Cleaning Tip Request


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 19, 2016
OK, post-FIRE, I'm slowly working my way through thoroughly cleaning the house. (and, no, I don't hate it when I can set my own pace. Cleaning house gives a substantial feeling of achievement and belonging.)

But one task I neglected during my working years was dusting. Everywhere I look now, I see surfaces that have had dust which has now turned in some cases to dirt. I know that if I use water at this point, I'll get dirty streaks.

Can anyone recommend a good dust cleaning spray? One that is environmentally friendly? I know some have too many chemicals, and it's also good to avoid silicone. Of course, if such doesn't exist, I'm telling myself that this is a one-time thing, that I'll keep up in the future with regular light dustings :angel:
If you vacuum those surfaces first perhaps a subsequent damp cloth won't produce streaks.
Agree with vacuuming first.
Then try baking soda and water, or this recipe:
all purpose cleaner: 2 cups white distilled vinegar, 2 cups water, few drops essential oils if you want fragrance
+2 vaccum the dust with the attachment with the soft brush on the end, then spray with water or water with a little white vinegar.
swiffer cloths (whether or not you get the swiffer duster.) Those cloths will grab a good thick layer of dust.
swiffer cloths (whether or not you get the swiffer duster.) Those cloths will grab a good thick layer of dust.

Plus 1. The heavy-duty Swiffer dust thingies with the extendable handle (packaged together) do everything—blinds, light fixtures, molding.
Thanks for the tips! And, yes, there is gratification, mild though it may be, in uniting oneself with one's surroundings through housework (mild though *that* may be.) The thought of maintaining one's own car repels me, yet many get gratification from that. Creating a calm and orderly house that works for one's goals - that is an achievement. Of course there are many other things to do, so moderation in all.

The ancestresses gather around and nod approvingly. Remember, "housewife" was an honorific in medieval England and Scandinavia, the counterpart of "husband," the partner who tilled the soil. Together they made a household. Now, drop the gender roles and the backbreaking labor, and a bit of dusting brings me into the circle!
Agree, vacuum first. Then I just use water with one of those microfiber towels. I really like those towels for cleaning all types of things. I got a big bag of them from Sams club a long time ago and they’re still going strong.
Come over to my house and we'll let you be completely fulfilled. We've got over 4000 square feet of hardwood flooring, and much of it must be vacuumed every other day and mopped once a week. It doesn't help having a 134 pound Rottweiler in the house.

I don't know what we'd do without our Shark rechargeable vacuum cleaner.
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