On-Line Obamacare application draft - 61 pages

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I found this today and believe it was recently released, I am still looking it over but thought others would appreciate seeing it sooner rather than later.


It has been discussed on the Obamacare thread.

It is not the actual application. That's important to realize. Read the "Background" introduction. Basically, it is a draft for the committee members to review of all the possible questions.

Presumably, as a person chooses an answer on-line, they are directed down a "tree" to a reduced set of questions. For example, if you have no dependents, you skip a load of questions.

I have my opinions about ACA. Since we are asked to be a-political, I won't give them. Regardless, I want to set the record straight on this document. There is a lot of misinformation I've heard out there on this, including "you have to go through 61 pages of questions." That's not correct.
It's been covered in other threads. That is not the application, but the guidelines for designing the online document. The draft application is only about 5 pages to complete.

This a draft of the paper form

Interesting. In some respects it seems simple for evaluating whether someone will get Federal subsidies. If we want to help cover people with limited means it would seem pretty much impossible to do so without a complicated system unless we adopt a single payer approach like Medicare for all.
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