How to avoid catching a cold on a plane?

For 20 years I flew three out of four weeks a month. I would catch colds 2-3 times per year. Then one of the last years before I retired I caught a cold a month Jan-April. It was so frustrating.

Since I stopped flying (2-3 times a year) I haven't had a cold in 15 months at least. There is definitely cause and effect and it is definitely a flying petri dish.

Agree with hand washing. Otherwise it's a crap shoot.
Wee bit of overshare coming...

Historically, I've gotten colds a LOT.* Enough that I was chastised at my first 3 jobs for excessive absence, even though I was legitimately sick and not goldbricking. I've found that the dry air in planes (and office buildings in the winter) tends to dry out my mucus membranes. My eyes itch, so I rub them. I also end up (sorry) picking my nose occasionally. If I do these two things, I will get a cold sooner rather than later. The times I've studiously avoided both, I'll stay healthy for months on end.

*I found one of the root causes eventually and have been on medication to help since with great results.

To combat dry nose and keep my sinuses hostile to germs I always use saline spray on a plane. Before boarding and every time I use the restroom.
Hi, Uncle Marko...
Thanks for the health tips. YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

Let me help you here: It's not "hucking louies". It's"hocking loogies".
Your favorite niece (the one that keep in touch)...
note: emphasis by redduck, not by Uncle Marko

Maybe he was quoting in Mandarin :)

My approach:

1. Take extra vitamin C starting the morning of my flight and during my entire trip.
2. Use saline nose spray several times per each hour of flight. The arid air in the plane causes your nasal membranes to dry out pretty quickly, making them more susceptible to viruses. You can get this in virtually any drugstore. I always have a bottle with me.
3. Put the magazines, flight card, shopping offers, etc. in the overhead bin immediately upon boarding.
4. Wash the tray, arm rests, and entertainment screens with a packaged soapy tissue.
5. Bring a thin down vest and use it once you feel sleepy -- your body temperature drops when you are asleep and you need something to help keep you warm. Use the supplied blanket only on your legs.
6. Get plenty of rest the night before. This one is hard for me--I'm usually packing late at night.
7. Decline the airplane food, drinks, etc. Take some almonds, raisins, a package of crackers and a bottle of water. Also a package of sugarless candy drops.

Relax, sit back, and try to enjoy the flight with your fellow sardines.

Then relax.
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After reading these suggestions I feel like I have to focus on just a few things. So my main focus is going to be on clean hands and not touching my face much.

I drink a lot of fluids (no alcohol). That means getting up and using the restroom. Good exercise when one is sitting on an 11 hour flight.

First one should wash in the sink for at least 20 seconds or so. Just the back and forth scrubbing is what does it, not the water temperature. But one still has to touch those restroom doors when exiting the in-plane restroom so ... follow up with a hand sanitizer.

Small Purell (alcohol based products) bottles are easily brought into the airport and on the plane. Here is some discussion on why and how does alcohol kill bacteria:
+1 on the flu shot. Used to get common colds a few times a year and after Long haul flights. The past 2 years I received flu shots, and have not gotten a common cold or the flu or any sickness. Flu shot seems to be the cure all? I do wipe down everything around me on the plane and turn off the air vent. Don't want other peoples sick air blowing on me. Another tip, try to take flights using the new 787 Boeing. It has a very advanced air filter and humidity control.
Wear garlic around your neck? I would never do it, but I have heard that it works.
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Article along with recipe for making your own elderberry juice/syrup.

"Dr. Madeleine Mumcuoglu, of Hadassah-Hebrew University in Israel found that elderberry disarms the enzyme viruses use to penetrate healthy cells in the lining of the nose and throat. Taken before infection, it prevents infection. Taken after infection, it prevents spread of the virus through the respiratory tract. In a clinical trial, 20% of study subjects reported significant improvement within 24 hours, 70% by 48 hours, and 90% claimed complete cure in three days. In contrast, subjects receiving the placebo required 6 days to recover."

My MIL used to make elderberry juice and can it. Once when I was feeling take-to-my-bed sick she dosed me with half a quart over several hours. The next morning I was cured and ready to go shopping with her :)

I picked up some elderberry capsules a week ago. Some people at a mini family reunion were getting over colds and laryngitis. I started dosing with Vit D, Vit C, elderberry capsules and homeopathics - and did not get sick. My sister did get sick. But who knows what else is at play. She had been working hard during their move to a new house and was not getting as much sleep as usual.

Agree with declining airline served items, bringing your own bottle of water on board and having soapy or disinfectant wipes for the airplane tray table, etc. Don't forget the latch!

I used to get a bad cold nearly every time I flew for business years back, and my sister, a homeopath of sorts, told me to drink apple juice on the plane. She said it gives a boost to your immune system. I was so desperate I tried asking for a full can of apple juice on every flight from then on and the colds stopped. I was amazed. DH does the same and another friend who had same prob tried and it works for her, too. Sis has had lots of crazy sounding advice over the years, but I swear by this one. We also always bring a water bottle to stay hydrated in between. We travel nonstop for fun now!
I plan to eats lots of fresh garlic, that way I kill 2 birds with one stone. Keep out the cold and have plenty of space between me.
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