Retirement Summit Meeting


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give
Jun 30, 2002
Texas: No Country for Old Men
Dory, are you going to attend to represent the forum?

Time to make savings cool
Retirement-savings summit holds promise

Next week, the Labor Department will host the 2006 National Summit on Retirement Savings -- otherwise known as the Saver Summit. The event, which has been held every four years since 1998, will feature more than 250 people, including White House officials, politicians, government agency heads, researchers and other parties interested in cracking the retirement crisis in America.
This is JUST what I want...........the government "helping" folks save for retirement through a manditory savings program......where have we heard that one before? How's that working out for you?

"...For his part, Aitken wants tangible and concrete results. Chiefly, he wants "automatic enrollment" into employer-sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k) plans to be adopted. With automatic enrollment, employees are entered into their company's 401(k) plan and they must opt out of participating in the plan. Not surprisingly, the net effect of automatic enrollment is that more rather than fewer employees are saving for retirement. In fact, the percent of employees participating in retirement plans generally rises from 75% to more than 90% when automatic enrollment is part of the formal plan design...."
REWahoo! said:
...will feature more than 250 people, including White House officials, politicians, government agency heads...

Perfect.  I can just imagine how the conversation(s) will go...

"Let's scare the hell out of 'em.  Keep 'em working to keep SS funded"

"If we raise taxes a bunch, the incentive to contribute to a 401k increases".
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