Will soon be free again


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 22, 2005
I gave notice that I was quitting my part-time job 3/6/12. I have been working Mon, Wed and Fri, 24hrs per week since 3/5/10. I enjoyed the job and the people, both co-workers and patients. My boss, a doctor, told me that he need time to hire and train someone. I told him that I would stay through 4/6, since the Office Manager was going away the week of 4/6/12. He asked me to stay until the office closes for 3 weeks for vacation, which is June 5. I agreed to stay until then.

When I received my raise in 03/11, it was tiny and it made me feel like he did not appreciate what I do. I also was tired of having a fixed schedule. My DD's family live in CA and wanted to be able to visit them more often. These were the two main reasons for giving notice. He gave me a raise in my 03/15 check that was almost double what he gave me last year. My DD called earlier this week and asked if she and our granddaughter could move back home late summer and live with us, so that our granddaughter could start pre-school here. Our son-in-law's 6 years in the Navy is ending the end of June and he will move back in Dec. It is funny that both of the reasons why I decided to quit my job, have been resolved after I gave my notice. My office manager told me that it is not too late to change my mind. However, I gave them a recommendation of a person to take over my job and she is a friend. The office manager interviewed her last Tues and really liked her and the Dr. is interviewing her this Tues. She needs a job for the money and I don't need it for the money. Life is funny.

I am looking forward to having more time to spend with my family, exercise and do more traveling than the last 2 years. I did not make my goal of finishing obtaining the social security quarters that I needed. Who knows, maybe I will go back to work some day or maybe not. You gotta be flexible in life!
Tues and Thurs would be nice, but we do not see patients on those days.

I think that I posted here too quickly. My office manager told the doctor how things had changed and he talked to me today about my leaving. He told me that I would be welcome to stay and that I need to take into consideration that he pays me more than the hourly amount, considering what he will put in for my pension. I don't know how the extra that he puts in works yet, as I have not received it. My office manager told me that I can take additional time off, as long as it is a week or so. We get a 3 week period off in the summer. She told me to encourage my friend to interview for the other position in the office where they are hiring. It looks like I am staying.
Great...now you can earn the remaining quarters you need for SS!

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