racist Ebay seller leaves bad taste in my mouth


Full time employment: Posting here.
Jan 26, 2013
A few days ago, Ebay had a $15 off $75 coupon.

I bought 9 sets of 20 Forever stamps from seller#1 and 40 resistors from seller#2.

I picked up the envelope with the stamps at the post office today. It was sent Certified Mail.

I counted the contents and found that there were 7 sets. I re-counted just to be sure.

I get on my smartphone and PM'd the seller saying that I only received 7 of the 9 and to please send 2 sets asap.

I picked up your envelope at the post office.
You only sent 7 not 9 !!!
I am not happy!!!
Please send 2 asap.

You're lying. You're just mad it had tracking.

Wait. It gets better.

I received the stamps but you only sent 7 sets not 9 set
I am not lying.
If you persist in responding in such manner. I will file with eBay.

Go ahead. Add your name to the list of Asians that attempted this scam.

I will file a claim.
I bought from you before and I thought you were honest.
now I see you are a cheat and a racist!

Here is the icing on the cake.

Nothing racist about it. I've had more than 50 people claim they didn't receive their stamps, or they were short. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS ASIAN! Not a single claim came from a different race. You claiming a shortage came as no surprise.
I buy these stamps to donate to animal rescues.
They use the stamps to send thank you notes.
I probably have mentioned it in previous posts.
Win-win situation until some jerk messes it up.

I will have to wait for the next Ebay coupon.
He sounds like he really believes all 9 sets were in there. But you know that there were only 7 sets, and I believe you.

All you can do is either file with e-bay or not. I don't see what else you can do. I have never bought or sold anything on e-bay, but I think you can give him a low approval rating, right? If so, this would be a good reason for a bad approval rating.

Maybe he is trying to fool you into accepting less than you paid for, and he figures that if he starts yelling racial stuff that you'll back down? I have no idea. Don't let his attitude cause you to feel like others have the same attitude towards Americans of Asian descent or other Asians. Most people I know respect Asian Americans a lot. This guy sounds like he is cuckoo or else just a jerk.
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How would this e-bay seller know what race any of the customers are? Judgement based on the customer's name perhaps?
Seller admits 50 people have claimed they received less than they ordered? Oh my. Report him or her.
Seller admits 50 people have claimed they received less than they ordered? Oh my. Report him or her.

I agree with this. And save your messages about it.
How would this e-bay seller know what race any of the customers are? Judgement based on the customer's name perhaps?
That's my guess.

Seller admits 50 people have claimed they received less than they ordered? Oh my. Report him or her.
According to Ebay, PMs between seller and buyer is private. I cannot even quote them on Ebay's own message board.

Who is going to believe the seller is really racist unless you quote him verbatim?

I have initiated Not As Described procedure against him.
He has 3 business days June 13 to respond.
If he doesn't, on June 14 I can ask Ebay to step in.

Irony is that I bought from him a couple months ago, and there was no problem.
That is why I bought from him again. Big mistake.
I was shocked and then angry.

If indeed 50 others were shortchanged, they should have given negative feedback; otherwise his 99.4% rating looks good.

And this sort of thing really ticks me off because of the TIME I have to waste because of this idiot.
Dealing with Ebay is no laughfest.
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They make it very hard to give a negative on ebay anymore . I would file with paypal and find another seller .Take a picture of the envelope and the contents .
They make it very hard to give a negative on ebay anymore . I would file with paypal and find another seller .Take a picture of the envelope and the contents .

I have already given him negative feedback.
When I get PMs like the ones he sent, there is no point in waiting.
He accused me of lying from the start.

My nuclear option is to file a charge back with my credit card company.
I am hoping that it doesn't get to that.
First try Ebay.
Second try Paypal.
Third try credit card company.
It is simple to open a claim on paypal or ebay and they really put the pressure on the seller .I know I was a seller .
When I have a problem with eBay sellers, I don't play the negative feedback card until after eBay steps in and I get a resolution, one way or the other.

It sounds like this guy "invested" a good reputation, then slammed all his recent buyers. He walks away and starts another eBay account and does it again?
It is simple to open a claim on paypal or ebay and they really put the pressure on the seller .I know I was a seller .

I have to be careful how to file a claim.

For this situation, I cannot file a Did Not Receive because he has the tracking number from the Certified Mail. I would be shot down by Ebay.

I had to file Not As Described which thankfully I did. After spending 30 minutes on the phone with Ebay I was told I did it right.

Now I have to wait.
When I have a problem with eBay sellers, I don't play the negative feedback card until after eBay steps in and I get a resolution, one way or the other.
That is me too, but this time, his PMs told me he wasn't going to back down.
It has been a completely negative experience for me.
Not upside that I can see.
whats his name? ill buy some stamps, if he shorts me , ill complain i have an Italian last name. Lets see what he tells me.
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whats his name? ill buy some stamps, if he shorts me , ill complain i have an Italian last name. Lets see what he tells me.
If he isn't crazy and is actually running a scam, he wouldn't pull the con on you.
He chooses Asian surnames, shortchanges them, and then accuses them of trying to cheat him when they do complain. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
I am surprised he doesn't try the same con with Hispanic surnames.
Incredible that Ebay lets this type of seller remain.
I say if you need to, just file a claim against the seller on ebay/paypal.

What ever happened to the customer is always right approach. Of if not agreeing, at least do so politely.

I once bought one of those radios that you wind up. Well, at the first attempt winding up the belt broke. When reporting this to the seller his response was something like "Get lost, this isn't Walmart or Sears where you can get a refund".

I had to file a claim.
I say if you need to, just file a claim against the seller on ebay/paypal.

Already did that yesterday on eBay.
The seller has until Tuesday which is 3 business days to respond.
If I don't hear from him, I can escalate on Wednesday.
Complete waste of time.
Just send me what I paid for.
End of story.
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Who is going to believe the seller is really racist unless you quote him verbatim?

I have initiated Not As Described procedure against him.
He has 3 business days June 13 to respond.
If he doesn't, on June 14 I can ask Ebay to step in.

Filing the claim is the right thing to do in this case, if you can't resolve with the seller. I've had to do it a time or two.

As far as the "racist" thing, that's not worth wasting time over. And ebay won't do anything about a charge along those lines.

Move on to next big score. ;)


I followed eBay's rules.
The seller did not respond in 3 days (= by Tuesday 6/13).
On 6/14, I logged into eBay account and asked eBay to step in.
Within 5 minutes, eBay stepped in and ruled in my favor.
They sent me a postage-paid label First Class Parcel.
I taped the label to a 6" x 9" Kraft envelope with the 7 sets of stamps inside. Glued the envelope shut and mailed it back on Thursday 6/15.
Today the tracked package showed in the system as "delivered".
eBay immediately refunded me the money.

The seller who cost me all this aggravation had the nerve to PM and ask me what address I mailed the stamps to. How would I know? I just used the label eBay told me to use.
If you paid with Paypal dispute it you will win or get a refund for the difference.

Part of the payment was with my Paypal balance. That refund is already in my Paypal account.
Part of the payment was with an eBay coupon. I will have to wait for another one.
Part of the payment was with my credit card. That refund is probably pending though I have not checked.
I thought selling stamps was illegal unless you were a postal annex?

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