Who used Vicks ZZZQuil?


Recycles dryer sheets
Sep 3, 2020
Tampa, FL
I have insomnia and it works pretty well for me, at least as good as prescriptions did. How often do you use it and do you notice any side effects?
I have insomnia and it works pretty well for me, at least as good as prescriptions did. How often do you use it and do you notice any side effects?
My wife uses it several times a week and it works well. She doesn't experience any side effects.

The active ingredient is Diphenhydramine HCL which is Benadryl. So for me I just buy the generic brand caplets and save a lot.

She claims ZZZQuil works better than the caplets but I don't notice any difference other than saving a lot of money.
Benadryl seems to work in reverse for me. I took some in the daytime for allergy and it glued me to the chair. I took some at bed time and it kept me awake.
Zzzquil does have diphenhydramine HCL (like Benadryl) but Zzzqul Ultra has doxylamine succinate as the active ingredient. (Doxylamine is one of the ingredients in Nyquil.)

I find doxylamine, which is also used in Unisom and Kirkland (Costco) sleeping tablets to be much more powerful than diphenhydramine. So much more powerful that I cut a 25mg tablet into quarters. A whole tablet would probably knock me out for 24hr.
From what I've read, OTC sleep aids depend on antihistamines, which are anticholinergics - chemicals which act on the memory process, and over time are implicated in developing dementia.

Of course, as someone will surely point out, lack of sleep is also implicated in dementia. Either way, I can't bring myself to use antihistamines any more.
I tried zzzquil a couple days ago but no joy. My sleep was no better than without. I had hope as nyquil does work for me. Some things work for DW but not me so I think there must be many factors in what makes it work for you. If I take nyquil I only take about 1/2 dose and it is enough. Only once a month or so.
I tried zzzquil a couple days ago but no joy. My sleep was no better than without. I had hope as nyquil does work for me. Some things work for DW but not me so I think there must be many factors in what makes it work for you. If I take nyquil I only take about 1/2 dose and it is enough. Only once a month or so.

I'm generally leery of sleep aids, but have no evidence that they shouldn't be used occasionally. I've been blessed with good sleep most nights. Only if I'm stewing over something is my sleep significantly interrupted. Then I might even take Nyquil as it is very effective (though not recommended.) I think "occasionally" is the watch word for sleep aids but YMMV.
I used sleep aids for a period of insomnia for several years, multiple types, OTC and prescription.
Luckily, I seemed to have recovered. I have not used anything on a regular basis for months now.
If I am not sleepy, I just stay up and read until I conk out. I have a very comfy recliner.
If I do use anything, it is Sleepytime Tea.
I still have my prescription, but rarely need it anymore. Antihistamines dried me out too much and I had left over drowsiness the next day.
I use a product called Sleep 3 by Nature's Bounty. It has quick release melatonin, slow release melatonin and some calming herbs.

I only need it once or twice week. I keep a tablet on my bedside table, because sometimes it's to fall asleep and sometimes it's to get back to sleep.
Zzzquil does have diphenhydramine HCL (like Benadryl) but Zzzqul Ultra has doxylamine succinate as the active ingredient. (Doxylamine is one of the ingredients in Nyquil.)

I find doxylamine, which is also used in Unisom and Kirkland (Costco) sleeping tablets to be much more powerful than diphenhydramine. So much more powerful that I cut a 25mg tablet into quarters. A whole tablet would probably knock me out for 24hr.

+1 on this. The ZZZQuil doesn't do squat for me. The Kirkland tablets will knock me out for 12 hours...HARD. Thankfully, I don't have too many issues sleeping but on occasion I find it hard to shut down my thoughts making it hard to sleep, so these aids come in handy.
I’ve had trouble sleeping for years. I solved my problem by using Unisom and a muscle relaxer, along with a drink of scotch before bedtime. It guarantees me at least seven hours of sleep.
I’ve had trouble sleeping for years. I solved my problem by using Unisom and a muscle relaxer, along with a drink of scotch before bedtime. It guarantees me at least seven hours of sleep.

I'm wondering if that's why Nyquil works well for me. I don't use alcohol, but I think Nyquil has 10%? which might be a lot for me. YMMV
The "sleep aid" that has helped me the most is to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. The only problem is that DW complains that I'm asleep about the time my head hits the pillow and it aggravates her greatly. Of course, there are occasional exceptions but I'm pretty consistent overall.

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