Just going to sit and bum today


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Nov 30, 2016
I have had a busy year and seems like I'm on the go none stop enjoying all my outdoor activities. So today we got a little snow and there are things I need to do and will do but it is so nice to just sit/rest/watch TV/computer time etc. and just really do nothing.

At times I feel if I'm not doing something I'm wasting my time and I need to work on that part of my retirement goal.

Do some of you just take a day or two and just do nothing? Did you have to work in to that mode and do you feel bad if you don't do something.
Bwahahahaha! I do nothing all the time. Well, not all the time, but I do it regularly. We are having a snow day here too. I have a few things to do, but I may cancel them and not leave the house. I might bake some cookies and read a library book, but that will be about it.
For those of us who feel the need to always be "doing something", it is nice when nature forces us to slow down to it's speed!
It's healthy to take the time to power down and do nothing, read, float around the internet a bit, nap, whatever.
Enjoy it!
LOL! I like your thinking "nature forces us to slow down to it's speed" and that is very true.

Yea indeed. I'm having some medical issues that make doing nothing desirable.
I'll do that (nothing) maybe Sunday. Five to six nights a week of dancing, three times a week figure skating, twice a week workouts at the Y are taking their toll:D

Last night's 1930's version of Charleston lessons proved I am not in as good of shape as I thought. The 20ies version requires less stamina... Though did set a high bar for the twenty something college kids in the class.
I didn’t go from w*rk, which was like running in a squirrel cage, to a peaceful lifestyle overnight. Over time it came together for me w/o feeling like I should be more disciplined. I balance what I need to do with what I want to do. A change of seasons brings me a desire to enjoy that in itself.
I'll admit there was an adjustment period to retirement but I'm proud to note that I've developed a certain expertise to accomplishing nothing.

Note the tagline.
I have had a busy year and seems like I'm on the go none stop enjoying all my outdoor activities. So today we got a little snow and there are things I need to do and will do but it is so nice to just sit/rest/watch TV/computer time etc. and just really do nothing.

At times I feel if I'm not doing something I'm wasting my time and I need to work on that part of my retirement goal.

Do some of you just take a day or two and just do nothing? Did you have to work in to that mode and do you feel bad if you don't do something.

This sums up my entire retirement plan, when the time comes. :dance::dance:
Yeah, I do things... to be more explicit, I do whatever I want to do. To me, that's the whole point of retirement and this is the first time in my life when I have been able to do this. This is what we work for all of these years.

Often what I want to do would be what an overly judgmental person might label as "doing nothing". My inner response to such individuals, if verbalized, would probably be a bit rude and would involve something about them taking their judgments and jumping down a bottomless well.

Sometimes, "Doing nothing" involves just exactly the activities that I want to do. Posting on the forum, listening to podcasts or songs on youtube, playing video games, hanging out with Frank... these are some of my favorite things to do.
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I have had a busy year and seems like I'm on the go none stop enjoying all my outdoor activities. So today we got a little snow and there are things I need to do and will do but it is so nice to just sit/rest/watch TV/computer time etc. and just really do nothing.

At times I feel if I'm not doing something I'm wasting my time and I need to work on that part of my retirement goal.

Do some of you just take a day or two and just do nothing? Did you have to work in to that mode and do you feel bad if you don't do something.

For those of us who feel the need to always be "doing something", it is nice when nature forces us to slow down to it's speed!
It's healthy to take the time to power down and do nothing, read, float around the internet a bit, nap, whatever.
Enjoy it!

DW and I have done active outdoors stuff for years, even in the worst of weather. Now that we're retired, it's difficult to be motivated enough to fight bad weather and resultant more frequent colds/flu when being active outdoors. We're transitioning to indoor workouts in front of the big TV, but it's not the same. I'm getting cabin fever already.

On the other hand, we're catching up on our social engagements, doing more cooking for ourselves (instead of restaurants), and getting back to artistic and musical pursuits. Will probably do some snow birding down south just to take the edge off, just like last year.

In terms of getting used to "doing nothing", which I called "relaxing" when I still w*rked, it has taken me at least 2 years to grow more comfortable with this, but then I'm a slow learner. I'm still learning...

So today, we got up late since we were out late with friends last night. We finished breakfast around lunch time, and are now finishing a second round of pour over coffee (yum!) late in the afternoon. I need to "hurry" and since we're going out for dinner.

I'm getting better at this "doing nothing"; the practice certainly helps. :D It's a nice change of pace since I've been hustling since I was 13 yo.
Yeah, I do things... to be more explicit, I do whatever I want to do. To me, that's the whole point of retirement and this is the first time in my life when I have been able to do this. This is what we work for all of these years.


Exactly! Life is too precious to NOT do what I want whenever I can reasonably do it.
I often have days which include nothing of any significance during the day. And the bar for doing "something" during the day is pretty low, such as doing laundry, some local errands, or a short activity such as a doctor appointment or school Scrabble visit.
To me the lack of pressure to accomplish something each day is one of the best things about retirement. I adapted to it more easily than I thought I would.
I do nothing all the time. At the same time I know I can go anywhere I want and do almost anything I want if I so choose.
I love being a bum some days and to just rest. Today was a fun day doing nothing but did go late in day and did some hunting with my son.

Thanks for all your comments.
I just want to dog.

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