Some truth to people who think we can be 100% renewable

I have said repeatedly I like RE, and even spend a lot of my own money to build an experimental solar storage system myself.

At a larger scale, in the drive towards 100% RE, do we race there without considering the costs? Is it wise to destroy what we currently use without having something suitable to replace it?

Some people seem to think there's nothing wrong with occasionally having so much solar power to have to pay someone else to take some, and then to not have enough other times that they have to import power from places that still have the traditional means of production.

I guess people are free to do as they wish, and if they like to pay higher price overall than people who are willing to wait for technology to mature, they can continue to do so. But it will be hard for them to convince others to follow suit.
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Last November, Proposition 127 was on the ballot in Arizona. It would require that utility companies get 50% of the electric power from RE sources by 2030. There was already a state mandate that they get 15% RE power by 2025, but some people said it was not good enough.

The proposition was defeated by 69% of the votes. The backers of this proposition were Californians.
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One thing discussed here is handling grid variability. At present, the variability is primary on the load side, since most traditional power generation (coal/gas/nuclear) operate continuously. Obviously, extended periods of no sun/wind would be problematic, but brief periods of clouds passing over a solar array (one of many, scattered geographically) might very well be within the current range of variability...

Can’t find the article/video, but I saw/read discussions about lower tech batteries, designed more for grid storage, thus not necessarily needing the power density of the batteries in portable devices. Will try to find that and post...

It will likely cost more, and will require adaptations we may not like, and the current battery tech isn’t quite ready for primetime, but if we really want to reduce carbon emissions, we will eventually have to bite the bullet. As far as rushing into “green” initiatives, I do think there’s a lot of magical thinking out there, but the I suppose President Kennedy’s moon challenge was kind of out there as well...
They talk about different forms of energy storage being in use.

What is missing is a simple statement of how much we would need in order to be 100% RE.

Of the storage capacity that is already installed, is it 1% of what would be needed, or 10%?

I would bet it is closer to the first number (in geometric terms, meaning 3.16% is 1/2 way between 1% and 10%).

Just my thinking with nothing to back it up... I would think we would need upward of 100% storage.. we have had cloud cover over a large area the past few days and solar is probably not producing much...

But then think... how much more RE production do you need? IOW, you have to have more than 100% production so you can even produce anything to store...
... As far as rushing into “green” initiatives, I do think there’s a lot of magical thinking out there, but the I suppose President Kennedy’s moon challenge was kind of out there as well...

Ah, I am not sure we want to go gunho on RE like with the Apollo program. Surely, Americans went to the moon, and felt good and all that with beating the Soviets. And then what? What was the next step? None. There was nothing more to do on the moon.

About RE, it is fairly easy and cheap to generate beaucoup electricity when the sun is shining on a clear cloudless day. Then, there are days when you get diddly-squat.

We need cheap batteries, because we are going to need lots and lots. The batteries being produced now, they are being used in EVs, and in smaller storage projects just to aid the grid for a couple of hours, if even that long, during peak periods.

When they can build enough batteries to store for the night, I am sure utility companies will use that. They are not stupid, and want to make money by using whatever is more economical.

Arizonans did not believe proponents of Proposition 127 when they said we would save money by pushing a lot more solar. We know how much Californians are paying for their electricity.
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...As far as rushing into “green” initiatives, I do think there’s a lot of magical thinking out there, but the I suppose President Kennedy’s moon challenge was kind of out there as well...

I don't think it's a good comparison. Kennedy wanted to do it for political reasons (that may be similar), to show superiority over the Soviets, but the following seems very different from the 100% 'green' initiatives:

He specifically asked him to investigate whether the United States could beat the Soviet Union in putting a laboratory in space, or orbiting a man around the Moon, or landing a man on the Moon, and to find out what such a project would cost.

Johnson consulted with officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Its new Administrator, James E. Webb, told him that there was no chance of beating the Russians to launching a space station, and it was uncertain as to whether NASA could orbit a man around the Moon first, so the best option would be to attempt to land a man on the Moon.

This would also be the most expensive option; Webb believed it would require $22 billion to achieve it by 1970.

So they went into Apollo with some idea of how to get there, and pros/cons of various plans. They had put a man into space (the Soviets had one in orbit). They could do the math. The Saturn rocket was in development and had a test flight just a few months later.

