Intermittent Fasting - my result so far

Congrats on the great results! Just curious, when you say your visceral fat level is 6, what is this a measurement of? Is it from a Dexa scan? I know what visceral fat is, but not familiar with how it’s measured.

There are 2 main ways to measure. Most of the medical studies report in as a volume. Commercial Dexa (DXA) scans often report it in pounds. I just had this done last week actually. Mine was at 2 pounds which was OK. From what I have read, they don’t want it above 2 pounds. They also gave an android/gynoid ratio. Android fat is that around the abdomen, while gynoid is that around the hips and thighs. They don’t want the Android/Gynoid ration to be above 1.0. If it is, that is an apple shape. Mine was actually exactly 1.0. I am actually a slight apple with a waist/hip ratio slightly above what is preferable. For people who haven’t had a dexa scan, you can approximate visceral fat by doing your waist/hip ratio.
The 5:2 Diet: On two non-consecutive days of the week, only eat 500-600 calories. Eat normally the other 5 days.

DH and I have been doing this for a couple of years. Some weeks we only fast once. We're both where we want to be, so now it's basically maintenance. It taught me that I won't die if I get a hunger pang, and if you ask DH, he'll tell you that's a really good thing. :cool:

We both noticed that we slept better after a fast day. There's a great PBS special on the 5:2 philosophy, which was how I sold DH on it.
Congrats on the great results! Just curious, when you say your visceral fat level is 6, what is this a measurement of? Is it from a Dexa scan? I know what visceral fat is, but not familiar with how it’s measured.

My multi-function digit weight scale spits out the number. Frankly, I don't know how accurate it is. Per the scale's manual, <= 9 is normal. 10 - 14 is high. >= 15 is very high. I started at 9, at a borderline normal level.

BTW, these days, new weight scale measures all kind of things. Mine keeps track of up to 4 people info - you enter age, and height once and it does the rest. Mine measures BMI, visceral fat level, skeletal fat percentage, body fat percentage in addition to weight. Data can be plugged into computer for analysis (actually, they are wireless). My scale was at low end and it was around $40. Higher end scale does a few more things and can cost up to $150 or more.
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DH and I have been doing this for a couple of years. Some weeks we only fast once. We're both where we want to be, so now it's basically maintenance. It taught me that I won't die if I get a hunger pang, and if you ask DH, he'll tell you that's a really good thing. :cool:

We both noticed that we slept better after a fast day. There's a great PBS special on the 5:2 philosophy, which was how I sold DH on it.
Was that Michael Mosley?

Hmmm - it doesn't seem to be available to me to watch on line at the moment.
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I found and read a number of posts on Dr. Jason Fung’s blog (, and really appreciate his detailed explanations behind how insulin drives obesity, and why IF works. I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes last year at 43, and want to control and possibly reverse the disease. Dr. Fung is convinced that this can be accomplished with dietary changes.

I’ve been doing IF for the last 3 months. I skip breakfast and lunch, and eat dinner. I do have a couple cups of coffee with half-and-half before noon. Then I eat a low-carb, high-fat meal for dinner, eating until I’m full. A typical meal might consist of a Caesar salad with grilled chicken or steak, with full-fat dressing and Parmesan cheese. I’ll sometimes add avocado to up the fat content.

Usually I’ll stick to low-calorie beverages, but a couple nights a week will have a few beers (I’d make faster progress without them, but one still needs to live ;)). We have 3 family birthdays in September, and I indulged for each of them, but then resumed my typical eating schedule and diet.

On Monday nights, I play tennis, and that day I skip eating altogether (aside from the morning coffee). I hit the gym on Tuesday morning to lift weights, and feel just fine. I’ll eat dinner as usual on Tuesday.

So far, I’ve lost 30 pounds, and am the lightest I’ve been in my adult life (I’m down a total of 70 lbs since Jan. 2016. The high-fat dinners stave off the worst of the hunger & cravings. My A1C has dropped 3 full points, into the normal range.

I’d like to get down to my ideal weight, and then switch to a 5:2 maintenance plan. We’ll see how it goes, but I’m a firm believer in IF.

Congratulations. This clearly works well for you.
My multi-function digit weight scale spits out the number. Frankly, I don't know how accurate it is. Per the scale's manual, <= 9 is normal. 10 - 14 is high. >= 15 is very high. I started at 9, at a borderline normal level.

