Checked in with the crew at the office, so glad I'm not there !


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 21, 2005
Left 8 mo. ago, I was temporary " re-tread " staff ( retired , working as needed ).

Spoke with 2 of the 3 in that group. Sure turned into a crap hole not long after I left. Described as " Turning into a slave ship " an exact quote.

Recently one of the boys got in a hassle with the supervisor., involuntary transfer in 15 minutes, to a dead end position. He is very happy, doesn't care about the job, just wants to go 2 more years, now without stress.

The 2 that are left are in an even worse situation now. The dept. has plenty of $ to backfill the positions, but the supervisor has rejected all candidates, he doesn't want to train anybody.

On another note, the city ethics section notified me that I need to" file my annual conflict of interest report". :confused: Apparently personnel changed my status from discharged, to current. News to me. I am not going back.
I think it is a mistake to go back. Not my monkey, not my circus anymore.
I think it is a mistake to go back. Not my monkey, not my circus anymore.

I have no contact with my former job personnel. It keeps me focused on this relatively new adventure called retirement.:D
I retired from an agency where I was required to file that annual conflict of interest statement. I retired the last day in March and have not been back since. Pretty sure that last COI statement never got filed. Oh, well....
They are trying to suck you back into their vortex....resistance is futile, you will be assimilated !
I have no contact either with people I worked with. I see some from now and then but I don't go back to the work place. I don't have any bad feelings about the place or the people just cut the cord and went a different direction and have no desire to go back.
I retired as a Federal LEO, I go back for Christmas party, Retirement and Award events.
Occasionally for lunch or coffee; the troops were the best part of the job!
I keep in contact with a few folks. Unfortunately Megacorp is no more, sold to the highest bidder. There was a long period benefit reductions, RIFs, followed by an increased pressure to produce. I'm grateful I was out before it got out of hand..

The sale was written up in a local business journal, the author ripped how people were treated. The CEO, who was only there for a few years, walked with an extra 40 million from the transaction.
A few weeks ago I found myself back in the office for about a half hour, after almost two years of ER. A coworker saw me from a distance downtown and texted me to come up and chat. I was kind of glad I did simply because it reinforced to me just how much I don't want anything to do with the corporate rat race anymore. Although it was nice to see some old friends, I avoided all talk of politics and work and simply said "nice to see you," and "glad to see you're doing well." I also realized just how most of them really didn't care whether I came by or not, not because they didn't like me but because they were all just as overworked as I was before I was reborn into ER, and had no time for such things.
When I bumped into a few co-workers who left the company recently, they made the years since I left sound pretty hellish in terms of morale (even though the company remained very successful financially). I'm so glad I left when I did.
I have nearly weekly met my former coworkers for lunch, since I left in mid-Jan. They are my friends and it is good to keep in touch with them.

I was a Software Engineer, and there were 3 of us left in my department. It was, by coincidence, really going down hill when I left (due to a buy-out), and one of them left just last week due to the mess (and I believe because she liked working with me, and missed the work environment we had). The other one is now leaving next week, so there will be no developers left!

The manager called me last week and begged me to come back, full-time, part-time, anything, and name my own price. Because I stay in touch, I could see this one coming, and politely said I would think about it (even though I wanted to laugh), but the next day I told him thanks but no.

First of all, what kind of an idiot would go back to an environment like that?: deadlines approaching, you are the only one that knows anything, and you have to train up new people in something that takes years (literally) to understand. To coin the above phrase: Not my monkey, not my circus anymore.

Secondly, if I do work again (and I am not planning to), then it will be doing something fun, part-time, and money will not be a factor.

So, I am about 7 weeks into retirement, and I am doing: ok. Not great and not bad. I had the finances all planned out, but I am still figuring out the emotional factors. They say you should retire FROM your work and TO something. I screwed up and did not have that worked out ahead of time. I have been doing errands, taxes (very complicated this time due to both parents passing away last year), and stuff around the house, and so far stay busy enough. I have not done a lot of "fun" stuff yet. So, I am working on fixing that (after I get some house projects done).

I thought I would have a stupid grin on my face all the time, once I retired, but I don't, yet.
I have nearly weekly met my former coworkers for lunch, since I left in mid-Jan. They are my friends and it is good to keep in touch with them.

I was a Software Engineer, and there were 3 of us left in my department. It was, by coincidence, really going down hill when I left (due to a buy-out), and one of them left just last week due to the mess (and I believe because she liked working with me, and missed the work environment we had). The other one is now leaving next week, so there will be no developers left!

The manager called me last week and begged me to come back, full-time, part-time, anything, and name my own price. Because I stay in touch, I could see this one coming, and politely said I would think about it (even though I wanted to laugh), but the next day I told him thanks but no.

First of all, what kind of an idiot would go back to an environment like that?: deadlines approaching, you are the only one that knows anything, and you have to train up new people in something that takes years (literally) to understand. To coin the above phrase: Not my monkey, not my circus anymore.

Secondly, if I do work again (and I am not planning to), then it will be doing something fun, part-time, and money will not be a factor.

So, I am about 7 weeks into retirement, and I am doing: ok. Not great and not bad. I had the finances all planned out, but I am still figuring out the emotional factors. They say you should retire FROM your work and TO something. I screwed up and did not have that worked out ahead of time. I have been doing errands, taxes (very complicated this time due to both parents passing away last year), and stuff around the house, and so far stay busy enough. I have not done a lot of "fun" stuff yet. So, I am working on fixing that (after I get some house projects done).

I thought I would have a stupid grin on my face all the time, once I retired, but I don't, yet.

That grin will come with time.:dance:
As I write this I am draped over a comfy chair by the front window, enjoying my second cup of coffee watching neighbors driving by on their way to work. Seven years ago I would have been at work for a few hours, probably at a travel site, already deep into an adversarial day. I either didn’t recognize the craziness at the time, or rationalized it for the salary. Yeah, I missed a couple of my colleagues when I left and still irregularly keep in touch, but lordy, any urge to get back into that environment has long since dissipated.
I thought I would have a stupid grin on my face all the time, once I retired, but I don't, yet.

I get that stupid grin every Sunday night.

Even better, once a year, I get a Water Melon Smile every July when I walk thought the department stores and see the Back-to-School sale signs.
Take this job and shove it.
I ain't working here no more.
My woman done left and took all the reasons I was workin' for. . . .
....On another note, the city ethics section notified me that I need to" file my annual conflict of interest report"....

For some cheap entertainment, respond that you can't be bothered and will not be filing an annual conflict of interest report and see what they do.
I keep in touch only with those whom I already considered friends, beyond just co-workers, from the relationships developed along the way while working.

I would never go back into the office buildings. But I will go to a christmas party or something (not an office one, but where someone is having on at their home that happens to include our old team), meet a few friends to catch up, that sort of thing. Since my MC is one of the types where people still mostly work for most of their careers, the udpates on this-one-got-let-go or promoted, and gossip are still familiar to me.

But that's only ~20% of what we talk about, much more interested in talking what our non-work lives are up to.
I get that stupid grin every Sunday night.

On Sunday nights, I think about, and plan out, all the chores/projects I am going to do for the coming week. So, no smile for me. On the other hand, it beats workin!

Like I said, I gotta get a (more fun things) life!
You folks actually know what day of the week it is?
You folks actually know what day of the week it is?
I had a bad dream of being at work trying to finish another project for my boss. I woke up from my nightmare and laughed my way back to my midday nap.
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