But 100% RE? Just like Apollo, we know about the technology, and we also know it is woefully lacking to get us there in the near future. It isn't a matter of trying harder, we can do the math and see it just isn't practical. You can't change the laws of physics.

Earlier, I think NW-Bound gave some numbers for storage for just one county in CA. You can do it on paper, but the costs and space are just beyond what we would choose.

I suspect it is counterproductive to push too hard, too fast. We should wait for the tech to mature, see if other alternatives become practical.

I've been meaning to start a thread on the downside of pushing too fast, specific to the Green New Deal (10 years), but I'm still getting some numbers together.

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What does this high school physics problem have anything to do with RE? :confused:

Or are you talking about using a pendulum to store energy? How many trillion pounds does a pendulum have to weigh in order to store enough? :)

I am not going to bother to compute it, although it is straightforward.

:) Trying to think outside the box. Maybe something to do with the rising ocean levels? Deep earth drilling? Landfill gasses? Waste methane from all sources? Harness gravity power from downhill vehicle connections. Solar wind harness? Have we dismissed radium as a practical energy source? Maybe melting glaciers?

As to the pendulum. That, or storage through gravity powered weight generator lifted by low wind, vibration, or other naturally occurring motion of any sort.

I've been meaning to start a thread on the downside of pushing too fast, specific to the Green New Deal (10 years), but I'm still getting some numbers together.


Looking forward to this.:dance:
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[update]There are several other factsheet pages too. Nice. Factsheets | Center for Sustainable Systems [/update]

That is a really great overview site with nice graphics and 30 references.
(despite NW-bound poopoo'ing it and re-stating if we can't get to 100% then we have failed to satisfy his standards of perfection :) )


That's a really off-track remark about NW-Bound. Stick to the context of the statements rather than attacking the poster - it just looks (and is) weak.

So like in another thread, you post numbers and headlines that you want us to be impressed with, but you skip the context. Numbers like that mean nothing w/o context. So let's add some context.

As of June 2018, the U.S. had over 25.2 GW of rated power in compared to 1,082 GW of total in service installed generation capacity.7,8

94% of U.S. energy storage is from PHS, equating to 23.6 GW as of June 2018.7,12
PHS plants have long lifetimes (50-60 years) and operate at 76-85% efficiency.10

So almost all of that is PHS (Pumped Hydro Storage). And we really don't have a lot of opportunities to expand that. A recent project (SMUD) that was in a geographic are to support it, still was cancelled. So don't expect much more PHS - that leaves us at 2.5% in rated power.

But rated power tells us nothing about time. How long can those systems deliver that "rated power" (Mega or Giga watt-hours)? Solar needs at least some overnight storage. And you'll need much more for a few cloudy days and low-wind days/nights.

Most of these systems that are in place (and the planned/cancelled SMUD) are for peak leveling, and shift a fairly small % of demand a few hours, just to help match the ramp up/down times of a coal plant. They don't provide overnight or days worth. And again, limited opportunities for expansion.

And at around 80% efficiency, you need to generate 125 MWhrs to get 100 MWhrs out. So we need another 25% more RE to support the storage.

And PHS is the leading technology. We are just so far from supporting large amounts of RE. Wanting it can't make it happen, we need actual 'stuff' for that.

The U.S. has several operational battery-related energy storage projects based on lead-acid, lithium-ion, nickel-based, sodium-based, and flow batteries.7 These batteries account for 0.75 GW of rated power in 2018 and have efficiencies between 60-95%.

So total installed US-wide battery capacity is tiny, just 0.07% of total capacity. It will grow, but that's a very small place to start from. And again, this article doesn't make clear how many hours of storage that is (from wiki, I was able to find that the two largest in the US have about 8 hours at capacity).

You may be impressed with the "number of projects", but that tells us nothing about scale.

Do some numbers, I think you'll find that it isn't just something that "wishing" can solve.

And here's some math, and context/perspective for you:

Note that 7 days of storage does not literally mean that we are prepared to experience 7 days with zero input from the renewable infrastructure. Operating at 30% of the break-even amount over a period of 10 days also leaves the system with a 7-day energy deficit, for instance. This circumstance is not too difficult to imagine: a cloudy winter week over the southwest while the wind speed over the country is half its average value (means eight times less power) over the same period.

