Gift for 85 year old DM


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 7, 2013
I need a gift idea for my mother, who is turning 85 at the end of this month. Nothing extravagant or exotic, I just want to get her something she will enjoy or use regularly.

She's healthy, independent.. a voracious reader (I got her a nook a couple of years ago).. She's not in 'need' of anything in particular, but I always try to get her a little something just to celebrate the day. At her age she is not interested in jewelry or knick knacks or flowers etc. If I get her a gift card she would just probably give it to someone else (useless nephew).

July is my birthday month too, so she's making me lunch (Mom's fried chicken....what a treat). My DW is making her a German Chocolate Pecan Pie (pictures from the recipe look sinful).

If you have any idea of a useful item that I might not be thinking about, I'd love to hear it...thanks in advance...
Hmm, how about a small photo album with current (or past) pictures of your family.
It is hard with that age group. Some kind of treat of the month club ( fruit or other)?
What about a donation to a charity close to her heart?
Happy birthday to both of you!
Actually, this is easy. Give her your time. She doesn't need things, but I bet she wishes you would spend more time with her.

Spend an day or evening with her, going to dinner, the mall, doing errands, a musical, dinner theater, etc. Or give her a puppy.

In a few years time, you will wish you spent more time with her.
Actually, this is easy. Give her your time. She doesn't need things, but I bet she wishes you would spend more time with her.

Spend an day or evening with her, going to dinner, the mall, doing errands, a musical, dinner theater, etc. Or give her a puppy.

In a few years time, you will wish you spent more time with her.


I cannot agree more. Take her on an outing that she would enjoy, whether it be a weekend at a resort, a day at the beach, a spa day, a concert, shopping for something special together, or a wonderful dinner. Buy her flowers and treat her like a queen for a day.
A digital picture frame, you can download a ton of pictures and she can easily navigate through them rather than fumbling with boxes full of photos.
Or a food of the month club like someone else said, everyone likes to receive something in the mail that is not a bill...

Or an experience, maybe with you and your wife, like a fun zany cooking class.

Wild Irish Rogue
A few years ago when mom was still alive I had my portrait taken and placed in a frame. I had it done inexpensively at a Target portrait studio (they did a good job). I've never been big on having my picture taken. At the time mom was sinking deeper into dementia, so a picture of me helped when she heard my voice on the telephone.
I'm a lot younger than your mom and I know you said she's not interested in flowers, but I love when my adult kids send/bring me fresh flowers for my birthday or mother's day--they are beautiful to look at for a week, they don't have to be maintained or stored (because I hate "stuff"), and I get a sweet card to keep with my sentimental cards over the years. July's birth flower is larkspur--a small arrangement would be easy.

Fried chicken and German chocolate pecan pie at the same meal? That would be heaven!
An Internet connected picture frame and a gift card to DM's favorite splurge restaurant have been my most successful gifts.
An Internet connected picture frame and a gift card to DM's favorite splurge restaurant have been my most successful gifts.

thanks everyone for the ideas.... I had not heard of internet connected picture frames so I went online and looked at the review of the Pix-Star Fotoframe... wow, that's incredible use of technology.. pretty cool. Don't think it's perfect for my DM, but it's a neat product.
A digital picture frame, you can download a ton of pictures and she can easily navigate through them rather than fumbling with boxes full of photos.
Or a food of the month club like someone else said, everyone likes to receive something in the mail that is not a bill...

Wild Irish Rogue

My brother and I have done both of these for our DM. At first the response to the picture frame was "What do I need this for??!!?!" Now she and the bridge ladies love looking at the changing pictures. We update the file every couple of months with new pics.

We have done coffee, flowers, meat, etc for each month. Latest one we skipped the service and scheduled the year. We pick unique food items and she gets something totally different every month.
One more item, DM loves to cook so at least once a year DW makes up a flat of herb plants. We go over and plant them, some wind up in window sills. Doesn't matter if they die off every year. We get to bring more every spring. Nice gift if your DM still likes to cook. Fresh herbs have so much more flavor.
My vote is to spend time with her. Perhaps you could plan to spend some special time with her each month throughout the next year. Take her out to eat, shop, for a ride, to a special attraction, etc. and enjoy that time together.
Before she passed we just took Mom out to lunch or dinner to spend some time with her. That's all she wanted.

Other ideas I've heard are a card with a gift inside for a service - "This card good for one window cleaning" or the like.
Magazines from her birth week/month.
You might think that I would like this but for moms 90th, we flew to Baltimore, Took her to lunch on the eastern shore for crabs and beer, and stopped at the maryland live casino on the way back. This was really tough duty.
My vote is to spend time with her. Perhaps you could plan to spend some special time with her each month throughout the next year. Take her out to eat, shop, for a ride, to a special attraction, etc. and enjoy that time together.

This would definitely be my vote also. I don't need things, but love spending time with my loved ones!
Think Experiences not stuff. Experiences are known to correlate with happiness - the memories provide ongoing dividends.

How about a Hot Air balloon ride for the two of you? Would give her lots of stories to tell her friends/family for the next year.

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