BTW, these days, new weight scale measures all kind of things. Mine keeps track of up to 4 people info - you enter age, and height once and it does the rest. Mine measures BMI, visceral fat level, skeletal fat percentage, body fat percentage in addition to weight. Data can be plugged into computer for analysis (actually, they are wireless). My scale was at low end and it was around $40. Higher end scale does a few more things and can cost up to $150 or more.

I think it is best to use these scales more to get a direction of change than for the actual numbers. Scales use BIA and can only measure a limited part of the body so are prone to error just from that. Also, BIA scales are very prone to error based upon water in the body. Again, I think they can be helpful to show over time the direction you are going in. I have one and my body fat percentage has varied by 3.5% over the last 2 weeks (at not going in one direction, up one day and down the next). Now, if you look at it over the last 5 years, I can see an overall long term steady decrease in my body fat percentage as I lost 60 pounds.

So, yes, can be helpful for the longterm trend. That said, I did a dexa scan last week (I did at a dexafit location where I live – well worth it to do this) and I found that my actual body fat is about 7% higher than the body fat average shown on my scale. I wasn’t surprised by this as I had had a Bod Pod done a couple of years ago which had also had a higher body fat than the scale (Bod Pod is more accurate than scale, Dexa is more accurate than Bod Pod).

When I did my Dexa scan I also had my RMR tested. I had done this 2 years ago. My weight is basically the same as it was then. But my RMR was up by 90 calories a day (which is a large increase if weight hasn’t changed). My body composition isn’t much different either. Slightly more lean body mass but not enough to account for the difference.

I think there are basically 2 possibilities here. I think my metabolism has actually speeded up. Part of that is I think 2 years of weight maintenance. When tested the last time it was shortly after I had lost weight and I think I was still a little slowed by that. There is controversy as to whether people who lose weight will ever have their metabolism recover, but my test suggests that I did. Another possibility that doesn’t preclude the former, but may explain it is that I’ve been doing 5:2 or 6:1 for about 9 months (a did take off for a couple of months at one point). I do wonder if that has helped to improve my metabolism and its functioning. I don’t know, of course, but I do wonder.
I didn't know it was a thing, but I followed the 16/8 method for most of my adult life. I can't stomach much food early in the morning, so for many years I just ate lunch and dinner. I changed that a few years ago as I started eating a light breakfast as well (because "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" or so I have been told countless times).

We don't snack between meals and we keep food portions on the small side so we definitely go hungry during the day without fasting. It is 4:00pm at the moment and I am starving, but I will wait another 3 hours for dinner.
I think it is best to use these scales more to get a direction of change than for the actual numbers.

Exactly how I use it. And the trend has been going into positive direction.

Speaking of metabolism, it has improved a bit for me.
It is 4:00pm at the moment and I am starving, but I will wait another 3 hours for dinner.

Do kids today still get told, "Don't snack, you'll spoil your dinner"? Seems like the world now just expects everyone to eat all the time. (Not pointing fingers, because it's not like I starve all day, lol)
Day one of 16:8 done. Had my usual protein smoothie at 10:10 (usually have it around 7:45) and finished dinner at 5:50 (instead of 7:30 - 8:00). Was not a big deal and this morning woke up with good energy and down on the scale. I think this is going to work for me.
Day one of 16:8 done. Had my usual protein smoothie at 10:10 (usually have it around 7:45) and finished dinner at 5:50 (instead of 7:30 - 8:00). Was not a big deal and this morning woke up with good energy and down on the scale. I think this is going to work for me.

I hope things are going well.

For me, my weight has stabilized at where I want it to be. I just need to keep it at this level hereon. Knock on wood.
It sounds like IF has worked very well for you. I do think it is probably a more natural way for humans to eat (as it mimics the way our ancestors probably ate, when food availability on a daily basis was somewhat "iffy"). I don't think I would be able to do it, though, as my metabolism is such that if I don't eat 2-3 meals daily (plus a few snacks thrown in), I start to lose weight. And I don't need to lose any weight at this point. So I just eat as healthy as I can (sort of a modified paleo/primal type diet, fairly low in carbs), but I do eat whenever I start to get hungry.
One of the side effects of IF & losing weight (at least for me) ---> new wrinkles appeared on my neck. Or, I am just getting old.
Down 11 lbs now since October 1st, started IF Oct 3 or 4th I think. Most days my window is from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm. Using myfitnesspal I am eating 1,400 calories a day in this window. The strange thing is the complete lack of hunger pangs. Black coffee in the morning, drinking LOTS of water, going to bed 4-5 hours after finishing my dinner has me sleeping better and walking up with more energy. Doing some walks in the morning - just back from an hour and now having 2 oz of roasted almonds as my first food of the day.
I started a low carbohydrate high fat diet at the end of June and lost nine pounds by early October; then I hit a plateau. So I decided to try a 24 hour fast on Mondays starting 10/9. Wow! After two Monday fasts I am down two more pounds, and I have not suffered at all.

