Quirky movies that weren't popular

Juno and Local Hero are a couple of favorites. Haven't read entire thread, so don't know if anyone has mentioned Harold and Maude yet. Pretty sure that was the first quirky movie I ever saw, and it made a lasting impression.
A couple more Aussie postings that will qualify.

The Earthling
Rabbitproof Fence

Both good stories. The Earthling was filmed in the Blue Mountains. I believe they are currently getting hit with brush fires.
Wait Until Dark
Sorry....I do draw a line at "classics"...Caddyshack fits there.....a classic (which I have)...but doesn't fit in the limits for this thread. Juno....is an iffy...pretty popular at the time. I have several of the "Thin Man" series....quite like them....but doesn't fit in the quirky title. Wonderfalls I quite like.....quirky "series".... Outside Providence looks like something I need to look up. A "bad" movie....that's entertaining.... Princess Bride also doesn't count....a really really popular "cult" film (which is one of my favs).
Then there is Cabin Boy, definitely quirky, definitely not popular. I think maybe 12 people ever saw it....
Princess Bride also doesn't count....a really really popular "cult" film (which is one of my favs).

I love The Princess Bride. So many memorable lines.
That was you in the row ahead of us!

I think I have to claim a "one-up" on you.....I at least waited until it was on DVD/VHS (or whatever the hell it was at the time)......I didn't pay the "retail" price. Which means.....I am..... 50cents ahead of you...... IFFFF it were me.....I apologize for any snoring/drooling that may have occurred. At least my wife doesn't drag me to symphony things in town like my buddy.....I married a lady who loves staying at home as much as I do. Just planning on going back to the UK soon to do the same thing.
All right, I'll play.

"Rancho Deluxe" from somewhere in the 70's.

Still one of my faves, but I think I'm the only one.
Sorry....I do draw a line at "classics"...Princess Bride also doesn't count....a really really popular "cult" film (which is one of my favs).

I believe the OP said quirky movies that weren't popular. The Princess Bride was "a modest success" The Princess Bride (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, doing significantly poorer at the box office than many of the movies mentioned in the thread. DVD sales and later cult status shouldn't disqualify them. If so, Buckaroo Banzai and Rocky Horror wouldn't qualify either, and probably most of the others mentioned.
U Turn with Sean Penn: "A young punk drifter heading to Vegas to pay off his gambling debt before the Russian mafia kills him, is forced to stop in a Arizona town where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong for him." (Reminded me a bit of that character in Little Big Man who kept losing body parts/functions.)
Looked through my closest pile of DVDs, and I saw a few worth adding.

.............. A Boy and His Dog, .

I thought I was the only person that knew of that movie. We just watched from Nflix, I thought DW was going to strangle me.. how fitting the ending was.

harley- I am the OP. The Princess Bride like you said was modestly/so-so successful when it came out, but has since become legendary and after all this time has a rather big following. I had stated originally only about movies that weren't popular but I liked them anyway.
I thought I was the only person that knew of that movie. We just watched from Nflix, I thought DW was going to strangle me.. how fitting the ending was.


+1. Love A Boy and His Dog. But it is sure wierd. The ending is great.

Also, like the mention of Little Big Man. Not sure it qualifies as quirky. But it was a great movie.
Don't think it was very popular, so I'll add "Hero". Dustin Hoffman is hilarious!
Wow... many of these are on TV right now Turner Classics, IFC, and AMC...
Am becoming addicted.

Silverado was on three times this week... almost forgotten, but recently seen:
Blow Up
I Am Curious Yellow
8 1/2
Anna Lucasta
The Blue Gardenia

.... qualify as "quirky"... if not unpopular. :blush:
Just finished "Adrift in Tokyo". Amazing. Sort of a Napoleon Dynamite in Japan (Eng subtitles). Way, way off beat
Another vote for Holes here ... and some others

King of Hearts
The proposal
Kinky Boots
Calendar Girls
Also, Stranger Than Fiction is really good IMHO where Will Ferrell is an accountant for the IRS and Emma Thompson is an author whose omniscient voice he unexpectedly hears in his head and Dustin Hoffman is the professor who, well, hard to explain. Sort of in the vein of Being John Malkovich.

And Adaptation with Chris Cooper. And Lone Star with Chris Cooper.

And another shoutout for Rushmore.

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