What are you looking forward to in 2017?

Dash man

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Mar 8, 2013
2017 will be the first full year DW will be joining me in retirement. We'll be taking a 2-week Celebrity cruise to Northern Europe including St. Petersburg , Copenhagen, Helsinki, Stockholm and others stops, with a few extra days in London to top it off. 2017 will also be out first official "snowbird" year, living half the year in FL and half in PA. We'll also be adjusting to spending with no paychecks at all on the horizon. It should be an exciting and interesting year!
What's coming your way in 2017?

Edit: OMG!! How could I forget. We'll also be grandparents in April with a grandson on the way!
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Congratulations on your upcoming year. You made the right decision going with Celebrity, and the Scandinavian cruise is truly a trip of a lifetime. We took a cruise with the same itinerary a year ago, and another cruise this Spring out of Italy to the Greek Isles.

Sounds as if you have made many good life decisions.
We're looking forward to it! Learning to manage withdrawals and paying quarterly taxes will be new for us too. We have Cobra for 18 months and will have to see what choices we have for healthcare after that expires in 2018.
No more home remodeling... finally. Gotta find something to fill the void...
New granddaughter in April, first girl born into our family in 41 years! DH's retirement in March! And a move to....somewhere.
2017 will also be the first full year that DW will join me in retirement. Her daughter is expecting a baby and we are planning to move cross country to live nearby. Should be a big year.

Oh, and we may drive to Toledo for some cultural enrichment.
No more home remodeling... finally. Gotta find something to fill the void...

I can sure relate to that! My spending is finally stabilizing after moving into and fixing up my dream home. Hopefully in 2017 I can resume my Amazon spending habit to a greater extent (on fun, discretionary items). :D

No trips, no grandkids on the way, no moving, nothing on the horizon other than possibly some medical stuff. There will be lots of free time to enjoy retirement.

Looking forward to an extended snowbird season, some interesting hikes and photo explorations, bike ride across Iowa, and a fall New England leaf peeping tour.
Travel to South and Central America during the winter.

Possibly buying either a home where we currently live or changing rentals, moving to a smaller city for a year in the Okanogan area to 'try before we buy'.

More travel in late summer/fall to UK, then Greece.
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It will be a 30th wedding anniversary for my wife and I. Looking to do a 2 week vacation in August which will be a first for us. Still working, so 2 weeks away from MegaCorp is tough to pull off. Starting my FIRE glide path so willing to deal with any issues related to being away from the office for an extended time.

Would like to do somewhere in Europe so will be looking at best options for August.
No more home remodeling... finally. Gotta find something to fill the void...

We'll be doing some kitchen remodeling in our Florida condo. Hopefully nothing else for this year.
First SS check for me. We may celebrate by flying first class or business when we leave the Islands for annual mainland trek. Of course, RMDs begin in 2017, so taxes will likely go up. Still, our pot of available cash will be bigger which is the good half of the equation. YMMV
Next May we're booked on three back-to-back Pullmantur voyages aboard the Monarch.......starting in Puerto Limón, Costa Rica, and ending in Bergen, Norway......Bergen to Oslo by train, and then to........

In the Fall I'm thinking I'd like to revisit Trieste, (DW's never been), and perhaps work our way down from there to Civitavecchia, where a Royal Caribbean ship, (base price at this time $568 US p.p.) is leaving for Puerto Rico on November 06.

Early days.
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Nothing much out of the ordinary. Will spend a good bit of time at my coastal condo. Always enjoy going there to play golf, ride my bike, enjoy good food and walks on the beach. Plan to go to Colorado some time during the summer for a 2-3 week break from our heat/humidity. And will pull the lever on SS checks. Will be nice having an additional income stream.
The big event will be the Galapagos islands in the Spring. Looking forward to that quite a bit.
First full year of FIRE and no significant agenda other than a lot of golf and a two week trip to Italy in May with a group of good friends.
Looking forward to an extended snowbird season, some interesting hikes and photo explorations, bike ride across Iowa, and a fall New England leaf peeping tour.


In January we're headed off to visit our former foreign exchange student in Italy who had her first baby. If our kids won't have grandkids for us then we will live vicariously through others!
What's coming your way in 2017?

Dental work, ($$$)
Landscape back yard (new deck, grass, etc) ($$),
Praying that 3 of 4 children in our extended family find employment :hide:,
Granddaughter "finally" graduates college (-$),
DW gets a new knee ($),

Once we get past the above, maybe take a trip for relaxation or recovery.:LOL:
Going to AZ for a couple of weeks in January with DH, sister and b-in-law. Going on an Alaskan trip and cruise for 11 days in August with a friend. We normally go to NC approximately every month to see our daughter's family for a week. I am looking forward to bringing our 2 granddaughters to WV for a week or two in the summer and doing kid activities. I am sure that my DH and I will plan some trips for us too.
Hollywood, here I come!

For 2017 I anticipate publishing my first novel. It's certain to sweep the Pulitzers... all of them!

It's already written, but there is as much work between THE END and seeing the book on the shelves as there was between Once upon a time and Happily ever after.

However, 2017 will be my Year of Destiny! First, the book deal. Then comes the bestseller list. Then the movie contract. Then the red carpet. Then the hot tub full of Kardashians. Then the remorse and the head-to-toe bleaching...:facepalm:

...or maybe just publish the book and savor the moment.:)
Shift boat lifts in the dock, getting a new one for jet ski and kayak
Buy the kayak of my dreams, refurbish DW's sailboat

DD receives her graduate degree
Italy for a couple of weeks to see her perform(?)

Lake house is paid off in July
30th anniversary (note to self....)

New battery for the defibrillator (well, maybe not till the next year if I'm lucky)
But mainly, just enjoy.

What's that quote? oh yeah,
"The primary objective is to laugh"
2017 will be my first full year on Medicare and receiving Social Security retirement payments. My healthcare insurance costs will be less than one third what they were this year.
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