The way I do it is to eat my normal breakfast which is Bulletproof coffee - coffee blended with MCT oil and butter. It is rich and very filling, so I don't get hungry at all until mid-afternoon and by then it isn't that hard to hold off until Tuesday morning.

I intend to keep fasting on Mondays only until I reach my goal weight. I am getting close, only about three or four more pounds to go. FWIW, I highly recommend the high fat low carb approach. Someone on this board mentioned a book by Phinney and Volek so I ordered it, "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance." So far it is working great for me - YMMV.
Down 11 lbs now since October 1st, started IF Oct 3 or 4th I think. Most days my window is from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm. Using myfitnesspal I am eating 1,400 calories a day in this window. The strange thing is the complete lack of hunger pangs. Black coffee in the morning, drinking LOTS of water, going to bed 4-5 hours after finishing my dinner has me sleeping better and walking up with more energy. Doing some walks in the morning - just back from an hour and now having 2 oz of roasted almonds as my first food of the day.

Great progress! Congrats. It's good that you don't have hunger pangs. When I started my IF, I was feeling hungry too much for my liking. Now, I don't feel hungry that much.
One of the side effects of IF & losing weight (at least for me) ---> new wrinkles appeared on my neck. Or, I am just getting old.
I have to say, when I lost 25 lbs last year, it aged me considerably. My wrinkles had up to then always been nicely filled in. [emoji16]
This thread inspired my to try IF. Since October 1, doing Eat-Stop-Eat for 2 days a week, I'm down 15 pounds! For me, this is the most I've lost in a long, long time. I eat lunch and fast until the next lunch. Dinnertime is the toughest for me, especially when DW eats.

On non-fast days, I eat pretty much what I always have. Having the Halloween candy around was a temptation, but dropping the weight has motivated me to limit myself.

Doing some research on IF, it seems logical and I'm planning on continuing. Call me a believer!
I have to say, when I lost 25 lbs last year, it aged me considerably. My wrinkles had up to then always been nicely filled in. [emoji16]

That happens. I'd have to lose another 10 lbs. to get to my lowest adult level (I was in college) but it would be a lot of work and I'd probably look haggard.
This thread inspired my to try IF. Since October 1, doing Eat-Stop-Eat for 2 days a week, I'm down 15 pounds! For me, this is the most I've lost in a long, long time. I eat lunch and fast until the next lunch. Dinnertime is the toughest for me, especially when DW eats.

On non-fast days, I eat pretty much what I always have. Having the Halloween candy around was a temptation, but dropping the weight has motivated me to limit myself.

Doing some research on IF, it seems logical and I'm planning on continuing. Call me a believer!

Wow! Did you start off doing the 24 hour fast or work up to it?
I've been loosing weight more easily too. I've been skipping dinner several nights a week. I seem to be quite ravenous middle of the day but barely hungry at night, so it's been easy to do this.

I'm also taking berberine - for other reasons, but apparently it has a weight loss effect.

I suspect the berberine is the main reason.
Wow! Did you start off doing the 24 hour fast or work up to it?

Jumped right into the 24 hours. Just told myself mind over matter. I do drink a lot more water which seems to help the hunger pangs.
This thread inspired my to try IF. Since October 1, doing Eat-Stop-Eat for 2 days a week, I'm down 15 pounds! For me, this is the most I've lost in a long, long time. I eat lunch and fast until the next lunch. Dinnertime is the toughest for me, especially when DW eats.

On non-fast days, I eat pretty much what I always have. Having the Halloween candy around was a temptation, but dropping the weight has motivated me to limit myself.

Doing some research on IF, it seems logical and I'm planning on continuing. Call me a believer!

That's great! Congrats.

I lost too much weight and ended up stopping IF (mine is 16-8) for a week. I also stuffed myself during meal. Of all the diets I tried, this was the first time I tried to eat more to gain weight. I need to fine tune my IF to maintain the ideal weight, not to dip below certain level.

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