Our traditional hydro capacity could not be scaled up by even a factor of two—since the premier river sites have been plucked already.

...The fact that just one of the “small” dams considered here has as much concrete as the Three Gorges and Grand Coulee dams combined is humbling. I would be impressed if we made one. I would be astounded if we made 25. And this just gets us to 1% of our need (or 7% if you still bristle at a 7-day battery).

FTR, I don't think we can get to 100% "renewable" in ten years. Optimistically, I'd make a SWAG of 10-20% max, with drastic, unthinkable adaptations.

I think how far we do get will depend in part on how much we're willing to pay, willing to be inconvenienced, willing to adapt...
From the Web:

Based on REN21's 2017 report, renewables contributed 19.3% to humans' global energy consumption and 24.5% to their generation of electricity in 2015 and 2016, respectively. This energy consumption is divided as 8.9% coming from traditional biomass, 4.2% as heat energy (modern biomass, geothermal and solar heat), 3.9% from hydroelectricity and the remaining 2.2% is electricity from wind, solar, geothermal, and other forms of biomass.

The 19.3% number above is surprisingly high to me. Similarly, the 2.2% is surprisingly low.
Having a zero energy commute is also easily done, I'm assuming anyone with some intelligence can figure this out in 2019.

Yeah, it's not 100% due to industrial uses etc, but why the extreme negativity?

On the zero energy commute, I think that is not possible. Work requires energy in some form. Zero emission? Yes, walk or ride a bike.

As far as the negativity, I think it is merely skepticism. There is so much zealotry and misinformation about green. I am not referring to you or to any poster in this thread, just in general.

I am all for new technologies and better solutions. And using nat gas instead of coal or fuel oil is better- meaning cheaper and cleaner. That is a good standard in my view.
Work requires energy in some form.
I’m not sure about that, and remember a couple of guys from work that looked like they got through the workday without exerting one iota of effort or energy at all. Always wondered about that ..:)
It's very possible to significantly reduce emissions by working remote. Some large companies are very much onboard to supporting employees who telecommute. Even part-time telecommuting reduces the individual cost for purchased energy.

One thing worth mentioning, is that it comes down to an individual decision as to how far one goes in using renewable energy, re-cycling, etc.

The argument that 100% is not achievable does not get in my way. We continue to what is possible now, knowing that many small efforts make a difference.
It's very possible to significantly reduce emissions by working remote. Some large companies are very much onboard to supporting employees who telecommute. Even part-time telecommuting reduces the individual cost for purchased energy.

One thing worth mentioning, is that it comes down to an individual decision as to how far one goes in using renewable energy, re-cycling, etc.

The argument that 100% is not achievable does not get in my way. We continue to what is possible now, knowing that many small efforts make a difference.
I think telecommuting mainly saves time and productivity, which is the idea.

When I work from home, my work office is still open, heated and cooled. No savings. At home, I have to adjust the heat or air since otherwise no one would be home and it is down or off. Net cost and energy use higher. Gas is a saving. Not sure how that nets out.
I’m not sure about that, and remember a couple of guys from work that looked like they got through the workday without exerting one iota of effort or energy at all. Always wondered about that ..:)

Rather than exhibit kinetic energy, those guys probably were full of potential energy, but had not used any of it that day.:LOL:
And here's some math, and context/perspective for you:


A very good Web page about energy storage by Tom Murphy, university professor at UCSD.

I talked earlier about what scale of pumped hydro storage we would need: the Great Lakes. And indeed the need for something that huge would come to the mind of anyone who tries to gauge the scale of the problem. Here's what Tom Murphy wrote:

... While we’re having “fun,” let’s see what we could get out of the Great Lakes. The upper four lakes are all at essentially the same elevation (6 meter drop from Superior to Erie), while there is a 99 m drop between Erie and Ontario. We call this Niagra Falls, although only half the drop is developed across the falls proper.

If we drained one meter from every upper lake, we would get 54 billion kWh of energy: about a sixth of the target capacity. If performed over seven days, the flow would be 375,000 cubic meters per second, or 125 times the normal flow over the falls. Now I’d pay to see that! But I would first want to visit every town along the St. Lawrence River one last time.

