...turning 40, getting tired


Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Hi all,
Been lurking for a while, decided I'd take advantage of a sick day at home (head cold, honest!) to introduce myself.

Both DH and I are turning 4-0 this month and are starting to ask some of the big questions. Well, I'm asking them, he's hanging out on the couch with a glass of syrah and streaming Netflix. :D I don't expect any answers, just telling you where I'm at...

I'm a manager in county government, in a job that everyone thinks enables me to read all day (hint), but which really involves huge amounts of technological change, funding uncertainty, challenging customers, public criticism, and unfilled staff positions. We are doing quite a lot with quite a little. And it's tiring. Hence, my third cold in six months.

Our savings hover around the $1mil mark (equities/cash) depending on the stock market. I'd always hoped to retire at 50, but DH is hedging his bets with 55 so that we have $$ to travel. We haven't figured my pensions into it yet, because I won't have a lot of years with any one pension (worked for two county governments, not reciprocal). We are renters in a fairly expensive city, no kids, two paid-off cars, and happy not to have responsibilities.

Seeing 15 years of work ahead of us and 21 years of work behind us is making me think about what we'll do with our time in retirement. DH and I have always been very serious and responsible about work - what will we be serious about when we're not working? And although I said I'd never be one of those workers who checked out long before retirement, I question how much investment I'll make in my profession and career with the time I have left - learning new software and standards, networking, etc. I'm a bit tired of scrambling to keep ahead of the curve.

Anyway, that's where I'm at. Thanks for listening, and thanks for the forum!
The best laid plans often go awry but having a plan is better than no plan at all. By planning, you can see where you want to be in distant future. Keep planning and see yourself and your DH's future as RE. I've been planing and daydreaming of RE for past 20 years. It's getting closer but yet so far. Being divorce twice didn't really help the matter.
Welcome. Hang around for a while and see how others have made that journey.

Ironically, many are anxious about how they will spend their time but most, having retired, quickly fill their time with stuff that they want to do. Others go back to work, but do so on their own terms. The beauty is in having the choice.
Your message stuck a chord with me. That same feeling of "what is it all worth??". I understand your challenges and hope you post here more. You're doing so much better than most people. Suze Orman would be proud of you.
What will you be serious about when you're not working? Figuring out what to do while you're not working. Put half as much effort into that as you do working and you should do fine. Welcome. A lot of good advice and information on here.
I know what you mean...

I'm a bit tired of scrambling to keep ahead of the curve.

I know what you mean, and couldn't have said it better. I suppose the challenge is to find something that excites us to get out of bed and make that daily commute. If it's something that also pays you, you're not likely to be lurking around here. If it's not, then like me, set a date for yourself and get ready to FIRE...

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