Anti-Glycolytic Training


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Aug 5, 2011
West of the Mississippi
Has anybody heard about or used Anti-Glycolytic Training?

A while back I was complaining that as an older person it is all to easy to injure oneself when training if one goes to extremes - Feeling the Burn, or Shredding one's body. Once injured the benefits of training go POOF! as it often takes weeks to recover and get back to training.

One fellow recommended Anti-Glycolytic training mentioned at this website:

The idea seems to be to train to the point where you can keep on keeping-on without getting burned, shredded or otherwise damaging your cells. One trains the body to provide an ongoing source of energy that doesn't run out after a short period such as with HIIT or lifting weights to the point of failure.

Obviously, the the guy promoting this has something to sell. But, if it works, it sounds better than the riskier extremes.
Gosh - what a concept, exercising but not to the point of any discomfort other than normal exertion!

At my age I definitely avoid anything that might cause injury, because I know it takes far longer to recover. I’m just careful and I also avoid explosive moves of any kind. Smooth and steady is much safer. You can go fast as long as even and well controlled.

The idea seems to be to train to the point where you can keep on keeping-on without getting burned, shredded or otherwise damaging your cells. One trains the body to provide an ongoing source of energy that doesn't run out after a short period such as with HIIT or lifting weights to the point of failure.

For the last ten or so years I work out 2 or 3 times a week. Only to the extent of working up some sweat. I use no machinery of any kind. Then hit the sauna for 15 or 20 minutes. Usually snooze in there for about 10 minutes. Then a cool shower.
And figure skate in winter 2 or 3 times a week for an hour and a half.

Whatever the dude is selling, I don't need.
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