If we tried to trap the water in Lake Ontario so-as to spare those downstream of the wrath, its level would rise 12 meters (39 feet). Watch out Toronto & Rochester!
I think telecommuting mainly saves time and productivity, which is the idea.

When I work from home, my work office is still open, heated and cooled. No savings. At home, I have to adjust the heat or air since otherwise no one would be home and it is down or off. Net cost and energy use higher. Gas is a saving. Not sure how that nets out.

My son-in-law, my niece and her husband all work from home. They do not even have a work office.

Their employers do not have to pay for their office space, and do not even reimburse them for any part of their utility bills.
Eventually, when we have depleted the earth resources and RE is all that we have, life will be quite different than it is now.

Population most likely decreases. People will abandon locations of extreme climate. Energy usage will be rationed day by day depending on availability. Homes will be a lot smaller, and packed closer together for walking, biking, and using mass transit.

What people like David MacKay and Tom Murphy try to point out is that it is not possible within the realm of science that we know to use RE to maintain the lifestyle that we currently enjoy.

Societies should better start thinking about reducing usage now.
I think telecommuting mainly saves time and productivity, which is the idea.

When I work from home, my work office is still open, heated and cooled. No savings. At home, I have to adjust the heat or air since otherwise no one would be home and it is down or off. Net cost and energy use higher. Gas is a saving. Not sure how that nets out.
I'm not interested in the business side of costs, just my own.

I do pocket an additional 1.5 to 2.0 hours of free time per day when I telecommute.

My drive costs about $5 toll and $20 car depreciation each day. If I bump the heat or A/C cause I'm there (avg $7.75 per day), it is a few dollars per day at most. So the net to me personally is about $20 per day.

As for energy use (the topic), keeping my vehicle off the road makes sense. When you multiply that by 10,000 fewer commuters on a Friday, it really frees up the roadways in the Delaware Valley. I don't know the actual numbers, but it is noticeable on a Friday. Many companies have a flex schedule that leads to a day off every other week, or allow telecommuting as you need it.
A Tesla solar/powerwall user (CO I think) tweeted this as they hit 100 kWh at a point during the day and were looking forward to the spring/summer season of more sunlight.

The Tesla phone app has some cool displays to shows the interaction of:
Solar to Powerwall or Grid
Home from Powerwall, Grid, or Solar

Obviously, I added anything you see that is purple to the graphic.


A Tesla solar/powerwall user (CO I think) tweeted this as they hit 100 kWh at a point during the day and were looking forward to the spring/summer season of more sunlight....

Again, totally lacking any meaningful context. Put in enough panels, and you're bound to get 100kWh at some point during the day. So what?

I'd say it is realism, not denial.

Got a link for the net-zero home? I'm sure it can be done, but the devil's in the details.

I guess I have no intelligence. My feeble mind thinks that it takes energy to move something with a non-zero mass, at least that's what Newton says, and I find it best to obey his laws. Tele-commute? I suppose you mean ride a bike (but you will eat more, and growing food takes energy), or solar panels charging an EV? If you aren't already including that in the $20,000 of the net-zero home, that comes at a cost too. And those solar panels could feed the grid instead, so again, devil's in the details.

Show us the way.


Just got back to this -interesting to see perspectives on energy in general. People generally get discouraged when trying to retrofit the 20th century electric grid to where we need to go. It is as you mentioned a physics thing. The current grid is highly vulnerable (squirrels in transformers are a leading cause of outages), never mind weather or intentional attacks on it. Most of us on this board have some memory of the 1970's and the gasoline lines. I'd like to keep my lights on at a minimum and some ability to move in a car.

I understand your skepticism since 90% of the claims I've read usually fail in terms of economics or engineering. Here are a few items just as food for thought for readers of where we are now or are going:

My bad on the post - I had meant to say "net zero energy", not "zero energy" which means electrification of course. There are lots of luxury options like $50K Tesla hooked to power wall battery, but if you're serious about financial breakeven, the current cost structure demands a used electric car like a $12K Nissan Leaf or $16K Toyota Prius. For me, I'd be willing to pay a few thousand more for the ability to keep moving if a major supply disruption occurs, so for us that would mean spreading bets-one gas powered, one electric, just in case.

99% of all vehicle trips are less than 100 miles, according to the federal highway administration.

