My new answer to 'What do you do all day'?



When someone asks me "what do I do all day", I have started responding with:

"You know how they're saying Amercians rush around all the time with no time for family and friends. And don't have time for a leisurely lunch or dinner. And no time for personal projects or Hobbies"

Well - I now have time for those things :)
Nice statement, Cut-Throat.

If someone asked me that, I'd have to respond "with my right or my left hand?" :-[

Of course, there is always your 2 feet cause after 10 hours even hands get tired doing what you do all day.

Of course, there is always your 2 feet cause after 10 hours even hands get tired doing what you do all day.MJ :D

Yikes :eek:
Anyone who knows me knows better than to ask that. On my laziest day I accomplish more than most... and have fun doing it.
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