

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 17, 2013
Hey, you knuckleheads got my lil thread closed down while I was busy watching my Vikes Defense dominate.

I was gonna pop into the thread to tell y'all to simmer down ...guess hindsight is 20/20... MEH!

As I yell to my 4 and 2 year old daily, BEHAVE!

Was no need tossing insults and political bs we all know will end up stirring up porky into the mix. END RANT, have fun...behave!:D

I would link the rules, but you can browse to them...even I am individually guilty on occasion. I can be sarcastic but there is a line.
Twins, to the Series! Will be at the game tonight.
Twins, to the Series! Will be at the game tonight.

Ha. No way. I attended my first Twins game 1970. Other than 87 and 91 it has been a bunch of disapointment. Yes they broke the season HR record but the season isnt over. 5 bucks says the Yanks end the season with more home runs. Pineda suspended for 60 games! Buxton most likely out for the year, Cruz with a balky wrist, Kepler currently out. We will make the playoffs and be out in the first round. Take that to the bank.
Was no need tossing insults and political bs we all know will end up stirring up porky into the mix. END RANT, have fun...behave!:D

My next thread:

"White Male Privilege And Me"

How many replies it will get before Porky? LOL
On a serious note, I've noticed an increase in the harsh tone of many posts here of late.

I'd second the 'behave' request. Everybody here except newcomers know the rules and I applaud the mods for their close monitoring.

This is the one quiet place for many of us while on the "outside" everyone is just screaming at each other.

People taking [-]firm[/-] immovable stances and being more bold and in your face; it seems the only right opinion is 'mine', giving me permission to verbally beat you into the ground. An upcoming election will only increase the tension; let's try not to bring it in here.

Behave and....RESPECT. We all know the rules that make this forum special.
Ha. No way. I attended my first Twins game 1970. Other than 87 and 91 it has been a bunch of disapointment.

I watched the 87 World Series with my Grampa, who was a huge baseball fan and played in the farm league in his youth. He absolutely LOVED Kirby Puckett.

Grampa died in 88, so I've got a lot of fond memories of that Series.
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