Since I know many people who live in these homes already I was a bit surprised at the skepticism on this board. A friend built a home in chilly Vermont that uses solar for both heat and light. The heat is done by using solar hot water to heat thermal mass in the basement. They never have cold floors to walk on. They have lived in the house for 5+years, so apparently it works. Another associate lives in a much more elaborate net zero home but I'd call that a "green bling" home ($400K or so to build) which is more of a fashion statement vs. economic, but even that was only 20% higher than local construction of a regular stick built home where we are. That said, they keep warm and the lights on when the rest of town is in blackout mode. That's worth something, and no electric or heating oil bills to pay.

Here's a general article from CNBC:

De Young properties, the actual builder featured in the article currently has the following models available. 3532 sq ft, 6br, 4.5 baths big enough for you? Apparently $450K-550K for that model, for those of us trying to downsize there's a 1764 sq ft model for the mid 300Ks. Those are California prices and pretty competitive from what I've seen out there for new development.

The major roadblocks to progress are systemic. Centralized power is vulnerable to outages, distributed networks are much more robust. Some more food for thought for those truly interested in a better system:

1. look at DC vs AC appliances - inverters are a weak point and a waster of a small amount of energy. This takes work to do but is useful if you intend to generate solar power-you could eliminate inverters which need replacement every 5-10 years.

2. Storage is still an issue-lead acid batteries are cheap and 100 years old, so no one is advocating them for home use. They need maintenance (water in the cells) so that will eliminate many from trying this. The best options now are still lithium ion with fancy monitoring so people don't burn their homes down.

3. Solar hot water has been a profitable payback for decades. If you're going to do one thing, this is it.

4. Geothermal (i.e. swamp cooler) heat pumps are the next most profitable. You get heat and air conditioning benefits until you hit extreme weather (below zero and above 90), then you need a backup.

To use a real world example, when we moved into our current home in 2005, we cut the electricity bill by 30% by retrofitting lighting, insulation, and harnessing the passive solar potential of the home. It is a passive solar design and we get the inside up to 78 degrees on cold sunny February days just by having a home designed to maximize solar gain. We installed a pool and the pump runs a lot in the summer so we're not suffering by any means.

If we stay in our current home we would retrofit a couple geothermal units. They would supply 80% of our heat and all of our air conditioning, but I'd still want a backup of some sort. We have a wood stove for atmosphere not heating, but would rather replace that with one or two two propane gas fireplaces as a the fanciest way to back up the heat and add another creature comfort. The fireplaces would be about $2000-2500 each.

We have gotten estimates for solar electric systems but have 2 roadblocks currently. One is the electric box will need to be switched out (about $2K expense) and the other is we'd need to use ground mounted systems for another $5-6K additional expense) due to snow loads. And the garage is shaded so the solar vehicle would need ground mounts for 50% of the panels to do it cheapest. That said, over the last 10 years the cost for installing these systems have plummeted from $35K to about $24K before any tax credits etc. So it's getting there even in our case.

Of course the older we get the better the sunbelt looks, so we are looking to move south of here, and long term investment in this house seems not the best option at this point for us.

For those still reading this long boring post (hee hee):
For additional homework, keep an eye on something called software defined electricity (SDE). It is an emerging technology that has the potential to make the flow of electricity digital versus the current analog system. If fully implemented tomorrow, it could reduce the nations electric load by 1/3 as well as radically extend the life of many electrical items. It removes all the analog noise from electric waves in real time and optimizes them. Think of the noise as heat/energy loss and reduced lifespan of electric components.

Note, this is very early technology but my electrical engineer friends say it is not pixie dust and magic, it is possible. It will need decades to roll this out if it is scalable. First uses would be places like large computer server farms for a quick payback. One company leading the charge is 3dfs:

Hope this helps explain my optimism. The old folks when I was a kid were skeptical about cars, telephones and electricity. I guess it's part of the life stages we are at? I still like to think I'm about 20 in spite of what the mirror tells me :LOL:
My son-in-law, my niece and her husband all work from home. They do not even have a work office.

Their employers do not have to pay for their office space, and do not even reimburse them for any part of their utility bills.
That is fine, but it is a different point than the one I was responding to.

Having said that, do you really think people working at home are using less energy than people in offices? How so?
I'm not interested in the business side of costs, just my own.

