
Big time introvert here. But I love to travel, so BS lock down sucks big time. Being an introvert and staying home are not synonymous.

Yeah, I am quite content staying home for long periods, but I also love to travel. So, yeah I’m a traveling introvert and don’t mind dealing with lots of foreign strangers and novel situations while traveling. I find it quite exhilarating and love trying new things and exploring.
I have been an introvert all my life and have no problem spending time alone. However, life is a lot more fun when you have someone to share it with. I can't imagine life without my wife to experience it with.

I tend to avoid people, especially large gatherings, but I'm not the type to take vacations by myself or that sort of thing. I've done it once or twice, but found it too lonely to enjoy the experience. I tend not to do much of anything when I'm truly alone.

My wife is more of an extrovert and certainly improved my social interactions. I can easily strike up conversations with total strangers out in public. Still, I can't handle being in a social group for more than an hour or so before I start feeling uncomfortable. The longer I'm stuck in a social situation, the more I tend to withdraw and can't think about anything but getting out of that situation.
I am introverted, but to me it does not necessarily mean staying at home for days at a time. Perhaps it is because my home is quite small. I enjoy long walks in nature, leisurely drives in the mountains, and I don't mind traveling or eating out all by myself either. I don't feel the need to "share" anything with anyone - I'm not even on social media anymore.

That said, I enjoy having a good time with easy-going people.
I’m extremely introverted and my anxiety level flashes red when in crowds. I love spending time with my wife who is also an introvert. I’ve been known to get physically ill if I’m stuck at a large gathering. I enjoy time to myself a great deal and have no problem doing things by myself or with my wife if I want to. When I’m with others, conversation is an option for me. I prefer to watch others interact rather than participate.
I am a just off center introvert. I have had no problem with lockdown, but I also miss travel like some others said.
Myers Briggs tests over a career were interesting for me. I started out as INTJ and moved to the center over time. Mega used to screen prospective senior managers (after a nasty episode of sociopaths running the joint) and a head doctor summed up a 2 day testing session with me as: "you are a midtrovert with a strong ego." Paid more attention to keeping ego in the pocket after that.
Big time introvert here. But I love to travel, so BS lock down sucks big time. Being an introvert and staying home are not synonymous.

Agree. I lean introverted but don't like to be home. Like to be by myself at times in publicly busy places. Need the people energy just don't have to engage directly.
Loving this time at home, especially at this time of the year. When I worked I often had to get ready in the dark and drive in the cold towards the rising sun to work, sit inside all day while it was lovely and warm and sunny outside, then drive home into the setting sun, arriving just before dark, which left no time to exercise either.

I just love being at home at this time of the year, being able to go out into the garden between 11 and 3 and walking the dog before the sun sets. Winter in Queensland is delightful, so yes I am loving being at home. Not missing much and enjoying homey things is wonderful after 45 years in the work force.
I’m an introvert - spend most of the day in my workshop or hiking the most desolate place nearby. The last few months have been great - no crowds to deal with.
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