February, the most useless/boring month of the year


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Dec 18, 2007
Eastern WV Panhandle
Waiting through February until spring is a chore. The winter holidays are over. There is not much to do since neither one of us likes cold weather and except for going to the gym or grocery store we stay home. This is not "the winter blues" since we're not exhibiting any of those symptoms.

We are looking forward to March since then one generally starts to see definite warming trends in temperatures, including perhaps the occasional 70° day. Even so I don't consider it safe to drain the fuel out of the snow thrower and put it away until mid-April because we have seen snow that late.

I've put together a training program for teaching some younger family members to fly a radio control model airplane, and some of the "big kids" have expressed an interest too. But this has to wait for warm weather because my fingers get too cold to work the controls.

Only two and a half weeks until March!

Rant over.
We also have cabin fever. Other than myself going to the gym and now shoveling snow the last few days here in northwest Indiana. Well, there is a martini in the evening to look forward to.
plenty of aircraft at northern airports heading south daily. Probably a few vacancies at hotels south of where you are at currently. Just saying
I just got back from a nice bicycle ride to the market. It's sunny and 75 out today. Terribly sorry about that :D

Actually - and I'm not making this up, I have found this recent warm spell to be quite disappointing. Most of the people I know like it, but I enjoy a bit of gloomy, overcast, and chilly weather. It's good for the soul. Of course, "bad" weather is relative, and here in the SF East Bay, our version of "bad" weather is a little different from people living in many parts of the country.

Apologies if I am being annoying :)
This is absolutely true. I used to work for a company that advertised and promoted around the Super Bowl, and we learned that one of the reasons the Super Bowl is so popular as a party event is that it is basically the only fun national "holiday" during the looooong stretch of nothing between Christmas/New Year's and Easter/spring.

Once people get a few weeks beyond New Year's they have cabin fever, they are bored, they are depressed, they are sick of winter, and they are hungry for a good time with family and friends. Super Bowl is therefore akin to a national holiday in the US because it is a natural excuse for a winter-time party. Plus you can watch indoors - no reason to brave the elements.

Now that the Super Bowl is behind us we have a long slog until springtime. This is the most depressing and useless time of the year.
I just got back from a nice bicycle ride to the market. It's sunny and 75 out today. Terribly sorry about that :D

Actually - and I'm not making this up, I have found this recent warm spell to be quite disappointing. Most of the people I know like it, but I enjoy a bit of gloomy, overcast, and chilly weather. It's good for the soul. Of course, "bad" weather is relative, and here in the SF East Bay, our version of "bad" weather is a little different from people living in many parts of the country.

Apologies if I am being annoying :)
I can be even more annoying! Watch me... :D

Our high today was 83, and other than going to a restaurant for lunch as always, I haven't been outside at all. Why is that, one may ask? The reason is that I love my house and I love staying at home. This is my little version of heaven on earth. There are plenty of things here to do that I love doing, both active things and couch potato things. And, my dear Frank lives next door so I never feel lonely. I can't even imagine "cabin fever" or wanting to go anywhere when I can be in my own little paradise here at home.

Apparently I would feel differently if it was cold outside, but to be honest my new HVAC is doing such a good job that I have to check the internet to find out what the weather is doing. I really do not know or care.
82 degrees in Florida. Hanging out at the pool. Yes, we also love the 6 months of heat and humidity starting mid April. lol
Agreed. February sucks. That's why we always take our winter holiday in February.
Leave a week tomorrow for 2 weeks on St. Simons Island. When we get back it'll be March and the flowers will be out, birds will be singing, unicorns will be frolicking....

Walt, you need to expand your horizons. They make these things called gloves. Instead of going to the gym, why not walk on a frozen lake? Talk to the ice fisherman. Get out and get out of your comfy zone. In winter, there’s so much more to life than a stinky gym and an expensive grocery store.
We were all set up for a bitter cold, snow filled winter with our snowmobiles and today it is sunny and 55 degrees.

So we bought a big sailboat.
For me, it is Nov-early December that I can do without. Less and less daylight each day, cold and raining/snowing up here in the North East, and the ski conditions are poor.

But February? Much better. I skied both Thursday and Friday, and will likely do some more tomorrow. Downhill on Thursday, cross country on Friday. Sure, it snowed this week which means I had to do a bit of shoveling, but hey it's great to be alive. Time to throw some more logs on the fire and enjoy the evening.
Bad news: It's February
Good news: It's only 28 days long. Eighteen sleeps to go and it's March.
No matter how cold or snowy in March it's not going to last.

It was 78 degrees here in Florida today. Spent the day in the pool and having dinner outdoors tonight.
I actually like winter most of the time and I have many things I enjoy doing in the winter. After saying that winter can be long and hard at times. We have had a cold spell now with minus teens at night and nice sunny days but minus temps with wind chill.

Here in Montana we have 9 months of ice and snow and 3 months of hard sledding. LOL

I'm looking forward to spring this year also.
Have your fun southerners, we’ll get even this summer when you’re baking your brains out. I shoveled snow three times today, and there’s more coming. But it all evens out in time...
Sounds like ya'll need to visit Arizona for the month. Only 82 today, got some shrubs trimmed and a trip to Lowes to buy a ceiling fan for the back patio. And also picked up an orange tree. Sure beats the socks off the Illinois home, all that snow, ice and wind chills........
Walt, you need to expand your horizons. They make these things called gloves. Instead of going to the gym, why not walk on a frozen lake? Talk to the ice fisherman. Get out and get out of your comfy zone. In winter, there’s so much more to life than a stinky gym and an expensive grocery store.

You do realize Walt lives in WV? Walking on a frozen lake would result in us needing a new Mod. Ice is what you put your beer in, not what you fish through.
No, it is a great time to do inside jobs. DW had me paint the ceiling and walls in LR, pull the baseboard woodwork off the LR and DR. I pulled some carpet and padding yesterday and today, more to do next week. Sunday I picked up 475 ft2 of 3/4 hardwood flooring, and it is tempering in both rooms til the 17th, when the fun begins. Until then its pad the uneven spots with felt, put the underlay down, and bottle 20 gallons of wine. Not necessary in that order. And keep an eye on the Lamborghini.
Have your fun southerners, we’ll get even this summer when you’re baking your brains out. I shoveled snow three times today, and there’s more coming. But it all evens out in time...

That is funny. I have some friends that live in Arizona year around and they sit in the house most of the time because of heat. That wouldn't be for me and really is wash in my opinion.
All of the years I worked in Upstate NY, February was my least favorite month. I dreamed of retiring so I could spend January-March, at the very least, someplace warm. It didn't work out for us this year, although we are spending February in Hawaii.
Next year I've already booked Jan-March in Florida. I am hoping to persuade DW to eventually do November-April, but one step at a time.
One word: Mexico. ??
I have always felt that way about January. I enjoy the holidays then it’s doom and gloom in January. February has always been fun to me - my birthday, Valentines Day, and we always do a week long vacation in February (heading to San Diego in a week).

We have barely had a winter yet in Denver this year. Many 50-60 degree days (63 yesterday). A storm came in tonight with very light snow which is actually a nice change for a few days until it warms up again.
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