I do pocket an additional 1.5 to 2.0 hours of free time per day when I telecommute.

My drive costs about $5 toll and $20 car depreciation each day. If I bump the heat or A/C cause I'm there (avg $7.75 per day), it is a few dollars per day at most. So the net to me personally is about $20 per day.

As for energy use (the topic), keeping my vehicle off the road makes sense. When you multiply that by 10,000 fewer commuters on a Friday, it really frees up the roadways in the Delaware Valley. I don't know the actual numbers, but it is noticeable on a Friday. Many companies have a flex schedule that leads to a day off every other week, or allow telecommuting as you need it.
I made the same point. You have to consider total energy savings: home, office and commute. Telecommuters are saving time and productivity. They are no saving the planet AFAIK.
.... I understand your skepticism since 90% of the claims I've read usually fail in terms of economics or engineering. Here are a few items just as food for thought for readers of where we are now or are going:

My bad on the post - I had meant to say "net zero energy", not "zero energy" which means electrification of course. ...

This still makes no sense, which is making it harder for me to want to put forth any effort to take you seriously. In what (Newtonian) world would an 'electrified' commute use "net zero energy"?

Do you mean "net zero energy from the grid"? If so, you should say that, so we can follow along w/o trying to translate. Even so, that's a twisted phrase that has no big-picture meaning. I'll go out on a limb and assume you mean an 'electrified net zero energy from the grid' means powering an EV from a solar panel? Well, the big-picture shell game there is that if you didn't drive an EV, those solar panels would be putting their energy back into the grid, offsetting some fossil fuel plant output. Now if you re-direct it to your commute, that fossil power plant has to kick back on to replace the solar power you were giving it. You see, that 'electrified commute' runs mostly on fossil fuel.

And if you are going to make a post that mocks our intelligence (against forum rules BTW), you really ought to make sure your post doesn't have errors in it like that. Bad form. Very bad form.

I may take a link at your 'Homes' section later, but the above has reduced my expectations that it would be a worthwhile use of my time...

1. look at DC vs AC appliances - inverters are a weak point and a waster of a small amount of energy. This takes work to do but is useful if you intend to generate solar power-you could eliminate inverters which need replacement every 5-10 years. ...

Another example that you really don't know what you are talking about.

DC appliances would not eliminate the need for the electronics which would be equivalent to an inverter. True, no DC-AC conversion is required, but that doesn't change things overall. I suggest you read up on MPPT (Max Power Point Tracking) algorithms for solar panels, which are required to maximize the power output of solar. The short version is that MPPT varies the load on a solar panel, while tracking the power output, and adjust the load until it's just right. Too much load and the voltage drops too far, too light a load and the current drops too far. Power is Volts x Amps. The electronics to do that is pretty much the same as an inverter. And, it relies pretty heavily on a grid to adjust its output power dynamically - now what if everyone did that?

Yes, you would eliminate the AC-DC conversion is some appliances, but most large loads are motors, which do just fine on AC. And you would need to do DC-DC conversion on other devices anyhow, to match voltages (computers run on low voltages internally), so probably little to no gain anyhow.

Oh, and I'll let you read up on the issues with DC switches - NW-Bound has posted some good videos on that.

3. Solar hot water has been a profitable payback for decades. If you're going to do one thing, this is it. ...

Fine, yet I pay only ~ $20/month for the natural gas to heat my water. So @ $240/year, the payback on solar water heating might not be too bad, but I live in N IL, so I need a more complex system that can handle freezing temperatures. And unless it is big enough to provide all my hot water during a week of overcast, cold weather, I still need a water heater.

So if that's the "one thing" I should do, it isn't making a strong case for how great/easy this is.

.... Hope this helps explain my optimism. ...

Yes, it does. Like most people who say this large scale RE is easy, well, it does seem easy if you don't actually understand the problems, and just hand-wave every obstacle.

.... The old folks when I was a kid were skeptical about cars, telephones and electricity. I guess it's part of the life stages we are at? I still like to think I'm about 20 in spite of what the mirror tells me :LOL:

No, that's another false-logic statement the fans make. "Some people" being skeptical of an emerging technology that became successful does not equate with all skepticism being wrong. And it certainly doesn't mean that skepticism by some indicates that technology will be a success. But does it make you feel better?

That's enough for now.

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