Kmart to open at 6am on Thanksgiving

We rarely do "Black Friday" or go on Holiday's. Really not fair to the folks who have to work at the big boxes. Our family agreed on doing a name exchange for the adults so only have to buy 2 presents (myself and DW) and so they can be nice presents. The others are happy with this arrangement also. Plus do a present game where a $5 gift's bounced around by whatever number you might have drawn.

I like having presents on Christmas and so do others. Just have to bring it down to rational limits.
A big NO to KMart, a big NO to shopping at 6AM or other unsocial hours, and a big NO to shopping on a holiday.

I stay well clear of any shopping center between Dec and Jan 15....and for that matter most other times.
A big NO to KMart, a big NO to shopping at 6AM or other unsocial hours, and a big NO to shopping on a holiday.

I stay well clear of any shopping center between Dec and Jan 15....and for that matter most other times.

I find the ambiance in KMart is depressing so I don't shop there...much. I might go there because it is closer to home and I think I might find what I want but usually I don't find what I am looking for or the price is too high.
I avoid the stores during all vacation periods. In fact, I really do not like shopping. When I do, I try to buy something that will last....if only because it will save me from going shopping more often. And I only go when I want something...never to pass the time and just 'look around'.

We don't own the latest and greatest of everything nor do we care what our neighbours or friends have or don't have.

We have never paid a cent in interest on our credit cards. Live within our means. Retired early and financially very secure.

I wonder if there is a correlation?
Maybe, maybe not. We are due to retire in 2 years.

Will be very comfortable. Never paid CC interest or felt like I needed to keep up with anyone.

I do keep up with tech that I like. I trade out guns for news ones I have not tried (sometimes I keep). Spend money shopping when we feel like it.

Agree with staying with in means but means are different for different folks, thus different spending habits.
I don't like crowds so shopping during the holidays is not on my "to do" list. However, on occasion I do go to the mall on Christmas eve to sit and watch last minute shoppers go nuts. :crazy: Holiday entertainment at its finest. Almost as much fun as watching Ralphie and friends in "A Christmas Story".

It would feel just wrong to be out retail shopping on Thanksgiving. I am privileged to have the day off, and also the next 3 days, and I would hope that most families get some time at home together during the holiday.

I am going to a friend's house for Turkey Day and will be baking a pumpkin pie in the morning and picking out a couple of bottles of local wine from my holiday stockpile to bring to the table also.
I've worked a great many holidays for my job. I almost had to work Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, but a last-minute personnel swap may prevent that.

In the old days, before hitting the pay cap, I got double pay for holidays, and always appreciated that. I hope the retail workers are paid extra. Folks who worry about the quality of retail workers' family lives should consider how much the extra bucks might mean to them.

I won't do holiday shopping. Years ago, before I retired, I made the mistake of going to a Best Buy store on black friday; that will never happen again.
I've worked a great many holidays for my job. I almost had to work Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, but a last-minute personnel swap may prevent that.

In the old days, before hitting the pay cap, I got double pay for holidays, and always appreciated that. I hope the retail workers are paid extra. Folks who worry about the quality of retail workers' family lives should consider how much the extra bucks might mean to them.


You make a great point.

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